Would you consider a Wii U version of the game?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by whiterocker, March 23, 2014.


Would you consider a Wii U version?

  1. Uber Yes!

    9 vote(s)
  2. No, are you insane?

    99 vote(s)
  3. I don't know, looks weird

    9 vote(s)
  1. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    I said the cpu was the only part that held up.

    the GPU couldn't run pa for s hit, it's missing way to much RAM

    and It would need to be converted to it's O.S. and graphics library.
  2. suspision

    suspision Member

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    The first rts game I ever played was on a console. It was Dune, on a sega genesis. Me and my brother would play it for days on end because it was so much fun. And today on modern consoles there are rts games available that work well and are fun to play.

    For me it has always been gameplay over graphics. So for me the whole can't be done because of hardware is just weird. Will a game be terrible because of a lower resolution and fewer polygons?

    A mouse and keyboard of couse is the best way to play an RTS. (for now ;) ) But a gamepad or touchscreen can work quite well if done properly. But then an rts console gamer wil not be pitted against a pc gamer, so there's no problem there anyway.
  3. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Consoles just don't work for RTS games.

    There isn't enough precision control or keyboard shortcuts for a RTS game.
  4. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Not actually. Nintendo consoles always had proper OpenGL ES support.

    I doubt anybody will ever see actual PA on traditional consoles, but if Uber want to make some mobile game, why not?
    If this give them extra $ for improvements of PC version it's always good thing.
    whiterocker likes this.
  5. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    I believe: they are using Unity for Toy Rush. PA is a completely custom in-house engine.
    stuart98 and SXX like this.
  6. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    I recommend trying Steam on your big tv. I was able to run a test game o Steam in-home streaming PA, which worked mostly fine. The only problem was that the view never refreshed in full screen, but it worked great with pa in windowed mode.
  7. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Since the UI is web based, it could be interesting to expose a port that a browser could connect to and take many of the UI elements off the main screen. It's not as easy as it sounds though - it wouldn't be running on the engine directly - no PIP, would have to create a network layer to communicate with engine, and deal with different browser environments.
  8. c4ptainpronin

    c4ptainpronin Active Member

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    Are we seriously arguing about this? Anyone who knows anything about PA or the Wii U should realize that this is an absurd idea.
    How do you even come up with something like this, im just curious.
    nawrot and stuart98 like this.
  9. whiterocker

    whiterocker Member

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    Exactly, as long you can't use a pointer while playing a RTS game, it will be painful. The Wii U gamepad has a pen, which will work as a pointer. Of course, it will not support left- or right click. But using it with a combination of buttons could make it powerful. As we speak, there are several RTS game and TBS game in development for just Wii U, but they are all indies. I don't say that indies are bad, look at CastleStorm for an example, it is a great game and the very best version of that game is the Wii U version.
  10. whiterocker

    whiterocker Member

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    Sorry, missed that G-C thing. Well, that is not exactly true. Wii U is the only console that is using GPGPU and is perfectly made for rendering. Even if we are talking about the 6xxx series (PS4 and Xbone is using inbuilt 7xxx series), it is much more powerful thanks to the GPGPU technology and eDRAM.

    There is a difference in engine and development tools. Sure, you could use Unitys own engine, but you can also build your own.
    As you say, they are using Unity for other games, then it would be more likely that they are actually using Unity for developing and publishing the game. As I also mentioned, Unity is the only developpment tools that support all mayor platforms.

    The same way I ask Dr. Emmet Brown how he could turn a DeLorean into time-machine :)
  11. suspision

    suspision Member

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    Apperently RTS games on consoles are terrible, because the controls aren't "precise" enough. And the less pretty graphics will be bad for your eyesight.

    Sarcasm aside, there are plenty examples of RTS on consoles that work perfectly fine. PA could be one of them if done properly.
  12. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I'm not actually get what you mean, but he is totally correct. PA don't use any pre-built engine.
  13. stonewood1612

    stonewood1612 Well-Known Member

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    This would have been excellent for a Blizzard-style april fools. Should have waited 9 more days! :D
  14. whiterocker

    whiterocker Member

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    I apologize for my english. I know that Uber has built their very own engine for this game. What I mean is that they had to use development tools, I don't think that they have build the tools too.
    For example: Unreal , Frostbite and CryEngine are just engines and not development tools, but Visual Studio, Eclipse, MonoDevelop, Xcode are all development tools, but not engines.
    Unity on the other hand are both an engine and a development tool and a 3D-renderer. Project C.A.R.S. is using Unity and they have built their own engine for the game.
    Are you with me now?
  15. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Basically you can say the same about any game engine. E.g both of CryEngine and Unreal Engine contain tons of tools that can be used for game.

    Yes, but only middleware Uber use for game is FMOD for sound and Coherent for UI. Obviously they used other software for development, but it's not related to Unity or any other commercial game engine.
  16. whiterocker

    whiterocker Member

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    Ok, then I know. It was just a big guess because of the support of the platforms. Then it could be more tricky to port an optimized version of the game to Wii U.
  17. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    The wii would not be able to handle the game without doing great harm to the game itself. so thats a no.
  18. whiterocker

    whiterocker Member

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    Just summing up.
    Almost 80% thinks that I am insane (I can live with that), or they at least say no to this idea. Also most of you say that either it would be a economical problem or a technical problem to bring PA to Wii U. But still, some of you thinks it could be interesting to see the game on Wii U. Asking this question on a Wii U forum would turn out totally different, maybe 80% Uber Yes!

    Should I make a petition at change.org?

    But I can agree on economical, it will cost both time and money even if they get help and support from Nintendo (not financial support though).

    When it comes to technological problems, I can agree on some things. Wii U is powerful, but it probably wont be able to run at uber settings. Another problems could be the online gaming experience. Even if I haven't got it confirmed by devs, PA is built with a custom dev tools. That would make the porting of the game harder, not impossible, that it would have been if it was built in Unity.

    So why Wii U? Well, the images basically told everything, the gamepad, the pen, the second screen. By the way, you could use the gamepad as a second camera and move around without to move the one on the television - that could be an advantage.
    But also, it would one of the few games that could justify the usage of the Wii U Gamepad.

    As I've said, this is just an idea - a concept.
  19. greendiamond

    greendiamond Active Member

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    it would be awsome to see PA on the wii u, but i think the true economic issue here is that there isnt enough people with a wii u to make all the work into making a conversion worth it. unless more is invested into advertisement i dont think it would be a consul seller. to be truly economically viable the conversion would have to be cheap the word would have to be spread far and the game would have to appeal enough to get people to buy the consul and the game.
  20. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    Oh I'd love to see a Wii U render an eight planet system with 40 armies of 1000+ robots.

    Besides, you just don't get the same amount of control, dragging your hand all over the place can't compare to a mouse and keyboard.
    RTS games just aren't made for consoles, especially ones of this scale.

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