lol, yeah you really need a pic. How about this one? I don't think so since the image's URL isn't based on the username.
It's based on the username's ID though. For example, your profile URL is: Your image URL is: The hard part is how to find that ID, given a username, or alternatively, how to get the user's profile page without an ID, then scrape it for the image. Edit: What you could do is formulate a user search URL, which will re-direct to the user's profile, then scrape that
Yeah, that's what I was saying, just in less words. I looked into this before when updating my mod and couldn't figure it out. It would be great if someone from Uber would help us on this but it's not that big of a deal.
Have a look at the code behind The member's page, to see what happens when you click Find Member: That redirects to the users' profile page if it's a valid user, so you could use that to get the page, then either get the ID from the URL or scrape the HTML for the image. Edit: Got It.<username> Then get $(".avatarScalar") - under this there's an <a> tag, with a <img> tag under that - this is the profile image. You could also split the returned URL to get the ID number of the user. I'd have to look up how to do that though.
hm, good question. I guess I'll just wait for a steam user to tell me it's not working and then figure it out.
I think the scraper needs work. I got this: Code:></a> <div class.jpg when I click on the profile pic to see the url it found.
I like it the way it is atm tbh but if you want extra things to do you could try this: I just had a think in response to your question and thought the more competitive people might like a plug in for their ranking on the ladder. They can get gratification every time they log into PA or be sad b/c they went down the ladder maybe.
@raevn could you tell me what function you use to get the player's username? The one I use gets the lower case version which I can't use for getting the PA Ladder sig pic like mishtakashi suggested. Thanks!
The bug is now fixed (I think) but I won't release it until I'm done with adding mishtakashi's suggestion which should be done as soon as raevn replies to the above post.
Actually, I figured it out. This is all fixed now and the new version is out. Thanks for the suggestion and bug report!
The link to the image is still showing up as><.jpg I fixed it but just putting it in manually. Can you make the background transparent so that the back shows through if our image uses transparency? Maybe it should just be an option in case there are people that rely on the background color to make their images look right on the forum.