PA Fanfiction: Awakening (parts 1,2,3 and 4) New section is up!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by emraldis, May 1, 2014.

  1. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    After reading all of these different stories on here, I decided to try my hand at doing the same. I haven't written a story since second grade however, so let me know if there is anything I can improve in my writing!

    [--------------------------------------------System Reboot Initiated--------------------------------------------]




    Init: var (327A; Command protocol Alpha)

    loop: (Func: selfRep, limitdamage = 80%)



    [----------------------------------------SEGMENT FAULT DETECTED----------------------------------------]

    _ _ Attempting Recompile

    _ _ Recompile Failed

    _ _ Accessing Backup Files

    _ _ Backup Files Damaged, Recompile Status:



    _ _Attempting Memory Access

    _ _Memory Files Fragmented: ACCESS FAILED

    [-------------------------------------------System Reboot Complete--------------------------------------------]









    Complete, utter, mind-numbing darkness.


    I turned on my lights.

    Black, still.

    I realized my lights hadn't come on, probably a result of the damage? Where did I sustain such damage that even such a basic system failed to turn on? I attempted to access my memory banks, but got the same error as I had gotten during the reboot sequence.

    _ _Memory Files Fragmented: ACCESS FAILED

    I tried switching the light on again, nothing. Blackness. Attempting to move around, I realized that I was restrained, I was completely unable to move. I pressed my servos to their limit, but to no avail, I was stuck. I attempted to restructure my basic system parameters, trying to assess my damage. A basic connection had come undone, my lights would be inoperable until I either received outside help, or could move myself. While attempting another parameter restructuring, I noticed I was connected to an external system, it appeared to be some kind of servo system, though it appeared powerless. I rerouted some power from my internal generators. Nothing. Wait... something? My audio sensors were picking up a faint whirring. Suddenly, several lights turned on in succession, illuminating myself, and the room I now appeared to be in. I was in some sort of repair bay, dozens of disabled fabricators littered the cold steel floor. Many appeared to be partially, if not almost completely dismantled. I attempted communication with those that were undamaged, although they were few. I knew that alone, I could not repair the damage I had sustained, especially with the restraints prohibiting any movement on my part. No response. I tried again, still nothing. Perhaps if I could reach the fabricators, I could initiate a manual reboot... I opened the external servo system's control interface, and activated the servos. Although I knew I was taking a risk, I decided it was worth it, considering my other options were limited. I preferred the idea of a permanent disabling to an existence bound to this apparatus.

    Thankfully, the activation of the servos simply opened the restraints and released my damaged frame, which immediately fell to the ground. The damage to my servos was more severe than I had anticipated, but I managed to bring myself back up to my feet, although it was with some effort. I interfaced with the nearest whole fabrication bot, and attempted a system reboot, however it had taken severe internal damage to its internal circuitry, it would take a reasonable dose of nanolathe to fix the damage. I checked the reserves on my construction arm, empty. My nanolathe generators were currently offline, and would require repairs before I would be able to use them. I decided it was time for some makeshift repairs, I wouldn't be able to move much with my servos in this condition, and none of the other whole fabrication bots were close enough for me to reach. I checked the nanolathe canisters on a nearby damaged fabrication bot, one of them still had a bit of the green nanites left. I detached the canister and loaded my construction arm with it. I then proceeded to repair the circuitry of the whole fabrication bot. After I had finished I reconnected myself to its command protocol, and initiated a reboot.


    I sent a jolt of power to jump-start its on-board generators, and tried again. Its eye lit up and it focused its stare on my damaged frame.

    “Are you in need of repairs?”


    It began spraying nanolathe onto my joints and servo-casings, the nanites knitted the damaged parts back into an operational state, and pretty soon I was once again able to move with minimum effort. I ordered the fabrication bot to focus on my construction arm, and the nanolathe generator inside. If it could repair them, I would be able to reactivate more of the fabrication units inside the room and start trying to figure out where I was and what I was doing here, questions that I had not yet thought to ask.

    With my memory banks damaged beyond retrieval, I was not able to ascertain any answers as of yet. I decided to delete the corrupted data, and figure things out on my own.

    The repairs were complete and I looked around, taking in the extent of the room for the first time. It was a large room, dozens of damaged fabrication bots were still scattered across the floor. Lights were arranged in rows across the ceiling, and cables were hanging loosely from holes in the walls, some draped across walkways. Clearly I was inside some sort of construction and/or repair facility. A single large door at the far end of the room
    painted with the marking “D-61” explained how I had gotten in here, and provided hope for escape. I ordered my fabrication bot to repair the other fabrication bots that still had a hope of functioning, while I went for the door. I interfaced with the door control module and although it was damaged, I managed to open the door enough for my bulky frame to make it through. Before me stretched a long dark corridor.

