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Yay now I don't have a mini heart attack every time I launch something! Looks pretty sweet. Question: I have played around with the pfx files and gotten some results but not ones like these. So the pfx files follow some known format?
It's actually the anti-nuke trail. The format itself seems pretty self-explanatory, but I have less artistic talent than a random number generator.
You can open pfx files in any text editor. Effect blueprints are one of the ones not yet mapped out, but you can look at the existing ones as a a reference. A simple one is bullet_proj_trail.pfx, in pa\effects\specs: Code: { "emitters": [ { "emissionBursts": 1, "endDistance": 1400, "killOnDeactivate": true, "lifetime": 127, "maxParticles": 1, "sizeX": 0.3, "spec": { "alpha": 1, "baseTexture": "/pa/effects/textures/particles/flat.papa", "blue": 0.4, "cameraPush": 2, "dataChannelFormat": "PositionAndColor", "facing": "axialY", "green": 1.5, "red": 2, "shader": "particle_transparent" } }, { "emissionBursts": 1, "endDistance": 1400, "killOnDeactivate": true, "lifetime": 127, "maxParticles": 1, "sizeX": 2, "spec": { "alpha": 0.25, "baseTexture": "/pa/effects/textures/particles/softdot.papa", "blue": 0.2, "cameraPush": 6, "dataChannelFormat": "PositionAndColor", "green": 0.75, "red": 1, "shader": "particle_add" } }, { "emissionBursts": 1, "endDistance": 1400, "killOnDeactivate": true, "lifetime": 127, "maxParticles": 1, "offsetY": 1.25, "sizeX": 0.16, "sizeY": 2.5, "spec": { "alpha": 0.5, "baseTexture": "/pa/effects/textures/particles/gradient_tail.papa", "blue": 0.4, "dataChannelFormat": "PositionAndColor", "facing": "axialY", "green": 1.5, "red": 2, "shader": "particle_transparent" } } ] } This one contains just 3 relatively simple emitters (the default explosion contains 10 more complex ones)
The hardest part I have of understanding the particle format is the 'keys' array: Maybe it's a matrix transform? I've successfully avoided messing with them thus far.
Sounds like time stamps - at time 0, the value is 0. At time 0.1, the value is 1.4 (or maybe the other way around). "stepped" probably indicates whether it interpolates between the values, or does an immediate jump.