PTE Stream: 64758-balance

Discussion in 'Support!' started by garat, April 23, 2014.

  1. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Microsoft Security Essentials and non-admin account for every day system usage. Possible some malware still found in real world and some anti-virus required, but for about last five years I didn't hear any story that firewall helped anybody against spyware and only cause problems.

    There not much to debate about so it's just my humble opinion. Currently anti-virus software cause a lot more problems than it's solve and false-positives happen quite often. Now browsers pretty secure and patched in hours and AV might be only required in case you run a lot of potentially harmful software from internet, but then here is pretty high chance AV won't help you because actual malware/spyware is well programmed and usually digitally signed.
  3. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Peregrines are pretty useless with no AOE and their new cost.

    Failing to see the direction you are taking with the t1 bomber. They are only good at killing mobile units(due to hp of structures). The reduction in AOE makes them worse. On this, is there a formula for damage you use in regards to AOE radius.

    Nice move on the pelter AOE. I hadn't thought about their effectiveness against the more expensive t2 units.

    This build looks like a major step in the right direction. Really hope this is released. Great work. PTE is amazing too.
  4. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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  5. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    So, I just had the most epic game I ever had (in any rts) in the PTE.

    FFA with 5 ais. Absolutely awesome.

    I was producing massive T1 armies throughout the whole match which proved to be quite effective when mixed properly at taking down base defenses and T2 armies.
    Really like how the units work together (I even like the dox being a grenadier, although I was sceptical about that before I actually played it).
    Base defenses vs units feels right now. Turrets feel like a defense that you have to put up in advance and that can be overwhelmed by a decently sized army.

    I had to put these large armies to use by trying to find metal fields that were not too heavily defended as I was constantly in need for more metal throughout the whole match (that's AWESOME...economy no longer spirals out of control that easily) to create even larger armies.

    At any point of the match I had multiple large armies moving across the battlefield, attacking weakspots and repelling advances and I put up defenses at vital spots (but always had to support them with units if there was a large attack).

    I also like how T2 is more expensive without the increase of the T2 economy.
    Now it feels like a considerable investment to go to T2 and once you get up T2 extractors, it takes some time to pay off, which is awesome, as well.
    Every extractor feels like a considerable investment that has to be protected, well. I was scared to put them up on metal fields that were not defended properly.
    When I destroyed enemy metal extractors (especially advanced ones) it really felt meaningful and I felt like I was really hurting him (because I knew how much it hurt me when they snuck into my base and killed one of mine..).

    This really creates the kind of gameplay I am looking for.

    Even when my economy grew larger and I had decent amounts of T2 economy and production (I was still able to build a few T2 factories in a line once I had some amount of map control) I had large T1 armies that still felt useful.
    They were good at defeating T2 armies that attacked without support from T1 units and taking down bases and expansions that were not defended too heavily.

    T1 armies struggled with advanced defenses in large numbers, though (even when they consisted of a nice mix of units and combat fabbers), but that's fine.
    When I mixed T2 units in my armies, I was able to take down those defenses with ease, as well (as long as the enemy was not counterattacking) and I think it's fine to have to use some advanced units to break the strongest defenses. The T1 armies were still extremely useful at supporting T2 units (they worked quite well in conjunction with each other) and they were strong enough to repel attacking armies that consisted mostly of T2.

    So I really liked how that worked out :)

    This balance might not be perfect, yet, but it is a lot of fun to me and a HUGE step forward from the current build (and I prefer it over that insane T2 economy that was tested, A LOT).

    I would love this direction to be pursued, because I think the game will be AWESOME this way :)

    Also, Kudos for doing these community balance tests (which this build is a result of).
    I think that's the best way for you to find a good balance without the community feeling left out of the whole matter. We won't have to spam our concerns on the forums this way :D
  6. paulusss

    paulusss Active Member

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    I don't really see the use of a orbital factory, what made you come up with this choice Uber. The building looks cool and it's useful, but why ship all those units from one factory to another? Is it to greate the same advanced tiers as with the other factories?
  7. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    I think the orbital factory is indeed kind of a "Tier 2 " for orbital.

    But I am fine with have basic units from the orbital launcher and when you want to invade another planet, you build your invasion force directly in the orbit.

    Also, we will need a whole lot of orbital buildings once we have gas giants, anyways ;)

    I would like to add that my epic game in the PTE ended with me dropping an army of 150 T1 and T2 units right besides the enemy base (which protected the commander) using 150 astrei. Was an epic invasion ;)
    drz1 and superouman like this.
  8. BallsonFire

    BallsonFire Active Member

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    First of all I was very happy being able to play this build.
    My first toughs on this build are:
    • T1 and T2 ground units seems to be more balanced +
    • You really have to get a lot of metal spots to get a power-full eco +
    • Avengers are still UP thus useless -
    • Anchors are really anchors now. they can't move anymore +
    • Anchors are OP -
    • Invading planets is a bit more easy now +
    I cant say anything about air or navy cause i just played one game vs AI wihout using much air or navy.

