I don't want to say goodbye to my sweet delta commander...

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by bengeocth, February 20, 2014.

  1. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    sorry carlorizzante, get used to it, this was explained many times.
    DeadStretch likes this.
  2. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    If you got the digital cosmic edition (like me), it says I have alpha, beta and retail access.

    I came in after Alpha was complete.

    So maybe, maybe not?

    damn it... The progenitor concept looks about 50 times better than the alpha commander. Blast.
  3. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    You wont get the Alpha either. The Delta was the new 'Alpha' level commander for post KS backers.

    So you get the Delta and Theta as percs. Progenitor and Alpha were the KS percs.
  4. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Also if you look back on some old threads, the Alpha concept looked somewhat more impressive than the final model (due to limitation of the skeleton). Not that I dislike the Alpha commander- just he doesn't have the attitude of the initial artwork.
  5. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    Yeah gonna miss him. Oh well until the day he's gone I'm playing exclusive with Delta :p
  6. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    YES!!!!!! THANK my lucky stars. Good riddance to lame looking commander.

    (Nekminnit, uber devs see this post, and "gift" me the alpha out of spite.)

    But what does the Theta look like? :/

    Edit: found it on google.

    It's the one I thought the progenitor was.


    Ahh Delta commander XD

    Last edited: February 20, 2014
  7. Ringworm

    Ringworm Active Member

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    You can bet your bottom dollar that Uber will release different models in the future, and that some of those models will become some player's favourite commanders.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  8. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    You make a claim, but don't back it up.

    Why does neither of the two examples I provided fit?

    One of them was a near direct example from the largest game publisher in the world.
  9. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Mods will probably give everyone a custom commander.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  10. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    It's a model swap, nothing more. If unique abilities or skills or anything with a meaningful gameplay effect was taken away I might... might be able to get upset over Uber rewarding those that helped them fund the game, sight unseen and get it off the ground in the first place... and who payed MORE to get in to the Alpha via the kickstarter rewards or 'slacker-backer' pre-orders...

    But this? No, I'm not losing any sleep over this.

    Seriously carlo, get some perspective.
    Gorbles and carlorizzante like this.
  11. dinokeymaker

    dinokeymaker New Member

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    I can understand carlo, since as him, I bought the game on steam, and on that platform there's only one "way" or edition to buy the game, that fits with the warfare edition on Uber's store. So only after bought the game on steam and come into this forum, I get noticed the bad and the worst news...
    The bad... there are three editions of the game, and mine is the "slim" one
    The worst... there's no way (at least at the moment) to upgrade a game purchased on steam
    carlorizzante likes this.
  12. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    yeah well but that is more a problem with steam then with uber ... ... because you know steam wants to make money aswell
    carlorizzante likes this.
  13. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Since the Delta has now been incorporated into the lore as well (head of the Roman faction) and also plastered everywhere for marketing, I've a sneaking suspicion that Uber may have decided against keeping him in reserve for higher tier backers. Since he wasn't a kickstarter backer reward, I think they could probably get away with that.

    I may of course be completely wrong, but just my own thoughts on the matter.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  14. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Excuse me, where has been explained on Steam? Can you point it out for me, please? Because I believe to have proved enough how an Early Access buyer on Steam would legitimately expect to be the Delta Commander in the pack he bought. Prove me wrong, and I'll be happy.

    Absolutely. I'm not against that. I'm disappointed by the communication about the product on Steam. Because, even if surely unintentionally, it is misleading. I believe it is under the eyes of everyone.

    Thanks, that's a wise advise, indeed. I'm not. But I also always say what I think clear and sound.

    I tried in the past to use logic with you, and it did not work.

    I'm sincerely think you have great qualities, Brian, but I'm not trying again.
  15. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    I would easily give up my theta for a delta...
  16. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Here you go. Directly from the Steam store page.

    Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 8.15.05 AM.png

    Except I poked holes in every one of your past arguments.

