Modifies the unit backgrounds in the selection box by giving commanders a red backgound to make sure they stand out, and giving fabulous fabbers a construction stripe. - - - PAMM Version 2.1.0 - Remove stripes from fabrication barge - Add stripes to support commander Version 2.0.1 - Removed accidental console logs - Add readme and changelog Version 2.0 - Changed scene name, update for circa 68079 - New modinfo format - Removed stripe from combat fab
Yes. Yesyesyesyesyes! That's so simple, but so important. Could it be expanded to leave a black and yellow "fabber" stripe above and below the selection icons when fabbers or the commander are selected? I keep accidentally selecting my fabbers and sending them off to the enemy's base thinking they are soldiers.
I love that. I hate accidentally selecting the commander and check frequently to make sure that I didn't. This simple mod would make noticing that so much easier.
Yeah, as effective as the "more of" selection is, I wouldn't mind a modifier or mode key that would bias selection to combat or fabber. I like your idea. I doesn't fall out of the wondible hack I found (converting the unit path to classes, which includes the 'commanders' folder), but it might be an easy extension to match for 'fabrication'.
Great idea. Also why I love PA, those "duh I'mma developer" itches can be scratched with little effort compared to other releases.
Do you like it this way, or should I look into a separate element that can be positioned to the side?
Fine. Here is a snapshot of your soon-to-be-broken mod. And probably renamed. The fabbers make it more than commander, and I might also take advantage of the land/sea/air/orbital tags I got for free. Depending on how well it weathers the Gammapocalyse.
ok, thanks. That gammapocalyse is a little late, it's around 7:30 there so it should be here anytime.
I'd only change the background colors for the com and fabbers. Most of the icons make it obvious enough as to what they are so it shouldn't be an issue.
I think the biggest issue now is coming up with a better name. Most things I'm coming up with are three big words. Special Selected Icons? Selected Icon Background?