The direction seems to be off...

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by ramcat, January 22, 2014.

  1. irregularprogramming

    irregularprogramming Member

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    The path finding should just fix this for me.

    If I select a bunch of units on one planet and click move to another and there is a teleporter there it should walk them through to the other planet.

    The game really needs to do away with unneeded micro such as this.
  2. Zblub

    Zblub New Member

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    Or maybe click on a teleporter with a couple of units selected and get a simple list with the teleporters numbered and the name of the planet they're on.

    That way you can instantly select a teleporter anywhere in the system without zooming out or having to press hotkeys like ctrl-'number'.
    After the units are transported, the teleporters should power down automatically
  3. irregularprogramming

    irregularprogramming Member

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    Again, why should I have to select my location? The game already knows where I want to go.

    I have other things to do in game than figure out which planet and location corresponds to which teleporter.
    glinkot likes this.
  4. Zblub

    Zblub New Member

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    Sure the game knows where you want to go, how you want to go is a different story.

    If there is more than 1 teleporter on a planet, I'm quite certain the pathfinding will get really f*cked.
    I don't want to initiate a pincer movement only to have the game decide for me that it should take another route through a teleporter.

    Selecting a bunch of units, clicking on a teleporter then selecting one from a list shouldnt take more than 2 seconds, you dont have to figure out where they are at all because you placed the teleporters yourself.
  5. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    If you need to manoeuvre around an obstacle, you send your units to manoeuvre around the obstacle on your planet, then tell them to make the teleport.

    You can set waypoints to order your units not to take the fastest possible path.

    Really there is no difference with the proposed system and the current system, except the teleportation networks increases the number of short paths.
  6. glinkot

    glinkot Active Member

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    Agree connecting teles is a PITA at the moment. Surely if I've got some units, a tele on two planets and I click to move my units to a spot on the other planet, it should send them through the tele to it?
  7. irregularprogramming

    irregularprogramming Member

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    Eh no, first of no, turning on teleporters do not take two seconds to activate, they take way longer and are extremely dumb in their current implementation.

    Second, it doesn't matter how many teleporters you have. You'll go to the closest one. Pathfinding doesn't get fucked on a normal planet and that has unlimited possibilities for you to move.
    carlorizzante likes this.

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