Use the In-Game Community Mods - raevn's PA Mod Manager for Linux and Mac OS X is Obsolete

Discussion in 'Released Mods' started by DeathByDenim, August 25, 2013.

  1. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Basically. Checkbox and name is all I need, but if you've space, the rest can't hurt. Of course, I'm probably toggling mods more often than the typical user, so take my comments with appropriate salt.

    As long as the buttons are somewhere, I don't need them in the compact view, I'm mostly flipping mods on and off. (If you did available as well, "Install" would be pretty important)

    As far as compactness: I scanned the thread and didn't see a screenshot. Is it possible that the layout is different between Linux and OS X?
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Make this a list of single lines that can be filter by a textbox on top.
  3. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Woah, is that what it looks like on Windows? I can't actually run raevn's version due to lack of Windows. I'm completely reliant on the screenshots he sends me every now and then.

    As for the compactness, I was only talking about the installed mods tab. Here are the screenshots for the Linux version. (Mac should look similar)
    pamm_available_mods.jpg pamm_available_mods_filter.jpg pamm_installed_mods.jpg
    So, I do have the filter for the available mods as you can see. And the installed-mods tabs looks quite compact already. (Sorry for the Dutch. I only realized after taking the screenshots). The available-mods tab is quite large, yes. Pretty icons though. :)

    Quite possible. I must admit I do not test the Mac version very well. It should look similar, no?

    Anyway, I'll go add a compact view option, since I quite like the idea. Actually, I've been toying around with the idea of making a command line version ala apt-get for Debian based systems since wondible mentioned the command line interface.

    Attached Files:

  4. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Filter installed would help for many cases, but not when I'm scanning for ones that might affect a certain situation.

    For comparison: Screen Shot 2014-03-03 at 16.11.58 .png
  5. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    So yeah, you've got about 80% more visibility.
  6. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Blimey. Ok, I'll look into that.
  7. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    That's the available mods view, not the installed mods view. Keeping the same info but putting on one line would make this very hard to read. Not putting it on one line would take up even more space. I can shrink it a bit though.

    And about 80% less information to show ;)
  8. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I've wasted so much time searching mods in that list. My installed mods view is not much better:
    I really don't need more than name + filter function for this. Well maybe mark them red if they are outdated and show the version in the line (the version is tiny anyway) or something. But when you tend to toggle mods on/off a lot searching them isn't exactly fast currently.
    proeleert likes this.
  9. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    A couple of things are planned in this regard:
    • Filtering by text & categories (both installed & available mods list). The groundwork for this made it into the last release, but I decided it was was more important to get the new version out.
    • Toggle all mods on/off. Hope to include some kind of save/recall also.
    • I like the idea of being able to switch both the installed mods list and available mods list between overview & detailed displays.
    • Reduce size of entries a bit, and generally make it feel less cramped.
    Edit: Would you prefer a single vertical list or the current tiling (when the PAMM window is expanded)? I chose tiling because it shows more mods, but I can see how that makes the sorting confusing.
    Last edited: March 4, 2014
    LavaSnake and ORFJackal like this.
  10. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

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    Sweet! I'd say tiling, but only if it works. Currently tiling ends up with empty spots and stuff and that just doesn't look/work that great.
  11. wheeledgoat

    wheeledgoat Well-Known Member

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    whoah. i can't believe how easy that was. read the first post in this thread, followed the instructions, BLAMMO.
    Turns out I needed the blackscreen mod and it worked like a charm.

    kudos on the excellent execution, and thanks for your effort and time on the PAMM & mods, guys!!!!!!

    I'm sorry I have to ask this, but I can't figure it out. what is the [REL] before the thread topics?
  12. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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  13. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    I can't believe it took you so long to try out the mods. :)
    I saw your post about the secondary colours, so I would highly recommend the Show Secondary Colour mod, which allows you to see and set your secondary colour again. Combine that with the Favourite Colour mod and PA will always try to pick your favourite colour for you.
  14. wheeledgoat

    wheeledgoat Well-Known Member

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    I feel silly saying it now, but my mindset towards PA, esp since it's still in betagamma, was to stick w/ vanilla... I suppose you can put me in the "convert" column. :)

    the Econ Efficiency and the PA Mentor are my fav so far. It's disgusting how easy PAMM is to use, and for weirdos like me the peace of mind of having a checkbox to turn off/disable any mod is key. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it works flawlessly between upgrades of PA (not having to reinstall anything or monkey with it), so I'll just say that I'm enjoying it!
    ORFJackal likes this.
  15. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

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    Well be sure to check out ProfilePic+. It doesn't help your game but it's just fun to have.
  16. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Ha well, to cut this short. Be sure to try out every mod. ;)
  17. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

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    Yes, I actually use about half of all the mods on there.
  18. nlaush

    nlaush Active Member

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    So I am not sure where to post this, I'm on Arch Linux x64 and I am not able to load any mods. The game finds and saves my changes to settings '~/.local/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/' but will not load anything from the mods folder. The console always shows "Client loaded 0 mods." Now I am using en_US.UTF-8 and there are not any special characters in the directory path. I have tried deleting the PA and PAMM directories and the files therein and the .local directory containing the settings/mods/etc to no avail.

    However, investigating this further, Coherent/PA seems to check the PA directory itself '~/PA/media/ui/mods/' for mods (according to the Coherent debugger). It does not check the the '~/.local/.../mods' directory on my system. If I put the generated 'ui_mod_list.js' generated from PAMM in the base mod directory, it will attempt to load all mods that I installed in PAMM, but in '~/PA/media/ui/mods/' only.

    So say that I put the mod "fabulous_selections" from where PAMM put it in the '~/.local/.../mods/' folder, where it does not load, in the '~/PA/media/ui/mods/', it will load when PA is launched.

    On my computer, fabulous_selections directory structure from PAMM is:

    '~/.local/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/mods/fabulous_selections/ui/mods/fabulous_selections/'

    Which contains these two files:


    Those will be put under:


    Which works. This is extremely hacky, but I wanted to play with my mods. And it works without complaining to the console.

    So if any devs are reading this, this doesn't seem to be intended behavior. On windows, I do not have this problem and it checks the user directory.
    Last edited: March 14, 2014
  19. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    That's a really interesting find! I remember @MCXplode had exactly the same issue (see page 3 of this thread), but we never figured out why it didn't work for him. Coincidentally, he was using Archlinux as well. The bug report he made is FS#2953. Please add your find there as well.

    It (obviously) works fine for me on Ubuntu 12.04 and 13.10. I even tried to install Archlinux in a virtual machine, but I never finished installing it because I found Archlinux to be quite a pain to install, but it seems I need to redouble my efforts there.
  20. nlaush

    nlaush Active Member

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    It is a pain to install since it practically is building your system from the ground up. Which is why I find it to be so stable. Once I have set it, it is pretty much unbreakable since you can fix it pretty easily. I just reposted this in the comments section under bug FS#2953.

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