Question/thought: Non-blobbing & cheap turrets make T1 units useless

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by donut64, March 11, 2014.

  1. donut64

    donut64 Member

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    Prior to the advent of gamma, and indeed the later beta patches, amassing an army of doxes or ants was useful. I mean, legitimately useful in and of themselves. Because you could blob them up and throw them at the enemy, you could easily overwhelm T1 and T2 laser towers, pelters, holkins and so on so long as the enemy had only a single layer of them. Usually the best defense was multiple holkins, an army of your own, or an overwhelmingly dense mass of turrets combined with walls. It was possible to defend but reasonably difficult, just as it was reasonably expensive but possible to overwhelm defenses with masses of tier 1 units, especially doxes.

    Now, with the unit formations and cheaper turrets, I feel like ants and doxes are absolutely useless. I used to bother making some T1 factories to pump out units, now I use it only to make anti-air units to cover my slammers/snipers/levelers. Does anyone else feel this way, or has anyone else noticed? It really slows down the game, and makes it absolutely necessary to hit t2 as fast as you can.

    Also, I'd like to ask, is there any way to disable the unit formations? They (unit formations) are useful against holkins/t2 bomber but detrimental against everything else because they spread the army out, whereas ideally you'd want the toughest spearhead you could get. It also reduces the chances of a wrecked tank/bot providing temporary cover for the other units attacking the enemy's defenses.
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Currently there isn't a way to disable formations, but that is coming.

    We're also going to be able to make our own custom formations and formations are going to undergo tweaks – particularly units in formations are going to become closer together.

    Formations are far from done. There's definitely some improvements that need to be made.
  3. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Just saw a checkin today on tighter formations as well as code to put specific units in place in the formation. So yes, what you are saying is correct and we are working on it.

    Drawable formations is the next level, we'll see how that goes.
    snierke and polaris173 like this.
  4. Mattk50

    Mattk50 New Member

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    tighter formations are good for some things and broad good for others. Will there be ab ability to set the distance?

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