Factory build queue, first Unit "bug"

Discussion in 'Support!' started by tripper, April 10, 2014.

  1. tripper

    tripper Active Member

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    Factory UI Element does not report the number of units correctly. First/Current unit is not counted appropriately. I.E. first unit is not Unit #1. :mad:

    This is a minor issue that has been causing my gears to mesh somewhat less than perfectly since I bought into the the game. I've let it pass so far as I thought it was more of an oversight than an actual bug and as such would receive the minor attention required to fix it sooner or later.

    You guys are going to fix this one right?
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    If I remember correctly this is intended behavior.
    godde and thetrophysystem like this.
  3. tripper

    tripper Active Member

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    You trolling me SXX? Why would this be intentional? How could doing it wrong ever be right? *twitch* I can't even...
  4. Illmaren

    Illmaren Active Member

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    its counting correctly

    Because its only counting the units IN the QUEUE the Unit in Production is not Count because its not anymore in the Queue so there is no bug.

    so i must say SXX is correct with his Post.
  5. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    There was topics about that long time ago. Personally I don't like this behavior too, but unfortunately it's not just small tiny bug that developers forgot to fix. :mad:
  6. tripper

    tripper Active Member

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    I respectfully disagree, If it hasn't been built, then it is still in the queue. Once it has been built then it leaves the queue. Not a difficult concept at all. Every RTS game I have ever played has done it this way.

    If it's not going to change then so be it, I will just have to find out how to mod the behaviour to count CORRECTLY so it stops upsetting me. :)
  7. Illmaren

    Illmaren Active Member

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    Age of Empire 2 got the same System. The Unit what was producted was out of the Line of units and the Processbar is going to be shown. and i´m just saying that this is not a bug. i think of it because i´m used to.

    but i think its good this way because you can´t stop the production of any unit anyway.
    also there are more serious problems and bugs ;D
    godde likes this.
  8. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    I didn't mind this at first, but I think with the introduction of continuous build this decision should be revisited. Currently the behaviour of a factory differs in the following circumstances:
    • Factory is incomplete and I select a unit then continuous build
    • Factory is complete and I select a unit then continuous build
    It makes for habits which are ingrained into muscle memory which end up screwing you over later.

    It also means you can never completely control your queue at any one time because the full queue is not available to you. If I want to remove fabbers from continuous build I cannot do that if the factory is currently constructing one without either waiting for the build to complete, or cancelling the build and recreating the queue from scratch.

    None of these seem like desirable behaviours.
  9. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Entirely plausible to do.

    Honestly, most other rts games don't count until built, however most build inside factory. These you can see on the build platform of the factory.

    Continuous build is bugged sometimes. Might be more standardized to count the unit being built, but I think the queue counts the start of the build in the engine, meaning it isn't that easy of a fix, it means adding a new parameter to detect unit build completion per factory to then interact to the queue number. Really, I think continuous build should just build whatever is in the queue not including being built, and the player should adapt to clicking two units and setting to continuous because it's fairly obvious and easy.
  10. knub23

    knub23 Active Member

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    Well it is logical, like Illmaren said. Why is the full queue not available to you? These units not shown in the queue, don't affect continuous build. If I have fabbers in continuous build and I remove them, they won't be built again (but if at that time the factory is building one fabber, it will finish that one (it's like that for me, so at least I can't confirm what you say). This is consistent behaviour, I don't need to recreate queues.

    Continuous build only affects queues, not units that are already being built. The only odd behaviour I see is the case where I set continuous build and set up a queue afterwards. Because then the first unit I click won't be in the queue (the game doesn't recognize this as queing up because it begins to build instantly), so I have to double-click it.
  11. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    You're right, the second part of my post is wrong.
    godde likes this.
  12. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    I hope this will be fixed once the unit queue UI has been redone (it needs to be redone to work properly with continuous build..right now you don't know in which order units are going to be built).

    In that case I would like something like drag and drop, too, which would allow for the units in the queue to be reordered.
  13. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    I like the current behavior. It means that you won't cancel a unit under construction by accident.
    corteks likes this.

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