Well, let's admit it: PA is awesome

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by carlorizzante, April 11, 2014.


How awesome is this game?

  1. This game is super awesome

  2. Nope, it is amazing and awesome

  3. PA is fracking Next Gen

  4. It's so awesome that I'm having an emotional breakdown

  5. Gray Goo what?

  6. I don't know, but my Doctor told me to play more PA

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    I actually started playing Supreme Commander 2 and PA at the same time, and I found PA largely superior. In the sense that SC2 might be more complete, but PA has that quid that other titles simply lack. Even if it's largely incomplete. Somehow PA, regarding icons, ui, intelligibility of what's happening on a very vast battlefield, just got it right. Or it's on its way for excellence, we can also say that.

    Speaking more in general, there are games that to some extend are extremely simple. But you play them for hundreds hours, because... well, because if friends will ask you why, you would simple say that they're awesome.

    For the record, I started playing Strategy games with Dune 2, and I tried quite a few in the last 20+ years (plus I've always had a knack for Chess, call it natural talent...). In fact, I have also to honestly say that usually I didn't like Real Time Strategy games, because I usually play to relax, not to get over stressed.

    Nevertheless, PA captured me big time.
  2. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    I recommend you try Forged Alliance with the Forged Alliance Forever lobby. They have done a lot of work to improve that game and what they have now is something that I really think will surprise you.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  3. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Thanks! I'm taking a look into it. It seems to be only for Windows (I'm on Mac at the moment). I'm planning to have a dual boot in future (for FarCry3 that I bought the last December) but not that soon. Very busy at work and Life at the moment (luckily) :)
    Last edited: April 12, 2014
  4. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    When my friends before they owned PA asked me to play supcom 2 I always didn't want to because supreme commander just feels a huge step back. The scale is way smaller, the speed is slower and it is simply less awesome. I really love the speed, you have a decent base up and running pretty quickly which always took a lot of time with supcom and TA. Especially with large unit counts where the sim couldn't handle it anymore. The servers of PA are a mayor plus here because it simply takes the load off the client pc's.

    PA does still need a lot of optimization though, one of those friends doesn't even like PA because it is too unclear for him or so. I always tell him just play more than those 3 games you've played and lost. It takes time to learn how to unit spam in stead of experimental spam. He also finds the UI not that great, especially the order icons on the right. I agree in this, it is not easy to see what each icon does, I am always searching for the stop button if I need it.
    But all these small things are just optimization things, supcom is done, PA is growing and will be better after each update!!! ^^ PA is the game I've played the most in 2014 from all of my games and I bet it will stay there!! ;)
  5. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    1 Im going take that has a very serius personal attack to my pearson and thats never good !
    From this moment do not speack or even pronuncies my name.

    Im see those words very serious attacks, if not you respect my opinion comments or even iff im totaly rong respect that.

    You got no right to abuse the words,i dont see you attack no one else and i see + players talk worst things then me but honastly i dont care you are NO ONE TO TALK LIKE THAT!!!!!!

    You start to piss me because you talk too mush about me just forget me

    You say =
    (Ignore @kalherine. She's a troll who thinks any RTS aside from FAF is flawed)

    You say =
    (@kalherine frequently talks smack about how good she is and won't play anyone that challenges her or play in a tournament. I've never seen her play, just troll the forums.)

    For the last time im just 1 player that are not very happy with the +150 euros i have pay for the PA
    I never pay moore then 49.99 euros for a game .
    So its normal that my expectations where have a bether game then what unhappy players are say but i still belive this game can be fun...

    This game got too mush publicity and the global amount off gameplay dont show ME this game has best rts ever and awsome game.

    My comments dont count absolutely nothing, I'm not nobody here but also will not accept this type of attacks.

    I hope this is the last time that i call you attention,so just forget me,this about 4/5 time i warning you but you keep and keep and keep this HAVE TO STOP.

    Everyone here is very nice and respect me and there is lot good ppl here you must grow up and learn with them plz....

    My name its not Kalherine when im play (obvius) i play from steam so i use the steam name lol wake up!
    Last edited: April 13, 2014
  6. lapsedpacifist

    lapsedpacifist Post Master General

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    Please rename the inferno the 'unit roaster'.

    Uber. Please.
    christer1966 and carlorizzante like this.

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