I would say that UT99 and Quake are a lot more playable as their UIs have aged a lot more gracefully. Whether or not you can look past that is entirely down to personal preference. I really liked Deus Ex: HR, and the notion that JC could beat Adam Jensen is absolutely no surprise because he was a later "model", so to speak. His story is in the future compared to Jensen's.
Speak for yourself. Grenade Jumping = win. (Though, I think all those other games aged well too. Quake 3 and UT99 still have some of the best FPS multiplayer to this day, and Thief 1 and 2 are still the best sneaking FPS games out there. Who cares about graphics. I care about gameplay!)
I agree. Have to say though, there are some games that I was drawn to, simply because of the graphics, as in, I enjoyed the good gameplay, but I kept coming back for the graphics. In Deus Ex though, you could look down your sniper scope and look into a mirror, your reflection is just standing there with a sniper rifle pointing against the ceiling lol.
That is because JC is such a badass that he's trying to snipe god. And given the Helios ending, it makes sense that he's also looking in the mirror. Seems like it's working as intended to me! ;-)
No matter the board/forum, whenever someone mentions Deus Ex a huge circlejerk ensues. Sure the game may have a golden heart buts it's encased in an oozing pile of diarrhea. It's overrated imo. EDIT: I just woke up and I'm slightly grumpy (-:
I've never played any Deus Ex game and I don't intend to. I never finished Half Life 2 because it bored me to death. Team Fortress 2 is fun if you think not having fun is fun. Halo is a terrible shooter and the start of the casualization. Edit: Competitive Counterstrike is competitive wall staring. Starcraft 2 is casual. Give me all you got
You're not human. Alien life confirmed. However you're partially right about Halo. I don't see how it's a terrible shooter though. It works pretty well as a shooter.
I agree with all of that. You should play Deus Ex 1. The story is the main reason to play it. It'll change your concept of what a game is.
Not special in terms of gameplay? First fps with player choice and an rpg style layout - skills, inventory, augmentations. Lots of weapons, each with various types of ammo. Stealth is so fun. What more could you want? Please... go back to mario kart. EDIT: Books are not a work of art. They are a limited media. What you're saying sounds like, if I wanted to look at a picture, you'd be like "Go read a book." ...
Uhm, these are my actual opinions (though worded in a way to make them as baity as possible, I'll give you that). And @taxman66 you've read the wrong books if you think literature isn't an art form. edit: in theory, games could have the same level narratives as novels like For Whom The Bells Toll, Crime and Punishment or Moby **** (<-- you should really do something about that mods) to name a few. In practice, it's simply insulting to compare Hemingway, Dostojevski and Melville to video game writers.
Yeeaaaaah no. Books are just a different form of art. There's stuff a painting can do that a book can't, but there's also a lot that literature can do that no art can. @thebigpill I think eventually in the next decade or so, we'll probably see videogame narratives start to finally get the same quality of writing as more quality books; but of course in a way that fits the medium best (you can't have such long drawn-out prose when you're trying to engage interactivity) in the same way even the best film narratives are totally alien to the best literature. I mean the rise in quality of storytelling in games in at least the last decade has been pretty large, to the point where we're basically on the same level as the more "Hollywood" of mainstream cinema.