Need Advice

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Daeromont, March 5, 2014.

  1. Daeromont

    Daeromont Member

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    Ok... I've now graduated to playing against humans, and I've had a great time and been relatively successful (so to speak). Having said that, I am having the following issues:

    1) Can I teleport air units and/or naval units? I couldn't seem to make it work.
    2) Can I reset a teleporter to a new location, and if so, how? I had to delete one of mine in the last game to get it to reset to a new location...but I may have been doing something wrong.
    3) Is there any way, other than teleporters, to move large amounts of units? I thought I saw in the tutorial that a pelican could move many units...but my game was only allowing one at a time. Again, I may not be doing this correctly. I clicked load on a group of units.
    4) My final game was multi-planet, and I was getting killed in space. Is there any way to recover? I spent two hours dying...which was fine and quite fun while I tried to create lots of delaying tactics....but I couldn't seem to find a way to get back off planet (in force) once the opposing player had domination of space.
    5) Nukes: I like them. But, I had three anti-nukes at one of my bases, and it was still destroyed. Not sure how many nukes came in. Can anyone suggest an anti-nuke strategy?
    6) Does anyone have a good idea on how to manage so many units? I set groups, but the number of units being built make that rather unhelpful. I know the hotkeys...just wondering if anyone has general advice. I LOVE the multi-planet battles, but they are dang hard to manage.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. xuereb

    xuereb New Member

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    1) No not yet the devs have talked about it though.
    2) Same way you set it up the first time. Select one and then right click the one you want to connect it to.
    3) Pelican can only do one at a time. But you could have dozens of pelicans. (if you want to)
    4) If one player is far ahead it is difficult to come back, if one planet is a moon of another you can nuke in between the planets
    5) Best anti-nuke strategy is to nuke them first
    6) Managing multiple armies across multiple planets is just part of the skill cap, the better you are at the game the better you will become with managing armies.
  3. Daeromont

    Daeromont Member

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    Thanks for the response. The only answer I find troubling is the anti-nuke policy. Surely there is some way to counter them? If not, aren't they too powerful? I built three anti-nuke facilities and had about 40 planes patrolling the area. I don't mind they broke through if my tactics weren't sufficient. But I think they should be able to be defeated.
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    they're OP, many many many threads about them. surely scathis will do something,
  5. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    there also have been some reported bugs with anti-nukes failing to intercept.

    and ya, nukes are a bit OP right now. WIP on this one.
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    actually many of those may have been intentional as it's supposed to be more and more a question of probability as you get nearer to the edge of the range radius.
  7. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    There's lots of discussion on nukes.

    Anti-Nukes aren't guaranteed to intercept. They must have enough intel on the incoming nuke to intercept.

    As for techniques on surviving nukes...

    Spread out your base. Don't put all of your power and all of your important structures in one easy-to-nuke place. I've won matches after getting nuked 2, 3, and 4 times.

    Finally, constantly constantly scout your opponent. If you see that your opponent is building a nuke, snipe it!

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