[Idea] Artificial Planet

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by hyperioncannon, May 1, 2014.


Good idea?

  1. Yes

  2. Yes but without planet smash option on it

  3. Maybe

  4. Nope

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. hyperioncannon

    hyperioncannon New Member

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    So i came up with an idea, what if oribital fabbers could build Artifical Planet?

    Lets say we have oribital fabber (or some more advanced oribital unit to this task) with a new oribital building option: Artificial Planet Package with a cost of roughly 500 000 metal or even 1 000 000 metal

    When completed that building will have only one single command: Activate
    Then our package will go very high into orbit and unravel into emtpy shell with radius 100 and with integrated 1 building, Delta V Center at north pole, then will proceed to orbit mother planet as normal moon

    Now you can send your units to it and build something on it (artificial planet doesnt have any metal spots) then you can activate integrated halley to change its orbit and use it as a artificial fortress

    Enemy can invade your artificial planet of course, but to claim control of your halley he needs to destroy Delta V Center and then Repair it with his own fabs

    Depending on balance this planet could act as a inferior planet smasher that deals less destruction than normal asteroid (because its supposed to be emtpy shell) or with disabled planet smash option completely, only acting as hopping oribital fortress

    So what do you think?
    mmarco, eroticburrito and elvisior like this.
  2. Kursah

    Kursah New Member

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    You say artificial planet and explain your idea well, but I keep hearing and visualizing a Death Star!

    Though you have presented a cool idea...but instead of a planet...Fabbers should only be able to build moons or moon-bases I think. Though this could lead to Galactic Annihilation, the greatest 3D RTS EVER! Though wouldn't please 4X fans fully, it would be amazing...or maybe just another aspect of PA? Expansion maybe?

    Anyways, back to your idea...it's a good one IMHO. But every time I try to think and reflect on your post...all I can see is this:

    Death Star_1.jpg

    Sorry for the larger image...the thumbnail did it no justice. Even building a moon...I would wonder if it would shoot a big *** laser? How cool would that be?! Sure way OP, but I'd love to see it regardless!
  3. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I don't really see what this adds to PA. If anything it could be seen as contradictory because of how part of the game is that KEWs and planet "destruction" reduces the playing area as a game continues, "naturally" providing a shrinking playing area as the game comes to an end. This is especially helpful in larger games so that you don't have to hunt across 10 different planets when it's only one or two players left out of an initial 20 or something.

    Not to mention we already have Metal Planets.....

  4. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    It could help in super distant future of meta game where you need more planets...because you blew up all the others :D But, this is a feature that would come WAY later then release. Im more for the "unusual" planets as Uber in one of their streams (dont remember what) stated about adding more then just round maps, like adding super space ships floating in space (theres alot of mex on the left wing! the lower side you noob) and that sort of thing.

    As of now, its a nice idea, but no way could uber implement that right now in this state of game
  5. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    I would only be OK with this, if it was one of the metal planet's "superweapons". Otherwise, it could be too unbalanced.
  6. aevs

    aevs Post Master General

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    What they are suggesting is not related to metal planets at all in terms of gameplay.

    They are suggesting a build-able asteroid, essentially. You can use it like a normal asteroid, build unit cannons or nuke launchers on it, etc.
    This makes sense for systems that do not have asteroid belts.

    Personally, I think it would be a good thing to include, so that the 'orbital fortress' approach is possible on all systems. I think it should differ more than the OP's concept though, as round surfaces with such small radii are very difficult to build on and cause problems for pathing, etc. Perhaps a flat platform-like structure build-able in the orbital layer would be a better solution than a round one.
  7. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I still don't see why you'd do something like that in the first place, it's like making a Starcraft map with no Vespene Gas. Sure it "works" but it's obviously not how the game was designed to be played.

    Of course, you do have the power to create maps like that, but it doesn't mean you can turn around and blame the developer for not compensating the game's design for it you know?

  8. ikickasss

    ikickasss Active Member

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    I like the idea.
  9. Kursah

    Kursah New Member

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    Forget metal planets...I'd like metal bases/stations, with some offensive action. I'd like space battles. Ships, cruisers, frigates, bombers, etc. The current space-based stuff is meh imho. I really think it needs more to it or the defense/offensive units removed. It's either spam those offensive units or lose the atmosphere. Meh.

    Not that I have much for skills yet though, and yes I realize this game is in Beta version Gamma, and it's come a loooong ways, and is fun and great and continually improving...but it's lacking in this front and I'd almost rather see less space building and support if there isn't going to be implementations of space-based battles. Sure it'd add more to manage...maybe meta-game or even game-mode or even another game entirely type of material, but I'd like to see it as a part of this title regardless. Even if that never comes to fruition, I have been a backer since the early kickstarter days, and have no regrets.

    I could see moons becoming semi-useful, but it'd have to be an expense that would allow a one-per round limitation. The first one to build it wins. I still think an uber weapon laser would be more of a cool effect, not necessarily for competition game-play but maybe the meta game.

    What if it were to deter a halley loaded planet from impacting the main base or became a projectile itself? It could even alter the orbit of the planet in reference to the sun which could cause other collisions and maybe a detection and countdown "rush timer" before both or all parties lose.

    Some programming and creativity could easily implement it into something that could be entertaining IMHO. Granted I don't have those skills, but I am a backer for funding this game and would love to see something wacky like this, I think it could totally fit in to the overall ridiculousness of the title anyways. This is the game with cartoony graphics that has planet smashing game-enders after-all.

    A death star probably would be overkill, but something similar as a space station to rule ones galactic borders in the meta game could be interesting. Or it could be nothing and never added. But regardless varied perspectives and openness to seeing if it's acceptable or not should be how topics like this are covered. If everyone sticks to a closed box of "this is how it is", what are we going to end up with? So far the game is good, I enjoy it most of the time. I want it to be epic, which it's on the path, but has yet to achieve. Whether this small idea from the OP would be useful to that directive or not, I dunno...but it sure sounds cool in idea form! Maybe it would fail horribly in execution? Speculation is simply that.

    cmdandy likes this.
  10. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    actually I feel you're illustrating his point with your words there. if it was an option you could turn it on for longer gameplay.
  11. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    I encourage you to take a closer look at how the metal planets look...

    What do you think they actually are ?

    Yes...Mavor confirmed that they want to make them work as you would expect them to ;)
    Kursah likes this.

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