I made this topic today, but I believe that is also modable. Would anyone like to do that pls. In sort, I'd like to select my nukes, click the attack button, drag a circle and release to see them spread out equally within the circle.
Well the actual issuing of a command to a unit is kept server-side, I think. EDIT: Never mind - there's that building writing mod which uses similar stuff I think.
The problem is that the current APIs do not make it possible to select single structures/units. You can only select all units of a type.
So it seems that the API is not flushed out enough to accomplish this. Even so. I'm quite confident that are commands and shift+click commands will be added for nukes.
Possibly deliberately so. If it were fleshed out enough to enable this sort of thing, it allows automation mods which are a contentious topic when it comes to the fairness of multiplayer games.
Oohh. Hmm... I really hope disabling cheating doesn't keep us from having more power with our mods... but I see the reasoning. Gotta have a balance... *sigh* That's depressing.
I think this is the best that could be done at this stage. I still have haven't looked at the related mods, so there may be a little more. When the mod sees a selection containing a single launcher, save an invisible group. When the player is ready to attack, a UI element shows all of the registered launchers. A pop-up PIP allows the player to view each nuke and select whether it is ready to fire. The player selects multi-attack; selects one ready nuke in attack mode, and then another as soon as it is fired. area-attack; positions the screen on the desired area and a pattern is overlaid on the screen based on screen-coordinates.