Oh ok. All I do is just disconnect when it says there's a wireless connection and it immediately switches to a wired connection.
Oh ok. When I said that, what I meant is that the two connections should be operating in parallel. Wait. I'll wander around my flat until I pick up some wifi from the neighbours.
No. It'll still show it's connected wirelessly upon startup. I ran a diagnostic when it failed to connect upon startup just recently and it said something along the lines of "No valid IP configuration". How can I stop that happening?
Well you should have an option to disable your computer's WiFi through a key combination or switch. If you don't then follow these instructions to make windows "forget" the network.
ok, so is there a way you can test your PC on another network? (Local coffee shop) If there is then I'd like to know if you have the same problems there. And when you do get a problem on your home network please run the windows network thingy wizard and tell me if it gives any errors.
It's a desktop, it ain't going anywhere. Like I said earlier, the wizardy network thing says "invalid IP configuration" And that applies to both the wireless and wired connection (they either both work or both fail).
ok, I thought that was just from the wireless. This guide might help: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/299357 If it doesn't I'd call your ISP and ask them because it seems like it would be a router issue if the above doesn't fix it.
Ok, I'm doing some looking now. Did this start happening recently (and if so, was that after a driver update) or since you've had the computer? Look through some of these guides and see if they match your situation enough to work: http://social.technet.microsoft.com...-from-shut-down-state?forum=w7itpronetworking http://social.technet.microsoft.com...d-ip-configuration-w7?forum=w7itpronetworking And the other results here: https://www.google.com/search?q=windows 7 local area connection doesn't have a valid ip
ok, then try the ones that deal with IP address resets and not the driver roll-backs. I would check your manufacturer's site for any new drivers though.