New Weapon Types

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by moonsilver, February 24, 2014.

  1. moonsilver

    moonsilver Member

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    Hi, I probably could have searched more but didn't find anything on this. I'm curious to know if its possible within the game engine to produce weapons like a paralysing cannon?

    Reason I'm asking this is, most units at the moment only have death to the enemy type weapons so when thinking of new units there usually always armed with a killing weapon.

    If people knew what type of weapons are possible within the game engine we could come up with ideas for new units based on these other weapons, that would help create units that are more unique and role based.

    Here's a list I'm curious about: are these possible?

    Paralysing type weapon.
    Weather style weapons.
    Force pushing type weapon.
    Shrink weapons.
    Auto mini(can't select gundrone) type weapons. Like a snail like thing that opens its shell and gun drones comes out goes pew pew pew.
    ermm freeze weapons.
    Multiple unit combine own energy beam into one focused beam type weapons.
    capture type weapon.
    Constructor bot Ikea unpack fortress type weapon.
    a coffee machine with scolding type weapon.

    I'm out of ideas. But hope you get the idea, i thought a variety of weapons doing different things would help spice the game up. Weapon doesn't have to be attached to a unit, how about a tower that paralysies incoming units, kinda like an anti mass defense.

    Could also have lens tower that fires a focused beam at incoming units but is powered by generators behind it.
  2. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    That list got more awesome as it went.
    You had me at things going pew pew pew, but then stepped it up and introduced coffee.

    Games are practically made out of coffee. So why doesn't it feature more heavily?

    ... I really need some coffee.
  3. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    So you have a coffee weapon and pew pew pew but I notice you don't have bacon type weapon. :confused:
    shadowtagg likes this.
  4. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    We need 'Jam' type weapons too (I'm thinking a unit that fires red goo at radar towers and prevents them working)... "Raspberry.... only one man would dare give ME the raspberry!"
  5. moonsilver

    moonsilver Member

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    adding this to the list. Metal planets only, but a giant electric generator that causes the entire planet to turn into some sort of dynamo, then electrifies everything on the planet wiping out everything.

    Also EMP type weapons. might be interesting to temporarily shut down another persons power, might give orbital power more value as not being able to hit. Also shut down units for a bit.

    Another idea, though a bit situational, wreckage bombs. Turn a piece of wreckage into a metal bomb, the more metal in the wreckage the bigger the explosion, dentonates when enemy comes near it. Since its wreckage, unlike mines it won't get fired at automatically.
  6. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    These sound so much more exciting than bots and tanks shooting projectiles.
  7. shadowtagg

    shadowtagg New Member

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    I think this is a great idea, I am not entirely sure how you would go about implementing such a weapon into the game, however my thoughts are parralel to Zaphod's, some of these ideas are indeed a lot better than others that have been posted on here:

  8. CrazyVulcan

    CrazyVulcan Active Member

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    Absolutely not! bacon weaponry would be too OP and would undo months worth of balancing. :eek:
    cdrkf and sypheara like this.
  9. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    But we're talking about Uber here. There must be baking in the game somehow. Bones;)
  10. moonsilver

    moonsilver Member

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    The bacon weapon. Designed by cruel horrible people it serves as a sonic weapon capable of wiping out all sensory function of a pilot or damaging critical circuitry in a computer. It works by putting a pig in a cage, and using oil as a conductor extreme voltages of electricity are passed through the cage. This results in the extreme squealing sonic sounds that are further amplified by a trumpet system, that becomes the barrel of the cannon gun.

    It is often nicknamed the bacon weapon as after a battle, there usually is plenty of bacon to go around.

    P.S Sonic weapons is another suggestion.
    lokiCML and ace902902 like this.
  11. nawrot

    nawrot Active Member

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    Weapon that charges wreckages with nanites and electricity, and after they got enough of scrap metal (critical crap mass) they transform into huge bad-*** scrap metal dinosaur that eats robots and shits rainbows (rainbows are also deadly). And dont forget about jetpacks on that dinosaur. Dinosaurs with jetpacks are awesome.
    moonsilver likes this.
  12. moonsilver

    moonsilver Member

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    Nice idea, since I do not know how to quote, I shall translate the dinosaur metal robot idea from wreckages as a

    Unit reclaim and rebuild weapon, or perhaps more properly called a Salvage weapon that brings back units.
  13. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    You quote by clicking the reply button on the post. Lower right corner.;)
    Last edited: February 25, 2014
  14. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    Last edited: February 26, 2014
    moonsilver likes this.
  15. moonsilver

    moonsilver Member

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    So melee type weapons? We do have those flame tanks, pretty much melee. You could have a melee type Bot, personally I would prefer the Bomb bot be replaced with a melee type bot, simply because we have tons of expendable units already that I don't see how a bomb bot fits into the whole mass unit type thing. Suicide bots feels like more of a commando type game or micro based game unit. I tested them with a 15 factories put them on patrol created a planet of spiders. Then streamed them towards enemy base, after 3000 spiders they did virtually no damage to anything, except a few mexes being destroyed.

    A shield unit seems interesting. You could put that on a vehicle and create a heaechog type unit that could protect units from air bombs like when in old castle sieges they built those wooden shelters to protect from arrows while banging down the gate. MAde from armour though not energy. Think Uber have a rule no energy shields.

    That's a good list, Funnels I think are same as the above gun drones from snail thing.
  16. arbitraryranger

    arbitraryranger Member

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    what about rave style weapons that make your enemy sing and dance to da beat... *mpst *mpst *mpst
  17. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Light switch rave!
    arbitraryranger and lokiCML like this.
  18. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    they're not against shields per say. They don't like the implementation of the shields that were in sup com. Neutrino was the one that implemented does. Some kind of shields could come down the line after release most likely directional ones.

    I didn't know what exactly went but funnels are pretty awesome. So are robots powered by ultra compact minovsky fusion reactors.
  19. Artamentix

    Artamentix Member

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    A shotgun type weapon might be interesting, i.e something direct fire which can hit multiple units but only gets strong the closer it is.
    Pendaelose, moonsilver and lokiCML like this.
  20. moonsilver

    moonsilver Member

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    your idea of a shotgun weapon gives me an idea, I think a weapon that gets stronger the closest it is would be perfect for my orbital attack satellite.

    More seriously, how about a giant shotgun that is first inside a missile, instead of pellets u have lots of bombs. When the missile flies over its target it breaks apart, then the giant shotgun aims and fires the bomb pellets all over the area, maybe 1/4 as powerful as a nuke.

    reason I suggest that is , we have the inferno as a close combat vehicle. But u could have a shotgun turret, effective against blobs at range, still powerful up close against a single unit that has a really short range.

    does anyone with game engine programming experience know if these things are even possible?

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