Well, let's admit it: PA is awesome

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by carlorizzante, April 11, 2014.


How awesome is this game?

  1. This game is super awesome

  2. Nope, it is amazing and awesome

  3. PA is fracking Next Gen

  4. It's so awesome that I'm having an emotional breakdown

  5. Gray Goo what?

  6. I don't know, but my Doctor told me to play more PA

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Well, let's admit, PA is awesome.

    I'm not sure if it represents a big step forward for the RTSs genre, or if it can be defined Next Gen, and it doesn't really matter that much, after all. You may also remember that I was quite critic about some aspect of the game in the past. And I still keep some reserve. But honestly, looking around, I hardly see a better RTS than PA.

    The units roaster may need some addition, but it's already good enough for having a ton of fun. Balancing it's on its way, and it might very well be outstanding. We need to try the new build first, in order to tell.

    Graphical details and overall style are delicious. Fresh, cartooned, I do so prefer it to other more "photorealistic" titles, which in contrast look faked.

    Spherical maps are simply great. After having played on a simulated planet in real 3D, flat maps look now so damn boring!

    Smashing planet... Yes it's cool. Can't really complain about! In fact, let's smash some more :p

    Physic and overall gameplay just feels right. Anyway, it feels much better than SC2 and other titles I've played so fa. It allows for a very enjoyable experience and some good moves on the battlefield. In short, it's open to countless strategies.

    Destructive terrains and biomes affecting units and gameplay... we don't have those. But one can't have it all. And never say never.

    The Unit Cannon and other promised features... Well, if they will come at some point, it would complete a circle, and there is no rush to improvise anything that can be done better. It just has to happen, and I trust it will. Just please rename the T1 tank :rolleyes:

    After all it's a lot about the budget, and people at Uber are doing outstanding stuffs with much less financial resources than big companies. In fact, they're doing awesome.

    Perhaps what allows PA to stand out is the fact that the Devs have been able to keep a strong connection with the Community of Backers and Early Adopters. Both parts earned great benefits. And the game is being developed closer to expectation than otherwise possible. While other titles being developed in secrecy have a higher risk to disappoint. Mainly become money is the only driving force behind them and what players really want to play is less than secondary for a big company.

    Plus, the fact that PA is moddable by design will surely open countless possibilities in the forthcoming future. Can't wait!

    Ultimately the more I look around, the more I appreciate this game which really stands out already as unique in its genre, for passion of all the people involved, and the quality already achieved, and for what it promises for the future.

    Great work guys. Keep it coming that way!

    I wish you guys at Uber to make a quadrizillion of money, be happy, and push the development of PA even further.

    And don't forget about us after release :p Kidding.
    ooshr32, Remy561, cdrkf and 15 others like this.
  2. valheria

    valheria Active Member

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    I have to agree with the op here.. PA at the moment is a amazing game right now but obviously needs a lot more work done.

    I wish Uber good luck on making lots of money out of this as they actually deserve it unlike other company's we know "COUGH!" EA "COUGH!" WARGAMING.NET ...
  3. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    Indeed, I love this game.

    It no doubt has its issues, but the cool stuff that's in it is so god damn good.
    Like controlling between planets, while taking a bit of getting used to, once you're in the zone it's just so fun.

    Currently the game is pretty much Michael Bay: The Game.
    It's flawed, but it's so much fun that you don't really mind.

    Not to mention, DAT. *******. MUSIC.
    Still can't wait for Howard to get that out to us.
    LavaSnake and someonewhoisnobody like this.
  4. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    Does that mean when i lose a match in PA, i lost the Game ?
  5. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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  6. Illmaren

    Illmaren Active Member

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    cdrkf, arthursalim, LavaSnake and 2 others like this.
  7. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    PA is awsome?
    PA its a rts that is on mid-table compared to the top rts like Starcraft 2 or Nr1 FAForever .

    Its a rts done with little money so we cant expect more.
    But for those not accustomed to this large-scale RTS with realistic units ( not plastic units and structures or the round planets insted flat ), great effort to have the correct system of economy, have some questions for rts that must be played to have epic battles with epic units with epica economy , epic weapons , epic experimental units to be played on flap maps , modes with views of the entire map than in the necessary speed in order to absorb as much information as fast as possible the whole area of combat without having to turn and turn and turn and turn and turn a planet, after we stay completely confused just to find an engineer t1 after we where on other side off planet because a battle is running , having extensive range of units all technologies that give us the most varied options for various situations , etc. etc,then you can call PA a good Rts .

