That will hopefully be something Uber revise for the next patch. Obviously with a first pass there are lots of improvements to come with area commands.
The ability to click and drag a circle and have turrets be built along the edge at adjustable increments would be really really cool.
This mod is not meant for any other builds than the one it was made for initially. It basically overwrites everything with old data by now.
Storage is not line build. I'll see if I can update this tonight if someone doesn't do it before then.
I was wondering what was altered for the purposes of this mod: I'm interested in changing the Umbrella to use area build with wide spacing, but I'm not sure where to start. Thanks!
\mods\circleToLine\pa\units\land\energy_storage "area_build_type":"Line" You can use "Circle" or "Sphere" I can't remember. I believe you can change the spacing now. Have a look through the files.
Thanks for the help! I added "area_build_type":"Sphere" and "area_build_separation":15 to the ion_defense json file - as a result, I did get an area build rather than a line, but unfortunately "area_build_separation" seems to only work for line builds. Still useful though. I don't suppose either of you know a way to spread out area builds? EDIT: Actually, seems I just put "area_build_separation":15 in the wrong place. Everything's working great now! Thanks again!