April 9, 2014 at 1:28pm 1) Hello [BC]Blackheart, first question, probably the most important one : How are you? Also can you present yourself for players who might not know you. Hi Luxy! Im fine, thanks! To give you a little not-so-secret-anymore information about me: My name is Ben and i am a German, to be more precise Bavarian and to be even more precise a Franconian guy. Currently im 18 years old, so maybe one of the younger players on FAF. Apart from playing FA i like to play chess, which i do faithfully in my chess club (nerdy i know ), and also drums. To balance all the fun out i am studying math with a pinch of economics. In FAF itself i am currently named "Horse" , which is my 3d name after "Banana" and the first, original, and probably at some point returning name, Blackheart. Im usually playing some teamgames with my BC-buddies in the evening, and maybe you can also catch me playing a 1v1 from time to time. 2) Tell us more about how you discovered Sup Com and its community. Did you ever wish to travel time and see how it was in the past at GpGNet times? I discovered SupCom through a (real life!) friend, who was (and still is) a big SupCom fan. Some of the FAF-regulars reading this will know him, his name is currently Melon, or his original name TheDream. First i wasnt really interested in the game, my computer was too bad to properly play it, and so it was quickly forgotten. At some point in time though he found out about FAF and showed me casts of TA4life (praisegugleourmaster on Youtube) which impressed me. Thats how we got motivated to try this FAF, and quickly found ourselves playing Noob-Isis 2v2. At first i actually wanted to play 1v1, but after my first match on Setons Clutch against Voodoo i quickly realized that this would be a bad idea, and so we rather played isis . To the 2nd part of the question: I would like to see how GPGNet was at his peak, with all the big names playing (like Sir Louie, TLO and all the old legends), and of course play them (even though in a bad balanced and bugged version of FA!). On the contrary though i can live without experiencing the downfall of GPGNet (like the 50 user at peak times as i heard). 3) You just won 2 money tournaments in a row, 150€, and the title of best FAF player after this insane Bo15 against Zock. Tell us about this match and your new status. And do you have some other unachieved goals? This BO15 turned into a really hard match, unexpected after the first 4 games which i all won. Zock prepared hard with the support of Vee to get vastly superior build orders, which logically put me into a disadvantage in the early game. Yet i managed to hold on to my lead for almost the whole match. It was a quite new experience to play a BO15 with a very strong opponent, clearly something different compared to the standard tourneys. Every game was hard-fought and they often exceeded 30, 40 and even 50 minutes gametime which really strains your poor hands (or hoofs lol). Do i have a new status now? I dont know what my status was before, but for me not much has changed except dollars for blackjack & hookers (or wheat, apples & carrots). Concerning my goals, well, what is left? Quite some things!!! World domination! The marriage with you! And in FAF maybe Imba Cup 3, which will be hopefully hosted at some point in time by a person you know well 4) The next major tournament will be The Intergalactic Coliseum Season VI, where you lead BC clan in this league. What are your expectations and prognoses for this tournament? Did you organize some specific training or event to prepare your team? The clan league will be very interesting, as there are quite some clans forming formidable ferocious looking teams. My honest expectation for this tourney will be team (not clan ) OS winning it, as they collected just too many top players. I hope that BC can still put up a good fight against OS though, and maybe get lucky! Otherwise SFo-clan is of course a strong opposition, and maybe even VoR with their new recruits can rumble around. BC preparation might just consist of playing the maps in teamgames or 1v1, but most of the maps are familiar to the BC-dogs as we played basically every map in teamgames or 1v1 at some point. Everything exceeding thatis of course secret BC-internal information that cant be shared (maybe it cant be shared because it doesnt exist either, but that is another story). 5) What is your favorite food? Hmmhmmmm that is probably the toughest question... BANANAS AND HORSE MEAT! Well maybe not quite Answering seriously, i really like traditional German food, like dumplings with some good roast meat. Also i enjoy german bread (mhhhhhh) with german sausage (mhhhhhh^2) quite alot. Though i can also be satisfied with fast food, burgers and the usual... *looks down* Rule of thumb: Has meat, is neat! (I should become a poet) 6) Let's talk about the game itself now. What's your opinion about the current gameplay in 1vs1 and in teamgames? What could be improved in your opinion? The current gameplay is in general not too shabby, though we still have some issues. In 1v1 we have the problem of a bad dynamic of the aurora (on some maps way too weak (for example really big ones) , on some way too strong), the imo too strong swiftwinds, the extremely dominating early harbie. Also the Percy dynamic is bad: Dominated by early harb, dominating really hard later... I still dislike medusa (too powerful ) and corsair (too nifty). Thats what i can immediately think of concerning 1v1 mostly. In teamgames (and 1v1!) we have the big hoverspam problem (caused by engymod), which currently is the bane of Setons. I also dislike the nature of t4 air exps,which define themselves through being insanely strong in some occasions and just plain useless in others. Another thing are the scus, which suffer the same problem as air exps. There are probably some more issues out there which currently lie too far back in some drawer somewhere in my brain. The things mentioned could definitely be improved though! 7) Thank you for your answers! You have the final word, and please no Banana or Horses! Thank you too, my favourite french fantastiqué player (was that correct french? xD)! As a final word i have to excuse myself for spamming so much text here, but thats your own fault asking me so much! I want to give special kudos to the pillars supporting this community, mentioning only a few here like Zep, TA4Life, Gyle and you and so many more (and of course the very heart, the players)! And to everyone reading this: Play FA! Watch your replays! Eradicate your mistakes! Play better next time! And join my games if i ask you so i dont have to wait so long!
Are we posting random interviews now? I mean, who the hell is this Blackheart? EDIT: What's FAF, what's FA, what's BC? EDIT 2: What's GPGNet? I think you've posted this on the wrong forums, these are the UberEnt forums.
What has SupCom to do with PA apart from being the same genre? That's like me posting random DotA interviews.
Some context beforehand would've been appreciated. This forum isn't predominantly populated by competitive SupCom: FAF fans, so just plastering this down is confusing to those of us who aren't familiar with the FA competitive scene. Even just a "So I gots to interview this person blah blah... here's some background on him etc etc etc..."
They should have asked him if he plans on randomly joining PA way late to become the top ranked 1v1 player within a few months. My knowledge of the FAF community is quite limited and outdated. Did that even make any sense?
this is "unrelated" guys, I didn't find any rules that keep me from posting what I posted above, chill. Those who understand it will appreciate it's there, those who aren't in the context probably wouldn't be interested anyways. You can count on me to keep "ruining" your unrelated forum. I posted there before.
SAAAAAAAAAAAAAME, that's what I thought. 'specially when I read he got trained by V!!! had no idea ichiban ever went out of her way like that but I guess she does respect Zock.
Many years ago I think I once played some teamgame where a _V_ was in who was decent, but after that and before that I never noticed such a person. The only bell that rings when I read ichiban is that it is japanese for "most" or "first"
But it's not about pa. It's an interview with a faf player. It's like some mnc player posting an interview with a famous cod player.