In late beta we were able to set the play and AI econ efficiency when setting up a game. This was super useful for testing things out since you could set the AI to nothing, and the player to something crazy high (effectively infinity). You can do the first part (AI to 0) with the Sandbox AI option, but the new AI doesn't let you set the player efficiency. I think I've found the code in new_game.js that would do this. Something like (where the player is index 0): Code: model.send_message('modify_army', { army_index: 0, options: { economy_factor: 100 } }); But this doesn't seem to be respected once the game begins. Any Ideas?
Those options checked on server side to avoid cheating when host can set crazy economy efficiency to anyone. UI edition won't do anything.
Hmm, OK. Then can you guys make it so that having a sandbox AI makes the player have crazy-high econ factor?