    Saying that you won't debate because you didn't like the outcome of a past debate is... well... pretty darn flawed.

    If you have a good reason, present it. Saying "we didn't see eye to eye last time so I won't ever debate an issue with you again" shows that you aren't very confident in your reasoning.
    v4skunk84 and Gorbles like this.
  17. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    I'm leery of that; it was made relatively clear that the Delta wouldn't be sticking around for everyone.


    I mean, when you say "Only available to Cosmic Edition pre-orders and $90+ reward tiers" you don't get a lot of room to wiggle. They could be brought up for bait-and-switch fraud even if they released something as a substitute and then let everyone have the Delta. The Backers and Cosmic Edition pre-orders did pay for it afterall... taking away their exclusivity could have some pretty negative effects too.

    Perspective people. It's a model swap; no unique animations, powers, abilities or weapons. It's just a model and I remind you, you haven't seen all the other Commanders that will be available to you yet.

    Patience and Perspective.
    Gorbles and DeadStretch like this.
  18. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    eh, i have the idea everyone should know by now that they bought a modable game
    Gorbles and DeadStretch like this.
  19. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    I bought 5 copies of this game on steam during late alpha, which means i backed the game for $300/U.S. And i wont be getting the delta, which is fine its not a huge deal, i get the theta and my fav raptor com so im more than happy.

    Not worth getting worked up about really.
  20. Ringworm

    Ringworm Active Member

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    Just for some perspective, the following text is copied and pasted from an email I received from Uber on the 16th of February 2013. The email title was "Project Update #20 : Meet The Delta Commander".

    Hello again, all!
    As we move ever closer to showing some in engine video, we have lots of other great things in the works. In addition to making more cool stuff for backers, we’re also working to encourage people who missed it to get in on the fun. We re-launched our store today, which includes a lot more detail, and a new package, called the Cosmic Limited Edition, which features some brand new content and a brand new system that improves what you, as backers, get.
    First up, is the Delta Commander. This commander is the first unit to go from being a sketch and simple grey box to being a fully fleshed out and animated game model. We’re very excited about the direction of this commander - it is one design of many more to come. The community, through the backers forum, got direct and early access to providing feedback on this design. If you’re not hanging out on the forums yet, you should!
    See the image at the bottom of this post, and the rest on our Tumblr.
    Next, we’re adding a new badge system to the game. These don’t impact gameplay, but provide a persistent way to identify yourself to other players, both for your involvement in the project and eventually, for your accomplishments in game. Some of the things we’re thinking about for badges, in addition to "Thanks for your early involvement!" are:
    * Tournaments
    * Clan Identification
    * Exceptional Achievement in Games (Winner of a 40 person free for all as an example)
    As we hash out more details of this system, it is something we’ll likely request input on. Since it doesn’t impact gameplay, but can be a great way to show off your achievements, we want it to really represent what players want out of a system like this.
    As part of this, while we continue to grow our pre-order options, as an early backer, you will continue to reap the rewards as part of that effort! This time around, with the release of our new pre-order, we’ve added to the reward tiers:
    * Access to the Delta Commander for all pledges $90 and up (this is in addition to the Theta commander that every early backer will get).
    * All backers will receive badges identifying them as founding supporters. We’re still working on the specific details of this.
    * As part of the Cosmic edition, we unveiled that their listing in the credits will be as Commanders. All early backers who were entitled to being listed in the credits will be put under the heading of Founding Commanders.
    * New store functionality just made it easier for us to upgrade pre-orders. We will be working to do something similar again for early backers - beyond the upgrade options you already had. We'll announce that when it's ready to go. We've had a lot of people who changed their minds about alpha and beta access, and we want to make that accessible!
    If you have friends who missed the early backing who are eager to get some of the special goodies, or access to alpha or beta, please direct them to our store. Every pre-sale goes toward building the game and making it that much more Awesome.

    End of message

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