Oculus nooooooooooooo!

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by cwarner7264, March 26, 2014.

  1. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Yes and in the real world people will stop supporting stuff on Kickstarter. I wonder how many Oculus and Godus it needs before people no longer trust anything on KS.
  2. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Except that they have been delivering on their Kickstarter goals. That is all they are obliged to do under the KS terms of contract.

    Unless I'm missing something?
  3. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    Wasn't the KS campaign theorically a pre-order of an unfinished product? They received their product, Oculus made their part of the deal.
    What happens after the KS campaign to totally over (when the backers received everything they were due) does not regard them anymore. They are not equity investors of something.
  4. comham

    comham Active Member

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    We're not talking law or contracts, we're talking human trust, the base substance that makes up those things and is less easily explained. People feel betrayed, whether that's justified under your belief system is irrelevant, the feeling of betrayal is out there now. Below is a relevant quote from this article
    Personally I don't think it particularly hurts the kickstarter ecosystem since these are quite high level objections, and kickstarter for videogames generally works on the much lower level mechanism of people treating it as a pre-order store (which, obviously, it actually isn't) with extra "feed the starving artists" good feeling. In the future maybe notch and the rest of the videogame aristocracy thinks twice about funding this type of thing. Kickstarter for videogames in general will be put to the test this year when most of the big news projects of the last 2 years get released.

    Kickstarter for hardware is a weird beast since development is so expensive and KS targets are so low.

    I guess it might hurt future VR hardware kickstarters, but the STEM system, that useless Virtuix Omni thing and PrioVR already got funded and we all know new peripherals are a once in a lifetime thing anyway.
  5. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Yup. But do you think Peter Molyneux will launch another successful Kickstarter after Godus? I doubt it.
    jbeetle likes this.
  6. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Human trust is a funny thing. I still have faith in Oculus Rift, you see. My trust hasn't been betrayed, although I didn't have the money to back OR with (PA was enough of an expensive investment ;)).

    It does matter what is justified. People having a legitimate issue with the product? I can get behind that.

    People feeling . . . for want of a better word, "butthurt"? I have no time for that. I've even seen people state that they'd be happy with any injection of $400 million, as long as it didn't come from Facebook.

    So it's not even a lack of trust. It's butthurt over the fact that OR went with Facebook instead of a company like Valve.

    And for the record, if a Kickstarter fails to deliver what it promised, Kickstarter is authorised to reverse transactions as far as I am aware. You commit money to a successful pledge (which is returned if the pledge fails in the first instance) and you are entitled to that money back if they objectively do not deliver.

    Unfortunately, a lot of people have problems differentiating "objective" with "I don't like the shade of red they used, this entire product is a travesty".

    I think Molyneux overreaches. Or his ideas aren't suited for the current generation, I'm not sure. His issues are separate to what is going on with Oculus Rift, however.
  7. comham

    comham Active Member

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    I didn't have the money to back the rift either, and I still plan on buying CV1. In the near future I think the rift will be basically unchanged, but further than 2 years and it all becomes a bit uncertain so I fall back to my opinion of facebook, which is not exactly how I want to see VR progress. Of course, it could be genuine futureproofing and a total shift for the business. I don't know at this point.
  8. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    nobody was waiting on an Iphone, there was no market segment for smartphones. Apple made their own market.

    So yea.
  9. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Apple brainwashed people. That's what they did.




    Using this shipping information with this iPhone information, it would be cheaper ($749.77 AUD) to buy it in the US store and have it shipped to Australia.
  10. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    People keep buying his games even after all his OTHER failed promises. Although they tended to still come out in fairly decent games.
  11. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    This can be tax related. Not that Apple is paying any tax outside of the US as far as I'm aware. They don't pay any here in Germany, that I know for a fact.

    True but in the past everybody blamed the publishers for all the failures. Godus is 100% Peter Molyneux and it's worse than every other game with his name on it so far. I watched somebody play the new version (2.0) which was supposed to address all the issues the community had with the game. Godus features some of the worst design decisions I've ever seen. It's mind-bogglingly bad... o_O
  12. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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  13. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Yeah, Apple screws Australians over by hiking prices, and screws over every nation by using the tax haven that is Ireland.
    Geers likes this.
  14. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    And it worked. Facebook can do just the same with OR and make it more popular than it ever would've been.

    Perhaps Gaming OR is dead. Long live social OR?
  15. comham

    comham Active Member

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    I don't think apple specifically brainwashed anyone with the iphone, any more than normal apple product brainwashing. They made a polished new standard* for smartphone hardware and interfaces, made a working app store that enabled people to find apps and for devs to make and sell easier (remember those full-page ads in gaming magazines where you texted a premium number to download a new game, and had to remember to unsubscribe) and people saw those things and liked them because they were obviously superior to what came before.

    If you put an Oculus Rift demo kit in a game store, you'd have a ridiculously long queue of people waiting to try it out, 100 times longer than the queue for the PS4 and xbone. Brainwashing not required, VR will spread on its own and the Rift is already of that quality.

    *not really a standard, but something to aim for and copy
  16. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Gotta love the IOS Clone Store.
  17. comham

    comham Active Member

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    It's better than simply not having a centralised app store. I don't actually have an iphone but, yeah, I hear the app store is pretty crap now. I think the best digital store is steam, it just requires a lot of curation to be any good. It's good that they're opening it up a bit, but I think it needs 2 streams, like a steam high street for the current well-curated stuff, and steam backstreets for easier access by devs. Otherwise, like you said, clone store.
  18. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    I'm confused. All the Kickstarter backers will still get their Rifts. How is this a betrayal?

    Godus is a bit of a letdown so far, though they claim they're still working on it, despite no patch since.. November I think? But some projects fail, kickstarted or otherwise. This hardly seems like a valid comparison case for Oculus.
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    cwarner7264 likes this.
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Cell-Phones say hello.

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