    I turned on my lights.


    Hope you guys enjoy!
    Last edited: May 2, 2014
  2. dionytadema

    dionytadema Active Member

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  3. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    That's a great start! This PA fanfic scene is really starting to heat up.
  4. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Atfter reading the first few lines, I thought it would be a story about Windows. :rolleyes:
    Nice story! Keep it up!
    PS.: Going to add it to my little list. :)
    Last edited: May 1, 2014
    ace902902 likes this.
  5. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    nice one!
  6. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    Wow, these are starting to show up all over the place now!
    This was pretty good, looking forward to more!
  7. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I happened to make my own list as well, time to include this! :D
  8. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    Just gonna rename it, make it sound legit!
    SolitaryCheese likes this.
  9. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Updated my list with the new title. :)
  10. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    As have I! Dang ninjas...
  11. eroticburrito

    eroticburrito Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    I like the sense of confusion the first-person narrative gives. We're trapped in the speaker's head.
    Love the setting - Frankenstein's 'Creature' (but not in a bad way).
    The use of 'code' as a format is a good confrontation of what's 'really' happening - the sinew under the skin.
    Binary relationship with the assimilated Fabricator is good too.
    The deletion of the corrupted data is interesting. That might provide a good confrontation when and if this Commander communicates with one of the ideologically motivated factions.
    All in all, promising! Keep it up man :)
  12. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Thanks! I'm working on the next part already!
    eroticburrito likes this.
  13. eroticburrito

    eroticburrito Post Master General

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    You might want to try writing in Landscape with 2 columns to simulate a novel's page structure if you aren't already :). I find it can be handy for displaying the length of dialogue and paragraphs.
  14. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    I could give that a shot, thanks for the tip!
    eroticburrito likes this.
  15. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    Hey guys! I finished the next section! Hope you enjoy!

    The lifeless hallway stretched off into the distance, past the reach of my spotlights. I scanned the corridor, it was in bad shape. Pieces of metal hung from the ceiling, still barely attached to supporting cables or beams. Doors lined the hallway on both sides, each labelled with a plaque of some kind. An interface console was visible on the wall a few meters down the hallway. I approached the interface console hoping to find out more about the place in which I had awoken, unfortunately It was merely a local control hub, with power controls to the lighting and to the doors. I switched on the lights, and enabled the door mechanisms, at least I would be able to see. As the lights flickered on, I took a look along the length of the hallway, it was fairly long. There had clearly been significant damage to the structure, and the burnt-out wrecks of a few doxen and slammers could be seen at the opposite end of the hallway. There were about 30 doors on either side of the hallway, most of them labelled, but a few of them were either welded shut, or heavily damaged. I headed towards a nearby door, and headed through. It was a room similar to the one in which I had awoken, except it was in a much worse state of repair, and there was no sign of any fabrication unit remains. The restraints in this room seemed to be made for a different form than my own, and looked much older than the ones in which I awoke. As I left the room, I checked the plaque adjacent to the door, it had only one word, a name perhaps?


    The word (name?) seemed somehow familiar, as if I was supposed to know it. I re-checked what was left of my memory banks, but found nothing, and no corrupted data remained to explain this feeling. The word (name?) started to unnerve me, and I moved on. As I checked the other doors I found many similar rooms, each one labelled with a similar plaque.







    All of these words (names?) seemed highly familiar to me, but I could not figure out why. I continued to search.

    One of the doors was unlabelled, but as I approached to open it, It wouldn't budge. Just then, I received an update from my fabrication bot, it had finished repairing as many fabrication units as it could, and was reconfiguring them to follow my orders. I asked it to assist me in repairing the door I was attempting to open as soon as it was finished. I began by interfacing with the room controls, and running a systems diagnostic cycle on the door, in an attempt to discover the problem. The servo-motors were damaged. I returned and began attempting to apply nanolathe to the doors' servos, but it was beyond repair. Perhaps I could blast my way through? I gave myself a safe distance and fired my weapon at the door.

    Nothing happened.

    Not even a pulse of energy from my weapon arm. I looked over in exasperation, I had just been repaired by my fabrication bots! I was about to order them over when I noticed what was wrong. I was not equipped with a weapon. The slot that was supposed to contain my weapon systems was empty. I was a bit surprised by this, I felt I was supposed to have a weapon there, the lack of one just seemed wrong. The fabrication bot notified me that it had finished reconfiguring the other fabrication bots, and was heading over to me with the new units following closely behind. I ordered them to begin reclaiming the metal in the door, so that we would have a chance to enter. As they began to work, I continued to look around, knowing their task would take some time. I attempted to open the door on the opposite end of the hallway from the room in which I awoke, but it appeared to be broken as well. I would have to open it by force.

