PTE Stream: 64758-balance

Discussion in 'Support!' started by garat, April 23, 2014.

  1. squawkers13

    squawkers13 Member

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    I've seen this happen in many games on the stable branch.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  2. JWest

    JWest Active Member

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    Not sure if this is a bug or if they're doing server stuff right now, but I can't get a game started. The planets seem to be stuck "generating" (the loading logo thing just keeps spinning... you know what I mean). Basically the start game button is greyed out and I can't do anything. I've tried several times, restarted the game a few times, checked my internet connection, etc. Anyone else having issues right now? It's 6:35 pacific time, I've been trying for about 15 minutes now.

    EDIT: Well it's working now... nevermind I guess?
  3. dantman

    dantman New Member

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    Can something be done about the OS support? The experimental builds are only available to the launcher and the launcher is Windows-only so only Windows users can use the experimental builds, even though PA is already setup so it can be built on other platforms and the experimental builds don't make changes to any OS-specific code.

    For work/personal reasons I'm using OSX and I'd like to be able to play the new builds, especially the changes to orbital.
  4. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    The new launcher is also available on Mac:
  5. Alphasite

    Alphasite Active Member

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    The new launcher was released on mac first (probably for stress test, and our lack of a launcher). If you had the 1.0 launcher, it should automatically download the update and prompt you to override the old bundle, after its downloaded the update.
  6. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Legit guys like me leave computer unprotected and solve computer issues themselves.

    No seriously, an occasional fresh install and run of Malwarebytes from safe mode, and the ability to scan the registry should anything go south, and I feel pretty confident to handle anything.

    Anything I couldn't handle, could probably brick a computer with antivirus. Because antivirus are made by people too dumb to make lucrative viruses so they have to make a program that questions every program equally and that barely avoids malware and actually causes 5 other problems like high resource consumption and malfunctions in programs you actually want, and try to sell it to people who don't realize the program does something fairly low in security.
  7. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    If you're waiting until something is obviously wrong with your computer, then you've probably already been infected for some time. Most serious malware do not show any evidence that they are present. And if it contains a keylogger you're pretty screwed. Those that don't hide themselves will likely brick your computer on contact, with one even encrypting the contents of your hard drives, then asking for money to provide the decryption key. You can't wait till after the fact to deal with that.

    Malware has three typical targets - using your computer as part of a botnet, scams, and gaining information. Your method can stop the first (and sometimes the second), but if the malware is targeting the last then they already have what they need by the time you realise it's there.

    I agree most security software goes overboard, but you should at least use MSSE. It's not perfect but it's utterly unintrusive, has no noticeable performance impact, and I've never had an issue with it blocking something legit.

    Also, I don't think your theory that smart people make viruses and dumb people make antivirus holds up ;)
  8. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    All I am saying, is probably the most profitable antiviruses, are pretty much viruses considering they go far out their way to be intrusive unless you pay them, they are ridiculous to uninstall.

    And no, I check my computer often enough. That literally is pretty much all antiviruses do, they look for the already obvious. The sad thing is literally half of them can think anything is a virus but never peg an actual virus.

    It is literally like a meteorologist. That jerk can be wrong about the weather most days, he takes guesses at best.
  9. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    That's one part. The other part is scanning files before such things can run, preventing infection in the first place. Your method ensures that you only ever clean after infection, meaning after they have whatever they want (if it's information they are after), or have already bricked your machine (if that's their aim). The idea is to stop this occurring to begin with.

    Most A/V have two components - signature based detection of known threats, and heuristic detection of unknown threats. The last part is needed because the malware creators are by definition ahead of the A/V creators. This is usually the part that causes people grief, but there are decent ones out there.
  10. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    You forgot extortionware like Cryptolocker (maybe it falls under scams?) - an antivirus strategy includes multiple backups, at least one "cold".
  11. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    yes, a bit of seperation of things and backups and preferably one cold backup not connected to the internet is a great plan.

