Has anyone seen instances of shellers failing to fire? I find that it's pretty hit and miss. Sometimes even when they're in-range on a move command and have radar coverage they still won't fire. It's not tracking, their turret just sits in the default position. An example of this is at 21:50: Unfortunately I don't have a reproducible scenario, but I can state it has happened multiple times. I actually stopped using them for a while because of this, but they're too powerful to ignore. Still, it can cost you armies. Vote up the bug ticket if you're also having this issue - http://pa.lennardf1989.com/Tracker/index.php?do=details&task_id=3350
I can also back this. there are multiple instances of my shellers refusing to fire, many times costing me the battle. (though not neccecarily the war.) i will further point out that pelters and shellers can't seem to function at all on ultra-small planets.
I find that often where I think Pelters aren't working on tiny planets, it's actually that the range circle is simply wrong and their actual range is shorter.
that seems like it can also be a problem. the range circle should account for the planet's dimensions.
Someone from Uber did write a post a while back about why range circles were never 100% accurate and the difficulties in fixing that.
There's actually a bug based around that as well since it screws up their attack orders. http://pa.lennardf1989.com/Tracker/...closedfrom=&closedto=&order=history&sort=desc