I create a game against AI from the lobby, and I see only "GENERATING PLANETS" for a long time! Is there a problem or should I wait even longer ??
what is F5, anyway? I've reassigned my F-keys to map bookmarks. I'm sure at the time I regarded F5 to be unimportant... Despite having a brand spankin new GTX760 (that was running PA like a dream), this most recent update gets me to the point where I should be seeing a planet and picking my spawn location, but nothing is there. All other UI components are there around the edge of the screen, and it's not locked up, I can hit ESC and get the menu to quit game, but no planets are in view. The solar system is black, and it doesn't seem to matter how long I wait. So, I updated the Nvidia driver, and then my x server couldn't load. So I spent all weekend fighting that, removing Nvidia drivers, blah blah blah. (and when I say "all weekend", I'm not trying to be dramatic, but it was all the gaming time I had though the weekend, so I didn't get to play! boooo hoooooo honeydo list & kids bday party sucked up the rest of the time).
Coherent UI it's like browser so F5 reload it's view. Problem with long "generating planets" usually caused by fact that game engine finished generation, but for some reason UI didn't receive notification about that. F5 reload all javascripts so those grab actual game state and get player into game. F5 possible reload something related to renderer, but about that so most likely it's won't help you with your problem if it's wasn't caused by UI.
Ok so I pressed F5, but I see the planet for a split second, and then I see "Generating Planets" again. Repeated the process, same results. Apart from this, I installed a few mods yesterday. Since then this issue has begun. Should I uninstall the mods or what?
Never mind the previous comment. I uninstalled all the mods, and now the game works fine! So the next issue is what do I do of the mods? I seriously don't want to play without Hotbuild 2.
I'm afraid you have to turn them on one at a time. Then when you find the one causing the breakage, you go to the thread of the mod and scold the author. Do you by any chance have the Commander Health Display mod? I vaguely recall that one having issues.
sorry if I'm being dense, but do you mean "Coherent UI" is the name of the option I'll find to to re-map a to? (the default F5 keybinding?) (If I wasn't clear before: I absolutely must have my map bookmarks set with alt+f-key and recalled with f-keys, so I remapped the keybindings a long time ago, and whatever was on those f-keys that didn't mean anything to me at the time has long been cleared from f5).
Coherent UI is the name of the UI that Uber is using. It's a 3rd party product based on the Chromium browser. That's why F5 works; it's basically a browser at heart still. As far as I am aware, it's not possible to remap that key unless it's hiding under SETTINGS -> KEYBOARD somewhere. I can't check right now, but if it's not there, then you are out of luck.
There is a setting, but after I set it to f12+f5 it still reloads on f5 alone. Dunno for sure. It may be possible add a key, but maybe F5 always stays.
This isn't correct. F5 handled by UI for sure so it's mapped to F5 because it's excepted. It's named "reload view". Actually you can try to remap any shortcut to "f5+f12" and it's will always work on f12. I suppose it's due shortcuts limitations. I just tested it on Windows and Linux and remapping of "reload view" working just fine.
Yes, I did have that mod and few others too. So I uninstalled all, re-installed Hotbuild 2 and the game works. So its definitely not Hotbuild 2. I'll go with your method to find the mod causing problem.