    I just have not even had a problem yet. Had at least 12 others bring me computers to fix, all 12 required malwarebytes and a skim thru their registry. I skim through my registry regularly as well, I also use ccleaner, I recommend ccleaner more than avs.
  12. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    This is a strategy game.

    There should not be a most efficient strategy.
  13. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    What about changing the dox to its original state and add the Smasher as the grenadier? You guys already have both the 3d model and the weapon behavior.

    You guys also said you don't have any probmem by overlapping roles of t1 and t2 units. That means overlapping the current dox and t1 tank roles (which aren't exactly the same even if they have the same damage style, other stats are important) shouldn't be a problem either.


    Courtesy of Stuart98
    Last edited: April 27, 2014
    trialq, stuart98 and zweistein000 like this.
  14. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    i think thats a good idea by superouman
    zweistein000 likes this.
  15. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    Here's something I would do. I like how double and especially triple barreled turrets need to be set up rather than thrown up as a reaction, but I don't like that change with the single laser turret. Mainly because if you have to take your time to set it up, you're gonna set up the double one instead, so I'd like to propose that the price of single laser defense be reduced, especially since the damage was also nerfed.

    As for Advanced balance: first I'll say that I don't like the idea where advanced is better and replaces basic, but since UBER is set on taking that path I believe that T2 might have been nerfed a bit too much, economy wise. Everything costs 3x as much, but you only get about as much metal as you do in the current game and advanced economy takes a lot of time to get rolling. What I would suggest here is a simple experiment - since you are completely dependant on advanced economy to support your advanced factory now (which is good) I would experiment with reducing the advanced fabber cost to 3600 or maybe even 2400. Mainly because you wouldn't be able to afford a second T2 factory anyway or anything but T2 economy. It still leaves the great risk there if your factory gets sniped (which is a huge win anyway) but oyu won't lose immediately if you lose your T2 fabber for a stray dox or a bomber.

    Aslo walls need more nerf, imo. Reduce them to 3 or 4k and reduce vanguard damage accordingly.
  16. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    I would agree with this. Grenadier doxen are surprisingly effective against structures when mixed in with tanks, but because of their inability to hit anything they are defeated by any direct firing unit that moves and going bot first is basically a suicide. I'd like to see bots retain a direct firing unit.
    stuart98 likes this.
  17. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I hope that will happen. From what meta said I understood the reason why the doxs sudddenly is an arty bot is because they wanted to quickly test how it works out to have such a unit. So it probably won't stay like this, just like everything else.
    drz1 and stuart98 like this.
  18. nick2k

    nick2k Active Member

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    Oh lord. I remember back in alpha one of these plus radar coverage = gg. 2 would be overkill XD
  19. abubaba

    abubaba Well-Known Member

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    Anchors shooting down at ground feels really good.. for the first time planetary invasions feel like, well, invasions, with anchors providing supporting fire while frantically trying to build a teleporter.
  20. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Cheaper single laser makes sense considering it's other nerfed areas. It is like a last resort fabber attack option, to errect the cheapest tower possible.

    I don't mind seeing how t2 plays out, Uber isn't ever "set" and are always open to seeing but they wish to see how it plays out this way as well.

    T2 getting an eco nerf at least insures t1 is used all game. Keeping t2 cost ineffective is good, how they are atm is possibly too much, and lifting up on t2 unit cost might make multiple t2 factories viable, just keep the structures as expensive to keep the cost entrance high.

    The fabber being expensive should also stay, to retain the t2 entrance cap, and to leave an opening of attack against t2 (snipe the fabber erecting economy). The other combat units could use a reduction so the t2 factory can spend less metal on production and not tank your economy with just 1 factory. The t2 fabber would have a long build time but that's the drawback with choosing t2 and you better defend them then. They should be used for their special blueprints and not as generic builders.

    I like most the PTE changes, the grenadier hopefully is placed alongside the riflemen, other units could use nerfs to bring them inline especially if t2 units cost are reduced slightly, and I am glad the way it plays atm.
    I think anchors should shoot air, as well as a lot of others think that. Besides that, their low damage does make them feel balanced for something that shoots ground, and they revalidate orbital fighters.

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