I had a quick search on the forums and found that no one took their time to warn their fellow players of a major SSL encryption bug that's been in the news recently. Type in heartbleed bug to find out what it actually is though but its apparently been around for a couple years and has already seen some major hacks happen. Now on this site it is probably LESS of a issue to some degree as long you don't store credit details but if you use amazon, google, yahoo ect ect then i think you might want to change the passwords : ) use this test site linked below to check the sites you use to see if you are at risk and if you need to change the passwords.. no harm in doing it most sites are now patched but apparently there are still some that have not bothered to do it yet. p.s for those who do internet banking don't be TOO alarmed as they mostly all use different encryption on their sites but check anyway's. test site below https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/index.html Just thought ill let everyone know as you never know if you have news readers here or not or just did not bother to tell anyone. Also any guess to the next PA update? : (
Only sites using specific versions of OpenSSL were affected. Servers not using OpenSSL, or using an older version of OpenSSL remain secure. Having said that, it's still a large chunk of the internet - both Facebook & Youtube were affected. Various places have compiled lists of what sites are affected; one such list is here: http://www.cnet.com/how-to/which-sites-have-patched-the-heartbleed-bug/ Obviously if you use the same passwords on multiple sites, and one of them was affected, you should change them for all.
this image seems to have been taken down, so I found another location. [edit] seems that it is just the way my browser is set up with many security plugins it blocks @brianpurkiss image and not the one above. So for you security nuts like me here is the image so you don't have to turn off those plugins.
i just wanted to embed the image, not just a link. because not many people will see just a link. besides you can just get the image url and find the site anyway if you really want to..
It's good manners to link to your source. I'm sure the guys at xkcd spent some time making that little graphic.
I already fixed my servers, so PA tracker is safe again (even though it stopped using MY SSL a long time ago already)!
Exactly.. Alot of popular sites were affected which is why people need to be aware that they may need to change their passwords ect : )