Question and suggestion for the amazing staff at Uber Entertainment. Are you planning on improving the look the planet smashing explosion? It looks fantastic already, but the current animation leaves new players wondering why everything dies on the world instead of at the impact site. They do not see how units on the other side of the world are perishing. Believe me, I was playing a great match with a friend, but when his base was collided with the enemy's moon on the other side of the homeworld. He didn't even realize his base was wiped clean, simply because the blast didn't appear like it reached that far. It lead me to wonder just how many other players don't get the idea either... An added flaming shock wave or a burning ripple effect that sweeps the whole planet from the blast site would be amazing, much more intense-feeling, immersive, and would help new players understand that smashing planets destroys everything on the ball, not just at the crater. I love this game, and great work so far! From -a humble player and backer of P.A.
Fantastic! I figured there are several more things to improve/add onto yet for PA (being Gamma and all), but I wasn't sure if Uber was planning on spicing up the "BIG BOOM" as well. I'm not one of those squawkers who always demands to know when the game will be finished, therefore I'm excited they are taking the time to make everything as amazing as they can for PA before the final "t" is crossed and "i" is dotted. Are you a dev? I'm new to the whole Forum thing on the Internet, believe it or not.... Thanks for the reply.