Complexity learning curve too steep?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by patrickkidd, March 30, 2014.


Is complexity going to be manageable in the long run?

  1. For sure. The lack of pressure afforded by Kickstarter funding will allow Uber to iron it out.

  2. For sure. I'm already there.

  3. For sure. (Other)

  4. Maybe. Sometimes I get it now and sometimes I don't.

  5. Maybe. (Other)

  6. No way. It's already out of hand.

  7. No way. (Other)

    0 vote(s)
  8. I'm scared. Nukes + orbital + planet smashing scares me.

  1. zemlod

    zemlod New Member

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    I just played my first few games today and I'm thoroughly baffled. Now, don't get me wrong, that's how I usually start out at any new game. Here, though, I have no clue what to do about it.

    I was looking for a tutorial mission that takes me through building the first factories and units, maybe at the same time explaining keyboard commands - or perhaps even what all the numbers on the screen actually mean. That quick youtube clip seemed more like advertising than something that was of use to me. Back in the old days, games used to come with a handbook that explained all units (what are they good for/against) all commands (which button to press to select the next idle worker) and what the on screen info actually means... Again, I have no problem with a game being difficult or complex to learn - I just don't want to start out with having to research commands or the interface on my own. Maybe there is a guided tour? I didn't find it.

    Currently I don't feel like trying again. Pity, because the graphics look really nice, the music is well done as well and i suspect it could be really fun if you knew what to do...
  2. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    Better tutorials will definitely happen, but the game changes so fast right now that it is kind of pointless for them to make anything more until balance stabilizes.
  3. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    Recommend you just play against the AI in sandbox difficulty and get used to the controls, eco and building stuff. Check out my videos to get a hang of some decent strategies to use.
    vyolin and cptconundrum like this.
  4. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    For me the game at some point can easily slip out of hands, but it's likely because I do not play very often.

    I actually enjoy the challenge that PA offers. However, sometimes I would really like to be able to pause the game and take a look around, in order to better grasp what's going on, and ponder my next moves.

    I had the same feeling in the beginning when the enemy found me unprepared. I felt tactically paralyzed. But I learned soon how to react. The game offers a plurality of solutions, one just has to let it go and try stuffs out.

    Hopefully the version 1.0 will include few basic tutorials for new players.
  5. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    IT doesn't help that there are numerous UI limitations when you start getting into multiplanetary, which isn't as easy as the kick starter represented it.
    Top tips - you want to control as much of the map as you can. It doesn't matter how you do it - turtle in your base, then transfer to orbital, or whatever.

    If you do turtle, you have to turtle in such a way that you can still deny map control to the enemy.

    I used a really handy list of keyboard shortcuts -

    Not sure how up to date those are. I know youdon't want to do it, but it's fairly easy to print off the list, and then you can constantly refer to it.

    There is a really helpful mod - Hotbuild2. It is helpful because it provides the keyboard in an easy to visualise format for you to map stuff to. Even if you dont use the full functionality of the mod, I find that having a keyboard map helps immensely.

    Best way to find out about units is to build and experiment with them.
    vyolin likes this.
  6. arthursalim

    arthursalim Active Member

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    And here it goes again a subject that we need to divide in two to better understand, here is a quick video about complexity and depth

    Now that we know the diference here is my opnion, PA is a game with a lot of depth and complexity, most of it can be easily ironed out
    patrickkidd likes this.
  7. zemlod

    zemlod New Member

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    Thanks for the suggestions - I'll check them out as soon as i get a chance.

    As for tutorials, I wasn't actally looking for tactics or strategy (yet). I was thinking more along the lines of "press [a] and click for attack, press [ctrl]+[a] to select all units etc. I read some things about area controls, something I haven't yet encountered in other games, so maybe they're worthwhile to explain as well?

    I hope i didn't come across as too negative - I know it's still in beta mode, but for me these things are real motivation killers, so I thought it best to mention them in case others feel similar...

    zaphodx likes this.
  8. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    Really useful keys include:

    Arrow keys or WASD to scroll around (I only use middle mouse if my right hand is busy with other keys)
    C to select commander (double tap to zoom to com)
    F - selects all currently-visible idle fabbers
    Shift - hold to queue up as many commands as you like
    Ctrl-Z - select all visible units of selected type(s)
    Ctrl-M - toggle free cam
    Ctrl + #number - make unit group
    #number - select unit group
    Shift + #number - save camera position (useful for tagging enemy bases)
    Alt + #number - recall camera position
    T - track selected unit(s) (cycles between selected units)

    Also turn on pole-lock in the options, it makes navigation much easier until you get used to things.
    cdrkf likes this.
  9. patrickkidd

    patrickkidd New Member

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    Huge +1 for the game design vid. I've dabbled in Unity and love thinking in terms of design.

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