so i love Planetary annihilation BUT i want a way to put rules on a game for example NO nukes NO air units NO ground units NO naval units NO bots NO commanders (so you need to destroy all of the enemys base) NO Tire 2 i want to be able to make a focused game where i can put on limitations on the game not hope that the other guy dose something i hope you can put it in.
They're going to come, currently a lot of dev time is going into balance changes, so it's safe to assume that this is low priority, at least for now.
Nukes are one of my least favorite features in PA right now, so I'm right there with you to have an option to disable them.
I don't want any limitations like these. I want a balanced game so we don't have to cut out any certain sections.
I particularly like the 'no commanders' option... I guess that would be a nice biome appreciation session with none of that senseless destruction...
i want to be able to use everything without having to be reliant on one particular thing ... in the current state of the game i think we are very reliant on nukes, beam satalites or asteroids to finish a game ... which by many is considered rather boring .... it just loses its novelty quickly like after the 40st game which is unfortunate ... shall nukes be impactful? imho yes shall they be neccesary to win a game? definitively not should nukes be removed from the game? imho no ... because the game is rather difficult to master already it has quite a high skillceiling and i think it is not idea to scare beginners away with denying them ways to win that doesnt take half an hour to execute and raise the skillbar further that way ... the rest is a case of providing the player with enough options to play the game in various ways without becoming monotone ... a player should be allowed to play with missiles and long range weapons .... a player might be allowed to play with big units or even with shields ... the thing is all those things simply need the right ammount of ballance to ensure the right risk for reward and not simply render everything else in the unitroster obsolete if this is not possible only then shall that particular content not be allowed for when it realy is broken and leads to monotone and/or boring gameplay ...
I would love to see controls for all of these. It should be SUPER easy to make a setup screen were you can restrict/limit different aspects of the game. Balanced or not (as balanced is a VERY subjective term for a game. No 2 people can 100% agree on what a prefect balance would be). These types of controls will allow people to customize their game play for how they enjoy the game. Giving people more options to enjoy the game isn't a bad thing, and not everyone that plays the game is a Elitist player that only plays for hardcore matches.
came in here to say this. Actually he wins interwebs all-time on this forum, if you know him well enough. This is the correct thread BTW :
Seems like a good idea for a game mode, I'll just vote for everything then The more options the better.
Stuff like this is low priority for the same reason that the metal sliders do in the system editor, because Uber needs to develop a good base line for PA's balance first, otherwise is just going to play some non-standard version instead and not be angle to meaningfully contribute to the refinement of the baseline balance. Mike
If anyone has ever seen the list in the Alerts Manager mod, for what you can select to give an alert... ...Then I want that same list, to be in a pregame lobby, where what you select isn't allowed to build when the server checks build for allowed (it does already so you can't mod UI to build tanks from a bot factory and such), with the usual nice features like check all or something.