why all the hate? and desperation for a unit cannon?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tommybananas, March 15, 2014.

  1. tommybananas

    tommybananas Active Member

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    Dudes, been looking at the forum and seeing all these failed posts and demands for the unit cannon to end planet stalemates.

    well for starters this game is still in development so expect disconnects ect, and iv had this game since alpha so trust me the improvements they are / have made to this game are amazing.

    Also about the need for the unit cannon, personally i don't see how launching units to a planet is going to help when its defended properly. as they have catapults ect and t2 bombers roaming, so any unit that just lands is going to get shredded. Personally i think cracking planets is a balance thing rather than this magical unit cannon that after it comes out every ones just going to be hating on it for op or under powered reasons.

    So to sum it up, this game is currently my favorite out there i honestly cant fault it (other than the obv developmental issues) i love the art style and cant wait for the up coming perf enhances and balances.

    Gj so far uber keep it up:)
  2. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    It showed up in the kickstarter trailer and as such everyone believes it's a 100% integral part of gameplay.
    Never mind the fact that we know almost nothing about how it works, it's instantaneously mandatory to gameplay.
  3. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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    bicous we need more ways to crack planets

    Imagen 20 cannons nonstop shooting armies to 1 or multiple points of the planet

    thats Alone is AWESOME.....
    elwyn, RMJ and iron420 like this.
  4. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    It's Uber's goal to balance the game without the need for a Unit Cannon. So we should be good.
    Murcanic likes this.
  5. someonewhoisnobody

    someonewhoisnobody Well-Known Member

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    I want it now

    But its not supper necessary
  6. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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    but maaaan its AWESOME !!!!

    anyway how on earth they gonna balance it without a new unit or building that is capable to get from 1 planet to other ????

    set a limit as how many def buildings you can have / planet size ? i would shootmyself
    iron420 likes this.
  7. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    I don't know how they're going to balance it. But that's their goal.

    And I know it's "awesome" – but remember. It will be added. It's just going to mean that the Unit Cannon is going to be added later. It still will be added. Uber isn't going to release the game and then leave it. They're going to continually add to the game for the foreseeable future.
  8. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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    thats the main reason i like the devs that work on PA

    Soooo many other good games with potential dies bicous the devs dont care once they get the money from sells.....
    Last edited: March 15, 2014
  9. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    And that's just a bull **** conspiracy theory based on nothing.

    Uber is an established game dev firm that continues to hire more people and is working on other games. They also have other games that they continue to update. They also have been working in the game industry for a very long time.

    All signs indicate that they will continue to update the game after release. There isn't even a hint that they're going to abandon it. If they were going to abandon the game, they wouldn't be hiring new people, they wouldn't be working on other games. If they were going to get the money and stop, then they would have taken all of the Kickstarter money and then not develop the game at all.

    The Uber developers are very passionate about their work. They aren't going to abandon it.

    Just stop it with the conspiracy theories that they aren't going to improve the game. It's complete bull.


    After I finished writing all of that I re-read your post and realize that you aren't thinking they are going to do that. You're talking about why you like Uber.


    Nothing to see here. Move along.

    I'm just leaving the rest of the post up for the sake of those conspiracy theorists who think that the game is going to be dumped.

    Go Uber!
  10. Tiller

    Tiller Active Member

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    I think the unit cannon is just the face of the bigger issue of orbital problems and planet cracking, which is getting an overhaul. The unit cannon on its own wouldn't solve any of these problems, and frankly at this point isn't necessary. We're going to assume it only works for moons and other things orbiting a planet, so planetary invasions on other bodies in a system will still have problems. The Orbital rework, changing orbits, planet smashing, halley logic, transports, and nukes that can travel out of orbit are what's in the pipeline to fix that.

    The other reason its the coolest thing from the kickstarter trailer that isn't in the game yet and might not even make the 1.0 of the game's release. It's making people wonder what other features might not make the cut for 1.0. For me, I have just cause to worry given Uber's track record for game launches.

    Just like what they said about MNC and SMNC right? Except their MNC launch on console had many prevalent bugs and after one significant update they left that project for the PC launch. The PC version had horrific UI issues and server logic and while it was eventually fixed and they added a number of things they abandoned that project for SMNC. SMNC was "accidentally launched" in what amounted to a messy, incomplete Beta state which was responsible for it's death. First impressions and a horrible new player experience drove away potential players. They stopped supporting it because it died out.