    PA has nothing to you say that this awsome game and the best rts ever , I understand you guys are not accustomed to Good RTS .
    PA is a rts for casual players ,but awsome spare me ....

    This is just my opinion,,,,,,
    Last edited: April 11, 2014
  8. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Meh, its not the most well sharpened yet, but it is "fun" in concept and current play. Sharpening is, what just changing numbers in config?

    But hey, supcom was so good it was developed faster and didn't need post-release changes. Right? Oh, right, several years and patches later, FaF was made as a player patch, meaning it sucked at first, then sucked again, then players arbitrated to create most popular balance numbers.

    You should at least go that far in PA before shooting at it too much.
    cdrkf and EdWood like this.
  9. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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  10. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    Thats how we get so far ....
    we keep change what is good to be awsome,not what is not good to be only decent game..
    Iff no one care about make new patch to a game its because a game has no return and no one belive it.

    Sry but i think you dont now wy FAForever was patched,iff you think its because suck.

    Read the history since GPG passing to the close doors passing to just 1 guy ZE pilot,that take a lot off his time to make a new Server to FAF be playble for all ower community.
    So game has to be patched dont you think?

    I dont get mutch about the code, i wish + players from FAF come here to make you understand but im the only one from there here.

    But even i that dont understand how put a game run by a new server to all players play with chat+galatic war+ranked games+host games with lot new mods+replays live+mods upload and download+maps upload and download and + things that GPG didnt have well .

    Its clear wy must be patched isnt it?
    Last edited: April 11, 2014
  11. EdWood

    EdWood Active Member

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    I also go to a forum on a daily basis just to tell those people that all the other games I play are far superior than this particular one. Also, here are quite more players from FA and FAF than you might think. Still, this is the PA forum not FAF. Believe it or not, many of my friends playing FA/FAF love this game and already migrated over here.

    I totally agree carlorizzante, PA is awesome. It is fun right now, which is very important. I think more of the awesomeness will come via patches after the release. Look at TA, TA was awesome, but was only really really awesome with the expansion "Core Contingency". More units added, underwater structures and so on.

    The same goes for Supreme Commander. The vanilla game was great, but FA really really made the game so much better.

    I hope the same for PA, right now it is a great game, maybe in a year from now, it will be Uber awesome!
    Last edited: April 11, 2014
    cdrkf likes this.
  12. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Your English has really improved over the past 6 months. Well done. Wish I could do this with my second language. Props for not using google translate too.

    I'm pretty sure you would marry zepilot if you could. Biggest fanboy ever/ fan girl.
  13. Nirina

    Nirina New Member

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    The game is amazing but I don't think any comparison with others current RTS is possible.
  14. FSN1977

    FSN1977 Active Member

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    Good to see faith restored ,carlo ;)
    carlorizzante likes this.
  15. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Well, I think I made my statements pretty clear, listing things that PA still has not, and the reasons why I think it's doing extremely well, and why we can have good hope for the future as well.

    To be fair, here's below one of the most balanced and recent preview I've found about PA on YouTube (middle February 2014). Sadly it confirms my concerns for the missing and promised features which many will expect at release. But, this doesn't deny the points above. To make an awesome game it takes time (and, more often than not, tons of money), Rome hasn't been built in a day ;)

    cdrkf, EdWood and LavaSnake like this.
  16. someonewhoisnobody

    someonewhoisnobody Well-Known Member

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    Even though I loose sometimes(Ok a lot) its still fun. Really fun.
  17. FSN1977

    FSN1977 Active Member

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    Uber are covering new ground with this game, things will take time, and yes some features will not be available at launch, but we can't deny the dedication of the Uber crew, never seen dev's interact this way with the community before.
  18. FSN1977

    FSN1977 Active Member

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    Never seen you write anything good about PA , If you just want it to be like FA, it's not the game for you :)
    EdWood likes this.
  19. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    You dont need remind me because its not a game for me .
    Every time i play here no one beat me and thats because its still too easy game we FAF players are ust to hard games.
    I dont want PA be like FAF because thats absolutely impossible.
    But i still have hope on this game and its only my opinion diferent from all PA players and thats good.
    You just have to look my comments, and see that im some one that dont understand nothing about RTS games...
    Im just comment the awsome!!
  20. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    This is why you win all the 1v1 tournaments?
    Quitch, cdrkf, brianpurkiss and 4 others like this.

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