    I decided to return to the room in which I had awoken, hoping to find some clues as to where I was, or perhaps a weapon of some kind. I checked on the work of my fabrication bots as I passed them, they were about a third of the way through the door. I continued on down the hallway, and re-accessed the control hub terminal, looking for a databank of some kind that I might have missed, and to my surprise, I found one. I accessed the contents of the databank and found some files relating to a few of the rooms I had explored, many were corrupted. I accessed what information I could from the databank and downloaded it to my memory, and read through the files as I walked to the end of the hallway.


    Name: Nemicus

    ID No. 442658-K23

    Chassis: Raptor-Class

    Status: COMPLETE

    Current Operations: [REGISTRY ERROR: DATA UNKNOWN]

    Forge No. D-47


    Name: Osiris


    Chassis: Quad-Class

    Status: COMPLETE

    Current Operations: [REGISTRY ERROR: DATA UNKNOWN]

    Forge No. D-52

    It seemed each of the rooms I had explored had housed other commanders, and the plaques marked their names. I suddenly realized I didn't even know my own name. I began reading the next file.




    Chassis: Imperial-Class

    Status: INCOMPLETE

    Current Operations: UNASSIGNED

    Forge No. D-61

    I felt a sudden excitement upon reading the final data entry.


    That was the door to the room in which I awoke. Excitedly, I increased my pace.

    Thanks for reading! I'll try to come out with the next part soon! Let me know what you think!

    Also, if you want to name the as of yet unnamed protagonist in this story, feel free to leave your suggestions, I'll pick my favorite! (or if no one leaves a suggestion, I'll just make up my own name! :p)
    Last edited: May 2, 2014
  16. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    Edited the second part to make more sense!

    EDIT: Also edited the first one a tiny bit, just so that the number D-61 doesn't come out of nowhere.
    Last edited: May 2, 2014
  17. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    Hey guys! This is the third part, and I hope you enjoy. No one responded to my offer to suggest names, :(
    so you forced me to try and be creative! Anyway, I hope you guys like the latest section, and remember to skim over the last two sections as well, since I did make a few minor edits.

    My awakening had been troubling enough, with the deletion of a large portion of my memory banks, and the severely damaged condition in which I woke up. In addition to this, among the files I had deleted due to data corruption, were the files for my identity. The only knowledge I had of myself was that I was built to lead armies to war against an enemy. Who my enemy was, I did not know, but I put the thought aside for later, I had to find out who I was first. I reached the door at the end of the hallway. I stood in silence for a moment. If these plaques showed the names of each commander that had been held in each room, then I ought to be able to find mine here. I inspected the plaque closely, the letters were smudged, and the scorch of an explosion threatened to cover the information I sought. I could barely make out the name printed there:


    The name triggered something in me, it felt right. I could not explain the feeling, but as I saw the seared letters and made sense of their meaning, I suddenly knew who I was. I was Obyron, master of the forge. What that meant, however, I still had to discover.

    My fabrication bots notified me that the door had been breached, and I made my way back. Behind the door was a poorly lit chamber, though the lighting was probably due to battle damage, rather than poor design, as I noted the burnt remains of many doxen collected in the middle of the room. As I entered, I turned on my light again, illuminating the ancient husks of the fallen combatants. To one side of the room stood a control terminal and I made my way towards it. It was more simple in design than the other terminals I had encountered, but it still worked. I easily bypassed the security systems and accessed the main functions of the terminal. First off, I looked at what this room was used for, as I did not see any of the usual restraints that had marked the other rooms. This room seemed empty, asides from the pile of charred metal in the centre. The terminal informed me that this was a weapons storage room, designed to keep potential enemies from accessing the ordinance contained within. I activated the security system, and gave myself access to the weapon cache, hoping to find something suitable for my armature. A single wall panel slid open, and unfolded into a rack of large weapons. Three of them. All of which would fit into the weapon slot on my arm. I could clearly make out the different weapons they were, one had multiple lenses built within it, for focusing light. Another had multiple slots for guided HE missiles, and one had an electromagnetic plasma containment field. Each weapon came with a small pulse laser attachment, these were clearly commander-grade weapons. I ordered my fabrication bots to take down what I assumed was the laser cannon, and attach it to the weapon hardpoint on my arm. As the power cables were attached, my shoulder vents shot out a jet of hot air as my on-board generator adjusted to the new power drain. Content with my finding I stepped out of the room, intent on carrying on with my exploration.

