To what? Deus Ex? Yes they did. There was Deus Ex Invisible War (don't play that one), Deus Ex Human Revolution (play that one) and Deus Ex the Fall (don't play that one either)
Yes, yes they did. And Invisible War wasn't that bad as a game. It just wasn't as good as the original (by quite a way) and was a more unpolished experience overall.
I'm gonna skip this. 20 scripts I would have to allow tell me that this site is no place for me. All these online polls are only aimed at selling ad space anyway. That explains their choice of games: people without script and adblocker...
I am of the opinion that the fourth one was mindless fun, and there was just as much stupidity in the other ones. That said, the fourth one should be preserved as an example of how not to finish a franchise
Gosh darn it, stop trying to be reasonable when I'm being a curmudgeon. To be serious, IW was a decent game, it just wasn't a DX game. (And the consolization of it didn't help.) DX:HR I'm still playing, but I've played enough of it that . . . eh, it's okay. It's almost like a fangame, I think. Also, too much yellow. Plus, JC could kick Adam's arse all over the place. This is a fact.
At least the others weren't trying to make sense. Indiana lives in a world where there is some unexplained higher power. It's mysterious! Unknown! Uknowable!? Who knows! We'll lock it in a mysterious warehouse to be looked over by "top men" and let the audience draw conclusions! Meanwhile, in this hypothetical fourth film you refer to: Aliens! Russians! Nuking fridges! It's a B-movie from the 60's in HD! Indiana Jones is a perfect trinity: Raiders - Fairly serious, had a sense of humour Temple - Bloody terrifying in good, cheesy way Crusade - Absolutely hilarious with some serious bits I can name several memorable scenes from all of them, but I don't remember a single memorable scene from this hypothetical fourth movie. *big man swinging sword, much impressive, so sword, wow*, *Indy shoots, problem solved* *Magic cult leader pulls out a guys heart and casts him into a fire pit* "No ticket!" "I didn't know you could fly a plane!" "Fly, yes. Land, no" "Dad eleven o'clock!" "What happens at eleven o'clock?" And the best anti-air ever... [Down there because Gorbles is an impatient little blob-face-changey-thing.]
I dunno, I found the nuclear fridge to be epitome of everything silly and Indie. Also, Raiders, serious? You mean apart from the artefact of God melting Nazis' faces off? Also -
More serious than the rest. Also I'm not reading that, because that's not worth reading. YOU COULDN'T WAIT A FEW MORE MINUTES!? UGH! Right then, the best anti-air ever (I've been dying to use this):
It's totally worth reading And I know that scene, I've seen all the movies. Geez. You'd think I don't like them or something. (I love them, the fourth one significantly less so, but eh)
Unless you have played Sponsored Games X, Y, and Z (and Adblock is turned off), you are not a true gamer. Also, your genitalia are lacking in substance. You can improve both deficiencies by purchasing said games, and all subsequent products of the sponsoring companies.
I didn't mind some of HR but it was clearly based off more politics than anything else. Basically the developers ended sounding like Occupy people and that really pissed me off since the first Deus Ex was about the dangers of government and corporation partnership etc. whereas HR was like "its the corporationss maaaan!!!!" and the main character asking for more government - like that sounds badass at all :/ . The story was contradicted. There was little 'soul' or 'essence' in the game. The upgrade system was boring as it was based of the one in IW. I had some fun playing it...but seriously I would call it a linear game, with biases in player choice (more points for non-lethal kills etc.). EDIT: JC, with regeneration, synthetic heart and speed enhancement would obliterate Adam Jensen. Also I was disappointed with the lameness of AJ. At least JC was lame in a 'lol year 2000 game' way - so it was funny not tryhard.
Thank you, you summed it up way better than I could. Also, JC argued about the concept of God with a superintelligent sentient computer. Adam . . . he didn't ask for this.
Adam Jensen is indeed a *****. Also I was expecting more in terms of AI who try to help or hinder the player. I was expecting a prototype version of Daedalus or Morpheus AI himself...yet nothing. All I got was some inflated reference to the Daedalus + Icarus story that made little to no sense. Was Adam meant to be Icarus and Hugh Darrow Daedalus? Like thats the impression I got I was like wutt...
Are you kidding? It's still very playable compared to other games of that time like Quake 3, UT99 and Theif... You can get the HD textures mod and also there are other mods that make it look really cool. The only major problem really is the certainly suck.