Playing on multiple planets at once is a pain at the moment, because trying to manage two bases and all proxy bases on each planet with 9~ control groups and camera anchors. What would really improve my gameplay and many others is to be able to bind a key to switch between sets of control groups. So you have your starting planet, you set up all your control groups and camera anchors there, but then when you head to a new planet you can press " ` " or something, and you will be able to set separate control groups and camera locations for that planet. Pressing the hotkey again will send you back to your original set of control groups. (Maybe you can also configure the mod to choose how many different sets of control groups you want depending on how many planets there are?) Just a random idea that came to me this morning, not sure how hard it would be to actually implement.
To rephrase, you want to have banks of control groups/anchors, and want to do manual bank-switching? Wouldn't it be easier from a player perspective to have a single pool of two-digit (aka 100) control groups?
There is no visible limit on number of control groups or camera anchors so this can be implemented though modding. I suppose accessibility will be a problem. In same time per-planet (or just switchable as OP want) groups/anchors looks as interesting idea.
Two digit control groups sounds interesting, but it might be a lot harder to keep track of. For instance when i play RTS's i have a pre defined way that i like to hotkey everything, proxy bases go on one hotkey, armies on another, etc etc. With two digit control groups i'd have to memorise and extra set of control groups for each extra planet, whereas if i used seperate banks, i could just apply my template to as many different planets as i wanted.
The limit is something like 10,000,000 I think (At least for control groups), so this mod would be possible.
I suppose it's way higher so it's at least 32-bit unsigned int. Camera anchors are client-side so possible it's even higher, but too lazy to test it further PS: A bit more details. This 10 digits ID will work: Code:"select.recallGroup",3223372036); If you add any extra digits those will be ignored by engine, so this will recall same group: Code:"select.recallGroup",32233720369);
I do like the idea of having more control groups... Two digit control groups is an interesting idea...
The problem is that keyboard shortcuts get hard with more digits. For now, one way o get around that is to use my tracking pips mod. When you select a group and press the tracking pip shortcut, a new pip opens to follow one of the units. You can click on the pip to select them all again. The anchor buttons mod could maybe be updated to allow a lot more control groups, too.
I never saw the need because I struggle to remember what more than 5 or 6 anchors are in the heat of battle. Plus UI wise I'd have to choose between covering tons of the screen, or having to press a button to go between groups, which would slow down clicking on the correct anchor too much. I imagine having unit Ctrl groups PER PLANET could be a nice way of seperating things a bit and allowing more shortcuts to be used without using 50 keyboard buttons. Not sure how to determine which planet you're looking at mod-wise.
You can get the planet, I think. But one great use of control groups is the ability to switch planets with them, so only some people would like that change.