    And now we have PA. Sure they say they look at it like a franchise, but if they fail to make a big splash on launch with missing features and game issues, history could very well repeat itself and they'll abandon it for other projects like they've done in the past. I like Uber, I've enjoyed my stay, MNC and SMNC were some of my favorite online romps. I wouldn't have kickstarted PA if I thought otherwise. But don't call me a conspiracy nut for being worried about what's going to happen come this game's launch.
    Last edited: March 15, 2014
    ace63, carlorizzante and iron420 like this.
  11. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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    aaaaaaaaaaaaand i almost started posting gifs and stuff then i saw you read it again and missunderstood lol

    gonna edit it lol

    done lol

    brianpurkiss likes this.
  12. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    One thing which is also important to put in perspective : a long long time ago, many of us (including myself) were crying and complaining like kids about the "scale" issue. Seems like to me it's old story for most of us. Probably just because the game is really much more polished. So as scale might not be an issue anymore, I guess it's the same for the Unit canon. Holly ****, PA is not just about a Uber Canon ! I'm pretty sure that if tomorrow we had the unit canon alive, one would find another reason to complain.
    timp13 and carlorizzante like this.
  13. catses

    catses Member

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    I think people are just getting frustrated with the current design of the game. of course it is still in development, but people want to know what direction it is heading in terms of overall game design It's not at all clear at the moment if Uber themselves are basically making it up as they go or if they are heading in a particular direction.

    The planetary cannon represents a core benefit of multi-planet warfare, which is supposed to be a major selling point of this game. Controlling additional planets allows you, with such a cannon, to essentially launch an attack on any point on the battlefield at any time (subject to economic drain involved in doing so). There's a clear incentive then to control multiple worlds as they represent multiple staging points for invasion of your opponent.

    As it stands the intention of multiple planets existing is not entirely clear as a gameplay objective. Why would you want to move off-world if the time and cost involved simply allows your opponent to gain a greater hold of the original planet.

    The game almost needs a third resource to make it worth the effort - as it stands you have everything you could need on the original planet and little motive to leave, aside from the prospect of ending the game with planetary collision. We need some real strategic gain from seeking multiple planets, some way of punishing someone who fortifies a single planet. Is a planetary collision snipe the only viable benefit from controlling multiple planets? Surely that cant be the intention of this incredibly elaborate technical feat uber have developed.

    I think we basically just need some input from the developers, an update on where exactly the planetary warfare is heading from a design perspective. At present it basically works as just an afterthought in gameplay with not much merit, though granted it works well from a technical perspective.

    As it stands the forum is becoming an echo chamber of the same people simply saying Uber has a plan, the game is in development et.c. Maybe Uber does have a plan, but it would nice to have some insight now and then. At the same time I can sympathise with their position, it would be unwise to talk about features that potentially cant be implemented for technical reasons down the road.
  14. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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    scale is still an issues the good nice big planets are all experimentals and everything above 3000 eats your rams and stuff alive needs optimization badly....
    iron420 likes this.
  15. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    The people that are getting frustrated with the game are a vocal minority.

    The overall game direction is pretty clear. Massive scale warfare. All of the other details are pretty clear for those that are active amongst the community.
  16. catses

    catses Member

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    Yes, massive scale is all fine and well, but we are talking about a game and how it actually plays in reality beyond generic marketing talk and buzzwords

    If you can link me to some posts from an actual developer where they talk about how the game will actually play in the future with regard to inter-planetary gameplay then I would love to read it.
  17. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Meaning that when the unit cannon does finally come out it either means it necessitates a fundamental rework of planet cracking balance in general, or it must be as non-sensational as possible.

    It's like Megabots; design elements don't exist in a vacuum. A game designed without the unit cannon is likely to not really accept it as an addition (or it needs to make few "waves")

    It is a shame that the unit cannon isn't making the release version. The developers even state this as their response too. It's also a problem that, unless Uber is willing to significantly alter the balance of the game as new units are introduced, new units must be as "meh" as they can be so as to not risk upsetting the entire game and its gameplay.

    That is what I'm personally worried about; a unit cannon that is "meh".
    LavaSnake, ace63, bradaz85 and 4 others like this.
  18. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    I'm just re-iterating what Uber said.
  19. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Fair enough. I'm willing to do a little more than just a parroting what Uber says though.
  20. catses

    catses Member

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    It's essentially possible to balance any addition to the game by adjusting the various levers available to the developers (ie cost, strength, build time etc). That doesn't necessarily make for a fun game though - the trick of course is to not only present balanced choices to the player, but also viable strategic options dependant on context; that's what separates a good game from a great game. The largest unit roster in the world could potentially have such shallow strategic depth as to only allow for one viable choice of unit composition.

    As you say, there is no point including a unit cannon if it does not present a viable strategic investment to the player in some contexts - but equally we dont want it to be a game ending weapon of mass destruction.

    I dont envy the job of Uber sometimes.

    Still though, I'd like to see it in, it's a "fun" design in Supreme Commander 2 which I think would fit in well with the ethos of PA. Considering the visual style, the game could certainly use more "fun" weapons like Supreme Commander.
    GoodOak likes this.

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