Base Shields

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Hamasauras, March 4, 2014.

  1. vackillers

    vackillers Well-Known Member

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    indeed heh...
  2. keterei

    keterei Active Member

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    If shields were added, they would only be aesthetic.. You can't expect some units to be more powerful than others because of shields. So if they had shields, their health would likely be lowered so that their overall health was exactly the same as other units. In that respect they could be added, but then, what's the point?
  3. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Not unit shields. Shield generators.


    For the record; UEF master race.
  4. vyolin

    vyolin Well-Known Member

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    Just a bit of nitpicking here: Officially - given that I recall it correctly - the reaction was unpredictable in location and scale, e.g. you could have everything from a simply not working shield/laser to an nuclear explosion anywhere between the laser's origin and the shield.

    On the topic of SupremeCommander-style shields: Shield damage propagation was a neat balancing mechanic that I think wasn't used to its fullest potential.
    Another way that shields could be realized is by reducing incoming projectiles' velocity and damage by a certain factor, e.g. 0.5, with every such operation draining energy respective to the projectile's original velocity and damage(; damage abstracting projectile mass here to simplify the simulation).
    This way shields would only ever mitigate damage but not prevent it - with the exception of shielded fast units which could avoid getting hit entirely with this system being an acceptable emergent result and every projectile would still have a direct impact on your opponent's economy regardless. Would allow for nice T1-T2 differentiation, too, with different mitigation and efficiency levels.
  5. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Shield damage propagation? What is this feature of which you speak?

    What about a magnetic field generator? Projectiles are deflected and not tanked. Therefore, if units are near the shield, they'll get damaged. Instead of shield integrity maybe it could require more and more energy to continue deflecting until your economy dies. Probably a horrible idea in practice but meh, the people can vote.
  6. vyolin

    vyolin Well-Known Member

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    I honestly can't tell which patch or mod it was - it basically meant that every shield that overlapped with another took a portion of the damage those received, resulting in a loss of overall shield strength when you grouped them to tightly thus discouraging turtling.
    On deflector shields I am not to keen since they are such a binary affair again - they are more dangerous to the attacker even I would say. Still a fun idea, though, and visually much more appealing.
  7. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    It wouldn't reflect, but deflect. So you have a big problem if your deflector is in the middle of your base. As an attacker it only gets dodgy if you're attacking the same target from multiple angles.
  8. vyolin

    vyolin Well-Known Member

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    I know but I was silently assuming a fully shielded base precisely in order to avoid that scenario. You are right, it would encourage very careful placement of shields and most likely lead to only small outposts being shielded. Or just about anything if it is cheap enough.
  9. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    If we went with deflectors, I'd make their radius fairly small, maybe enough to encompass two T1 factories if it sat between them.
    vyolin likes this.
  10. vrishnak92

    vrishnak92 Active Member

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    How about umbrella shields, designed to only stop orbital lasers & artillery? Yet attacks from direct weapons like tanks or bots wouldn't be stopped?
    vyolin likes this.
  11. Nullimus

    Nullimus Well-Known Member

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    The best shield is a dead zone around your base. just make it so that nothing lives if it gets too close. Of course this is a rather difficult position, since if you are turtleing you are not gaining map control and the nearly unlimited resources gained through that map control.

    Part of the reason shields are not in is because, with unlimited resources any defense can be overwhelmed. The way to win in PA is to expand faster and defend your resources more effectively than your opponent.
  12. vyolin

    vyolin Well-Known Member

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    There will surely come someone around citing Supreme Commander 2 as a counter-example in a minute, so be warned.
    Nice idea, though.
  13. hearmyvoice

    hearmyvoice Active Member

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    You can't blame the game for your own mistakes... Forged Alliance sucks if you suck at it, if anything that should motivate you to get better and more aggressive. You know it is just so dumb to see my friends play together and then they all just turtle and complain how the game lasted for 3 hours...'s just cause and effect. What amazes me is that they do the same thing over and over and over again. Conclusion: You can't help these people, they have decided to never improve and learn from their mistakes and they are forever doomed to have crappy supcom games.

    Once again, can't tell are people talking about vanilla supcom shields or forged alliance shields... gah, everything is lot better in forged alliance (including shields), so people should stop messing things up by talking about vanilla. Vanilla is crap and that is not a secret.
    Last edited: March 6, 2014
    BulletMagnet likes this.
  14. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Without SupCom there would be no FA...
  15. hearmyvoice

    hearmyvoice Active Member

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    Yes, that's true... but what does that have to do with anything? FA is a better version of supcom in every way, talking about vanilla supcom would be same as talking about PA Alpha.
  16. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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    crapy game ? my best games that i enjoy the most in FA is when everyone turles and lasts for hours that what i like lol.

    you guys playing Rts games like cod or what ? 20 minutes games ? pffffffffffffff i hate short games in an rts.
  17. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I personally quite like the deflector system they implemented in TA-Spring for a while. A projectile would come in, the shield generator would project a beam to catch it and divert it away (what made it very fun was you had absolutely *No* idea where it would end up, I've seen games where a badly placed deflector funnelled shells away from a low tech base into an allies advanced reactors and BOOM XD). Sadly people complained about it so they went back to standard screens :( One thing they did very right in TA:Spring was that shields only blocked certain types of projectile (so lasers for examples would go straight through, but long range shells were stopped). It meant it wasn't a "one structure fixes all" solution. The shield needed other defences to prevent units getting to it and destroying it.
    vyolin likes this.
  18. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    here i am!

    joking, joking.

    I think the bomb bouncer from Supcom2 was a rather cool and smart device, but the game flow never really justified investing in it.
    vrishnak92 and vyolin like this.
  19. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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    Shields that deffend from Artillery and Catapult missiles ONLY

    BAM its not OP and would help againts the Artillery Spam......
    vrishnak92 likes this.
  20. hearmyvoice

    hearmyvoice Active Member

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    Well, good for you then. :D I've also enjoyed some turtle games on 40x40 and 81x81 maps, but mostly prefer games with lots of action all the time. I guess it's just personal preference.

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