Will PA have team voice chat built in eventually?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mostuniqueusername, January 11, 2014.

  1. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    Same could be said of text chat................
  2. torrasque

    torrasque Active Member

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    Uber could give a unique public hash for the game and a unique private hash for each team and let the community deal with it.
  3. bradburning

    bradburning Active Member

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    It would be nice if the game had it, but I don't think the game needs it. Its easy enough to find a open public sever for team speak and just post a link to it in chat so if the other people in the game want to join you on voice they can. I know this is not ideal, but would be if you can link to it in game.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  4. mostuniqueusername

    mostuniqueusername Member

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    The key thing here is that PA must link to / make it easy to connect to the third party service. I'm fine with Uber not providing voice chat directly, but without some sort of linkage it's a pretty terrible experience to use a third party tool. For example, I'd have to tell a random stranger "go to this IP address with TeamSpeak", and I have to type in the IP manually because there is no paste, and the other person has to manually retype it in TS because there is no select/copy.
    warrenkc likes this.
  5. k3n58

    k3n58 Member

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    *bump* on this one, would still be great for something like this to be in the game IMO
    warrenkc likes this.
  6. warrenkc

    warrenkc Active Member

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    I think it needs it in some form, to make it possible to play a "team game" effectively.
  7. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    every SINGLE thread on this matter we just tell people to use the official PA teamspeak and muble or your prefered clan's teamspeak or muble. --this is in the FAQ.
    why the hell is this so hard to understand? Uber aren't specialised in VOIP software, there are very talented and dedicated people who are, stop desacrating their work.
  8. warrenkc

    warrenkc Active Member

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    Steam has voice capability, but it needs to be enabled in the game.
  9. polaris173

    polaris173 Active Member

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    I don't think Uber should try make their own system, I just want them to put in the hooks so mods could easily do it at the very least. Neutrino/everyone ever is right that global lobby voice chat is generally awful and incredibly obnoxious, and while Zaphod is right that this community is both smaller and different demographics wise, some of those types would definitely eventually show up.

    I think a nice default setting would be you can only hear your teammates, friends, and the lobby leader by default (language flag next to player's names would be good too). You should be able to easily and immediately toggle any of these on/off as well from the lobby. Team games are much, much harder without the ability to voice chat, so my preference would be that Uber focuses on folding some of the most popular services elegantly into the game.
  10. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    actually the hooks are already there. you're just complaining for the sake of it.

    My opinion is that "global" chat (I call it ally chat) is not obnoxious, it's very usefull and fun. It's just that mumble does it better. (i think teamspeak has this option too)

    You can create a hook for any game and make sure that app inter-communication is enabled in mumbles advanced options and then PA can tell it when a game with this an this an this person was launched and move each team member into automatically created channels for each respective team with the game name on it.
    you can even send other informations.

    And as soon as you leave the match it moves you back to whatever channel you were in before.

    In anywase there's already an overlay mod for both teamspeak and mumble.

    Get with the flow steam voice chat is crap.
  11. polaris173

    polaris173 Active Member

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    Oh, I can't play often so I hadn't bothered seeing if integration mods were already around (probably should've), good to know they're already there. By "global" chat, I mean chat is automatically on in every lobby, including FFAs and such where it could just be annoying; team chat is great and what I wanted a space carved out for, but that's clearly already been done. I don't play PA via Steam so no idea about that.
  12. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Ok, I see, sorry about the uptight response.

    what I do when I don't feel like chatting when I'm playing faf is I just mute mike and sound in mumble.

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