So, I found an odd bug, I transported my commander to another planet in an AI game and it got destroyed quite obviously as it just disappeared (tried dropping it in an enemies base, but I didn't know this until I looked back). The camera doesn't really show me anything at all, has anyone experienced similar? Edit > re-watching my recorded game I think my commander might have actually still been in the dropship, odd I wonder why it didn't drop it as ordered.
Is your commander was in transporter when it's got killed? If yes I guess it's known behavior and it's happen in devs livestreams, e.g there is no effects when commander blow die inside transport.
I am not sure at all, I don't see anything happen and the game continues as normal, so I have no idea if my commander is alive or dead. I am rendering the video to upload, maybe it can shed some light.
I just re-watched it, you can clearly see the commander sitting in space at one-point and nothing happens he just disappears, that was most disappointing! Video link when it uploads, possibly tomorrow.
Did you tried to recall it using C hotkey? Is it was alive according to it? Is commander was on Astraeus? I'm asking because there was multiple bugs where transported unit was teleported in center of planet.
That's a known "feature". If the Astraeus or Pelican dies any unit it may be holding gets "deleted" rather than killed. This fixed a crash we were experiencing with attached units but isn't final behavior as we want it. Obviously if a commander dies while in mid air on a transport it should still explode.
Look around 16:31, my commander seems to sit in space, but he is dead and not selectable by clicking or by pressing his assigned hot-key.