Can you please go to this directory and try to run PA.exe from here? Is it starting fine? C:\Program Files (x86)\Planetary Annihilation\PA\bin_x86\ It's 32-bit version and it's not affected by some problems.
Hmm, had a look your system spec is certainly up to it and you're graphics drivers are up to date. Garat gave some useful advice on another thread:
x86 version will not launch either. Looked for the settings and mods mentioned as well but they dont exist.
Can you please check this how-to and upload your log and crash dump in this topic?
Can you as well upload this file? C:\Users\ATUNN_~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2ce94ca3-b176-4cc2-bcd0-3ee83e1da8eb.dmp
Can you try to run 32-bit version? Is it working? C:\Program Files (x86)\Planetary Annihilation\PA\bin_x86\PA.exe If yes you most likely have "Coherent init crash": PA#3204