With the current game mode I'm not much attracted to play PvP but more playing against the AI. Therefore a suggestion for a alternative game mode where one wouldn't have to build a base, spread out over the whole planet but instead starts just with a army and the one who is the better army general wins. In that game mode all base building abilities are abandoned. One could also think of conquering strategic points for reinforcement and also to influence army size before the game starts. My proposal isn't about abandon the general game mode with base building but having one alternative.
I heard somewhere that we will be able to take over replays and play from a point. So someone could set it up and play from there.
A CTF style game would be good in my opinion but instead of a base there's a planet which is the flag planet and whoever holds the planet at the end wins (people start on their own planets)
That could be really fun once orbit changes come back. "Capture the flag" could mean "Go steal their moon and bring it back"
Sounds like that expansion for TA everyone hated because it was less about base and economy and just units; they felt it made the game more simple.. but -eh, it was fun!
Or we could use the debug editor, it'd make it a bit easier since you could easily set units up in certain places! (As well as brushes/stuff I'd imagine?)