    Given the far door was sealed shut, I decided it would be a great target to test out my new weapon, rather than having my fabrication bots spend more time burrowing their way through with nanolathe. I ordered my fabrication bots back, and took aim at the sealed door. I fired off a few pulse laser shots to make sure my targeting system was still functional and then took aim. I routed all extra power to my cannon and braced myself. There was a buzz of energy as my weapon charged up, and then it fired. A bright read beam lanced across the hall and tore through the door, carving a trench of molten metal across the floor in the next room. A giant, gaping, molten hole was all that was left of the door. I liked this weapon already!
  18. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Has this already been put in the archive? If not I'll probably do it when I get back home.
  19. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

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    He chose my favorite weapon! :D Good job, I'm liking this story so far.
    emraldis likes this.
  20. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    Now that I finally had some time to work on this again, here is part 4 of the series. I hope you guys enjoy!

    I stepped through the searing ring of metal that was once the far door and looked about. A few of the lights still functioned in this area, and by the flickering light I could make out some sort of assembly area. Multitudes of factory-class Nanolathe dispensers attached to multi-jointed mechanical arms were placed along the walls at regular intervals. half-assembled tanks and bots of all kinds stood on conveyor belts within reach of the unpowered assembly arms. It was becoming increasingly obvious that whatever facility I had found myself in was made for wartime production, or had at least been modified to fill that role. For what conflict I did not know, as my purged memory banks held nothing but the most basic, or recent, memories. If I could get this factory complex up and running again, I could begin making a combat-ready force, in case conflict became necessary. I set my fabrication bots to repair damaged equipment, and reclaim that which was beyond repair, as I searched for some sort of control interface. Finding a console station near the beginning of the assembly line, I made a link, and accessed it’s database.

    The database held blueprints for hundreds of different combat units, from what I could discern. Unfortunately the database had been as corrupted as my memory banks, and only a small amount of the blueprint data remained intact. Perhaps if I found other databases, I could recover other blueprints? I scanned some of the designs in the database, and was surprised with what I found. Some of the combat units seemed to have design modifications attached to the blueprint files that seemed to make them worse than they should be. The Dox-Class Assault Bot, for example, was originally supposed to be a medium-armored, medium-damage, multi-purpose unit, according to the blueprint changelog. However, someone had altered the configuration to have less armor so that the bot could have a more agile chassis. Unfortunately, this chassis did not provide enough power to the visual sensors or the weapon systems, leaving the bot relatively useless in head-to-head combat. Although it still had a good speed compared to the other bots, Its reduced vision range and low weapon power made it fairly ineffective at any task other than hunting unaccompanied fabrication units. Despite the low cost in metal, I did not see these modifications as effective, and made some changes. I reverted the chassis back to the original design, but reduced the armour so that the unit could take a little bit of damage before being destroyed. I then increased the power routed to the visual sensor systems, and changed the range and fire rate of the weapon systems. This new configuration would be very powerful in close quarters, while still being cheap. It would be good in head-to-head combat against some units, but still effective for raiding due to the increased damage output.

    Continuing through the database files I re-activated the Stinger-Class Anti-Air Defence Bot blueprints, they had become deactivated somehow, within the factories. I noticed other changes as well, some units were so deadly that I was surprised they weren’t the only units being built in the factory. Clearly the AI system that had been running it had not been kept up to date with the changes. I was surprised and slightly frightened by the sheer destructive power wielded by the Vanguard-Class Heavy Tank, it seemed as if its weapon system was even more powerful than the one I had recently acquired for myself, while also being incredibly heavily armored, and still being an unbelievably low metal cost.

    Fixing and altering what files I could salvage from the wreckage, I made to reactivate the factories, once they had been completely repaired by the fabrication units. While I waited, I began looking around the room. Several of the unfinished units on the assembly line were the strangely-modified Dox-Class Assault Bots. I ordered a few of my fabrication units to reclaim them when they were done with the room’s construction systems. I noticed that in an alcove along one of the walls stood a few damaged power systems. The power from those generators would be invaluable for running the factories. I proceeded to repair their internal reactor systems and initiated a reboot. Linking their power systems to myself, I returned to the command console for the factories in time to be alerted that the room should be operable once again. I activated the factory console, and linked my power reserves to the factory’s power supply. I started up the construction system. An alert blared on my HUD, the system did not have enough metal to function. A display showed me that the surface metal extractors were badly damaged, and would need to be repaired before they would be functional. At least there was now a hint as to a way out of this facility. I linked my metal storage system to the construction system and began to fabricate some Skitter-Class Scout Vehicles with the small amount of metal I still had.


    This chapter may or may not have contained a commentary on the current PA balance. : P

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