I use my mouse 4 button for push to talk, and it's annoying that although you don't need it, it deselects units and creates a selection drag box. Mouse 5 also does the same thing. Can this either have its current overlapping use removed or be unbindable? Thanks.
Wouldn't it be easier to unbind the key on your mouse settings and reassign it to a different key which you can then use for push to talk.
That doesn't seem to happen for me. I have mouse buttons mapped to keyboard shortcuts using Logitech Setpoint software, and as far as I know the game really thinks it is seeing keyboard input.
I love mouse 4/5 for push to talk too, but I've had problems unbinding other features of those buttons elsewhere. By default, it is a browser back/fwd button, and I've not found any good way to remove that functionality either. It is certainly annoying and I agree that if there is some way to 'unbind' the click select function of those buttons, I would do it in a heartbeat.
The issue here is that PA reacts indeed to "mouseclicks" and mouse 4 and 5 are mouseclicks. I use mouse 4/5 as well, not for TS but as shift/ctrl. It works because I configure shift/ctrl on the mouse driver level. (logitech setpoint indeed) As far as PA is concerned it sees a press of shift/ctrl. The same is probably true for people who have it working for TS: They have TS configured to react to some keyboard key and configure the mousedriver to trigger that key on mouse 4/5. So you need to use your mouse driver to bind mouse 4/5 to keyboard keys to get this to work. Or mod PA to handle keys in a better way.