Just wanted to ask if anyone else had a problem where you could not enter a moon. I created a planet with jsut one moon, and the orbit was at the minimum distance. Tried to land with some orbital units on it - everytime when they left the orbit of the planet, the transfer broke up and they landed on the starting planet again. When i tried to launch them to the moon from another planet in the system, they landed on the same planet that the moon orbits. There was even a weird bug with my nuke, tried to hit the moon with it, but instead of hitting it...it circled my planet forever^^ it was like the "transfer lane" was to close to the planet, so that they "crossed" whenevery you tried to reach the "moon lane"
This is actually a pretty cool explanation of how it appears. And I believe that this bug, or one similar, has been around since the beginning of orbital.
One of the new 'built-in' systems has a moon orbiting a moon. I tried to play on it because it looked awesome but the moon in secondary orbit could not be landed on. Instead anything you tried to land on moon B would land on moon A. Not sure how well I've explained it so here's a picture in place of a thousand words.
The Realm's been playing on quite a few maps in this style. The main reason for it is so all the planets are within the same 'system' so all planets can be nuked. But I have confirmed that this can worked for us. And we have had multiple moons around a central planet, all having their own moons. It may be a problem with how you set up your system. Do the planets have the appropriate masses to support each other?
It was one of the new pre-built systems so I haven't checked the details. Just for future reference, what are important settings to be aware of suchlike?
Just checked in a fix for this. Basically the minimum allowable radius got set too small and some other physics broke as a result. I don't think (this particular bug) has been happening since November; it would have started in late Feb - when space units started moving faster and systems got smaller.
No this was present since November. A bug is just the observed behaviour.You can trigger the same "bug" in different ways.
Kinda related - In the system editor you can try and drag planets to have non-circular orbits, as in they come close to the sun then go way out.. I can never get it to actually save like that, it only seems to go with perfect circles - is that a bug or am I just trying to do something that's not even intended?