Okay, so my experiences with new patch: 1) MINIMAP: The minimap is a great feature. However there are some bugs: Area commands show the "green" area inside minimap even when done main-screen for instance. EDIT: Currently, the Vanu Sovereignty is calling it PiP, while the Terran Republic sticks to the old-verse definition of Minimap, and as the New Conglomerate that I am I will insist on calling it the PRISM (Planetary Ranged Interactive Security Monitor(s)) based on it's utility. 2)AI: AI actually gave me a scare. On a system with a planet and 2 moons, I defeated it on one planet, but spoilers follow: The AI had gotten to another planet and completely covered it, he used air to defend against invaders, he erected nukes and was able to nuke 4 times a second even ontop of teleporters pouring units out onto his planet, he had erected 2 halleys on a smashable planet and almost had the winning 3rd one, he had used orbital lasers to destroy the better part of my base... Long story short, I had to nuke the entire surface of the smashable moon, then quickly dump a teleporter onto it and pour out hundreds of adv. bot fabbers, then smash that moon into the other. The AI would have beat me if it made more antinukes and orbital defences once it had t2 economy. It left my orbital fabbers in orbit above it instead of killing it, although it did build anchors it didn't build it all over. Also would have put up more of a fight if it had used more range units when it detected turrets in my base, I killed bulks of enemy land and air army in attrition. 3) ANCHORS: 4 killed 28 avengers, not sure how many anchors were killed but at least 1 survived. Takes a lot of avengers to attack anchors. Anchors can't be launched though, so thats perspectively better than orbital has been so far in function. 4) Teleporters: Because of PiP, can instantly build and link one at same time. So, if one can survive for 5 seconds, it will have already dumped at least 50 units out of it. Pretty much faster than a catapult can dispatch it. Very dangerous for planet campers. 5) COMING SOON(tm): Keep getting teased with the images they post of the new launcher. Wonder if that accompanies a new lobby too. Can't wait, although I feel spoilt for getting so many updates at once despite update-drought for weeks prior. I know development isn't clockwork, but I sort of wish we got parts of the first update a week or two ago and the PiP on it's date so we didn't wait so long. Obviously if it were possible though it would have happened, such is waiting for a game in beta, updates might take a month then you might get 1 big/3-medium ones.
No. I mean I click and hold in main screen, I drag an area of mexes, and the green area shows up in the other screen. Right now, IT IS A MINIMAP TO ME because there are not actual multiple resizable windows. There isn't really a window flip. Someone said ALT-V, but that locks minimap to current mainscreen location, and doesn't move mainscreen to current minimap location when it flips it. If I am bouncing back and forth between planets, I have to move both screens with camera anchors. Bottom line though, it is amazing that it works, and there IS a bug where when issuing area commands in bigscreen you get the green area in small screen. Not a problem, until you are issuing area commands in a place not viewed by the small screen, in which case how the hell are you supposed to know the area you are selecting?
It's not other screen, it's different viewpoint and this is why it's render totally same effects. Not sure if I understand you correct, but did you tried Shift+V? It's should swap your main screen and mini window.
Use shift v, it swaps your main view with the pip, useful for handling two planets simultaneously. I think? That's what you were getting at
Hmm, it did not swap them. The main screen stayed in it's current place, the minimap changed to whatever the main screen is looking at. The effect is rendered in the minimap. It is NOT rendered in the main map. So, let me re-present this bug. I have a bug, where the main map DOESN'T render any area affects, while the smaller picture does render it but it alone renders the green circle while the main view renders no green circle at all, despite the main view being where I issue the area command at. EDIT: Wait... alt-v... shift-v... *stares hard*... OHHH, those are NOT the same button combinations. I am simply pressing the wrong button. User error on that one, carry on >.>
I will screenshot and post bug report. Meh, before I do, I will just reinstall game and mods, see if that helps.
And that is with a build before I discovered our capsule vs AABB test was broken, rendering the AI blind to threat in many circumstances. Just wait till the next build.
This is the thing. I am convinced he would have beat me with better placed nukes or more antinukes or real orbital defence (he was apparently blind to my orbital fabbers, he never went for them even though they were definitely over a planet he mainly dominated and he had the power over that planet to do so), or even slightly more oribtal lasers or more frequent or better used orbital lasers. Generally, if I had not reacted faster I would have lost. One more well placed nuke and I would not have had the tech left to hold ground and fortify and recover. That would have been it, my commander just running away from nukes, and I am sure he would have eventually came back to my planet to reclaim what was his or smash it to oblivion with his rock. His main failure was that he attacked me with nukes and although I built antinukes he also attacked everywhere else with nukes too. He attacked the empty parts of the planet. He attacked parts of his own planet. He attacked my main base with nukes too, but if all the nukes went to my base he would have won, instead of the one-out-of-four SO THAT IS MY FEEDBACK AND ANALYSIS: I am amazed he participated in orbital so well, that he built interplanetary nukes and used them, that he built halleys, that he didn't keep his commander on the halley planet, that he knew to do all of that... My only suggestions, are build antinuke somewhere down the line (like when you get to halleys), that if he decides to use orbital lasers to build a handful and path them to different locations so they can come in on different sides and stand better chances of being undefended, and to have better scouting and targetting for nukes. Everything else the AI does has made it terrifically fun to play against. Who needs friends? #foreveralone
If the AI is not detected threat properly maybe that explains why it went after the factories I built on a moon but then ignored the holkins. I popped out an advanced radar sat, saw the commander and pop.
Welp, the AI beat me, legitimately, playing as confortably good as I could. I mean, I had room to do things better, but only afterwards looking back, I played as hard as I could in-game. The AI 1v1 me and won. I build up a strong fortification, had to slug it out with artillery, only "draw"d on that battle, errected anti-nukes but either he fired too many or antinuke didn't respond and I lost too many vitals, tried building back up and did get overwhelmed with nuke... Also, when I went early orbital, he was already on planet, I had to slug it out with avengers first, then I got a teleporter up and spread out to clear a large part of the map but just ran out of steam with my Gil-es and anti-air units started running thin and their artillery started firing on my teleporter and flak cannons and fabricators... I lost the push with the teleporter... I was just about to poop out my first laser sat when my last tech was nuked. I deleted commander after that, a lone commander with a frame of turrets against another commander with a nuclear volley and large armies wasn't going to end in a win. GG... gg......
I also have received word that the Vanu Sovereignty want the picture to be shaped like a triangle with only one rounded edge, the Terran Republic wants one at half size in each corner, and the New Conglomerate want Uber to buy each of them a 60" flatscreen to put in their living room for the PRISM.