    My suggestions ATM are:
    • Make Avengers mater (see point below)
    • Make anchors mainly shoot at ground units but they should not be strong vs Avengers
    Avengers are useless against Anchors. So when you want to defend your planet just build a lot of anchors and nobody can invade your planet because they are powerful against ground and orbital.
    Last edited: April 24, 2014
  9. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    Does the replay function work, because if you posted the replay ID I would certainly want to see this match ;)
  10. thetdawg3191

    thetdawg3191 Active Member

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    the new anchors also had their fire rate decreased. and my personal quip, is that you are likely not throwing enough avengers at the anchors to do decent damage. think BIG, son. don't send 10, send 100. and if that doesn't work.... send 1000 at it. all defenses have a "saturation point" where they simply cannot contend with the sheer numbers.
  11. mredge73

    mredge73 Active Member

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    Love the update, has a TA gameplay feel to it.
    Always starving for metal, hungry for expansion.

    AI doesn't seem ready for the change, they jumped to T2 too early and starved to death making it very easy to over run them with T1.
  12. JWest

    JWest Active Member

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    I'm still pretty bad apparently, they over run me with T2 before I can get enough T1 units over to them. The AI is very good at harassing.
  13. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    After watching the replay again, I have to add some stuff to my previous post / correct some stuff.

    T1 armies are really effective against base defenses now. You can take down single and double barrel turrets with acceptable losses, which feels right.
    Even a stray triple barrel turret is possible.
    So, the T1 units work nicely together to achieve this.

    Large T1 armies therefore actually make sense now.

    Due to the increase in cost to T2 units but no increase to T2 economy, metal really is a scarce resource if you decide to go to T2 (which is a good thing) and you really feel like every T2 structure and unit is a significant investment.

    As I already said, T1 armies feel useful because they can take down bases and can swarm T2 armies in large numbers, but I think I have to correct myself about the relationship between T2 and T1 units.

    I had way more T2 units that I noticed (yeah..I will talk about that later..).
    T2 units obviously shredder T1 units because they are mostly direct upgrades.
    Due to their cost, it might be possible to have a lot more T1 units which might balance this (as in superior numbers T1 units can win easily) but that would need some further testing.
    In my game, I had a lot of T2 production in the end, because I was mostly messing around. (And my T1 armies were sometimes shreddered without me noticing, so I had at least 50 % T2 units in the end).
    Some competitive matches by good players would be needed to see whether it is a good idea to have large T1 armies lategame ( didn't give me too much of a challenge..).

    So, to sum it up:
    T2 economy doesn't feel as op now, and there is a decent sense of risk to building an advanced factory or even to building advanced mexes in contested areas.
    Large armies are actually a decent way to win the game (even T1 armies) because it takes a lot to get to T2 and base defenses are not op anymore.

    The relationship between T2 and T1 units is something that needs to be figured out...these direct upgrades...I don't think I like them. And I DO NOTICE when a unit is more of a tank hunter (as in, better against high hp targets and worse against many low hp targets).
    (Question at that person who makes all the puns: If something is not noticed by the majority of players (which is a questionable statement) and makes a minority of players happy, why is it bad ?)

    As for the replay:
    I have to say, it is quite painful to watch for a few reasons:

    1) I was simply messing around with the balance.
    2) I was not paying attention all the time (at one point I don't do anything for a few minutes because I received a phone call..luckily the ai was not that good at attacking).
    3) As you might guess from my name, I am not the best of players (meaning, I suck :p).
    4) All of that glory is more than one and a half hours long.
    5) Since I apparently was a bit overenthusiastic, the only thing you can really see from that replay is that T2 eats your metal and that T1 armies can be effective against can find that out in a quick match yourself (and the 150 Astrei..but the fight after that was over in a few seconds :p).

    So..I really don't want everyone to watch me messing around in a way that made me cringe when watching it, myself (it felt awesome while playing, though :p).

    If you really want to see it, drz1, I can send it to you in a pm..but..well...felt more awesome than it looks :p
  14. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    The main thought I have is why the huge nerf to the hulkins but not the catapult? It's the catas that were getting abused?
  15. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    AI is not ready for the change. It has to be retrained (which Sorian is in the process of doing :).
  16. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Spent an hour yesterday playing the new balance. It's just another *race to tech up* build.

    Please....don't do this.....
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  17. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Not finished yet :p

    Catapults got a similar nerf.
  18. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    It has to be re-trained regardless. My point was, it isn't ready. Whenever wholesale changes are made, the AI takes time to retrain on how to handle it best. As for the specific balance direction, it's still a work in progress.
  19. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    I think you are saying so because you and all of us are used to the t2 rush. Is 1 hour enough to decide that it's still a tech race? I don't think so.

    We need to play with for at least some days to see if the tech race is by far the most efficient strategy.
  20. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    From my perspective, it does not seem like it - seems like Scathis has gone way down the rabbit hole on this one.

    Sorian is saving AI *states*, right? The previous versions?
    It's not about RUSHING tech 2 - it's all about who gets it first. The entire game orbits around who gets that eco first - not about map control and whatnot. Someone with map control and t1 eco can easily be outnumbered by someone with t2 eco and t1 units and a 10-mex clump. Heck, even a 7 mex clump.

    It doesn't take long to judge a build super - it does take time to find the edge cases.
    stormingkiwi likes this.

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