Strategic icon range is based on screen resolution in our internal build, but this change wasn't in the current PTE build. The current PTE build does fix the issue of planet size changing the strat icon range. Internally the strategic icon range is roughly based on when the Dox is < 32 pixels on screen, with a slider in the options to adjust the distance closer or further away. It's the range is actually set to when a theoretical 4 meter wide sphere is 32 pixels at the center of that view. This also means icons show much closer in pips (because they're smaller, thus lower resolution). I thought about having it adjustable per camera, but we don't have a good way of letting users set that yet.
I am not sure I can actually follow. What range do you mean? I was thinking of the see through issue that icons had when I first tried around with this kind of thing:
Actually, I just had this problem (or a very similar one) re-surface in the latest PTE, which is odd since I've never had it happen in the main view before (unless using the developer / free camera). It only seems to happen to units, metal points and structures closer to the horizon. Here are some screencaps:
Huh, right now they both seem to use the exact same range (as in, if I copy a view into the pip, strat icons will be visible in the PiP iff they were visible in the main view).
That's a different bug, and one that's always existed in some form. Strategic icons aren't clipped by line of sight to the unit but rather occluded by an invisible sphere the same radius as the planet. However the planet isn't a sphere, it has dips and valleys and mountain peaks / rocks on top of that. In the current public build the icons are just using a dot product of position on surface and the camera direction, roughly if the top of the unit is facing away from you don't show the icon, which means units in the air or in orbit don't get icons once they've past that. The selection code used the same math so units you could see you sometimes couldn't select. Now all units test to see if they can be seen in front of that imaginary sphere, so units in orbit or in the air still show as icons even when they're facing away. We still need to get icon sorting in, and we probably need to have some kind of fading on icons to help let you know they're facing away from you, and it means you may see units over the horizon more than you did before, but I think it's an improvement over what was there. I should probably expand the occlusion sphere to be the max size of the planet instead of the average though ... that might have slightly better behavior. They don't get occluded by being inside the sphere, only behind it, so it can be bigger than the planet without causing issues for ground units.
Yes, because the internal build has this fix in, not the PTE build you have access to. That one just fixes the icon range being planet radius dependant.
If you're running in windowed mode you can just resize the window, but it's easier to to that with software like AutoHotKey which can remove window border and set own geometry. Game will also automatically open on one monitor at once if you use Nvidia/AMD options for dual monitors setup, not sure how those called on Windows.
So, um... about PA and GSYNC... It has been few years since this discussion. GSYNC and FreeSync monitors are a hot item among gamers, no longer a niche. Uber was obviously wrong about variable sync not being important. GSYNC now works in full screen AND windowed modes. So what is the excuse for not having variable refresh support in PA Titans? It was released in August 2015 when GSYNC was already picking up steam and interest in variable sync tech was clearly growing. Only a blind person would not see in the middle of 2015 that variable sync is becoming important.
It looks like it's disabled. The option in the Nvidia control panel is not even available. This is the first time I see GSYNC not working in a game. FPS oscillates either around 60FPS or 120FPS suggesting there is hardcoded VSYNC/FPS capping setting in PA. Disabling VSYNC in the Nvidia control panel makes no difference. To be honest, this type of game does not gain a lot from GSYNC but one would hope for a smoother gameplay when the game gets busy and FPS keeps jumping between 60 and120.
Even 5+ yo games that were made before GSYNC was invented run fine with GSYNC. Skyrim, Portal, Borderlands, etc. were all made before GSYNC and they work fine. Implementing GSYNC support does not require anything special. However, disabling GSYNC support actually requires some effort. It looks to me that Uber or Nvidia disabled GSYNC support in PA on purpose for reasons we're not being told.
Probably for some good technical reason. PA is an oddball in many ways: - it was made to be multi OS based on OpenGL. - it uses CoherentUI - it has no true fullscreen mode, but rather a windowed fullscreen system. One of those things might not work very well with GSYNC.