I don't want to say goodbye to my sweet delta commander...

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by bengeocth, February 20, 2014.

  1. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    I love my delta commander. But when I checked my keys, I noticed that the Delta was only available to the next teir of backers. Does this mean when the game comes out, I won't have my delta? Its my favorite com and I would sooner give up any com than it.
  2. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    Yeah, we lose our delta.
  3. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    No, you lose your delta.

    I keep mine. ;P
  4. OathAlliance

    OathAlliance Well-Known Member

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    I keep mah Delta! And allz my Comms!

    Kickstarter bro, it duz stuff.
    stuart98 likes this.
  5. spicyquesidilla

    spicyquesidilla Active Member

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    It duz guuud stuufff.
  6. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    So, people who supported the game in beta via Steam will not have access to the full game?
  7. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    You have access to the full game. You just don't have all of the Commander skins. Certain commander models are rewards for higher level backers.

    You could upgrade your package to get the better Commanders if you so choose.

    Heck. Some people will be having a custom designed Commander. No one will have access to that Commander except them.
  8. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    No. That's just plain impossible. On Steam the screenshots of Planetary Annihilation show repeatedly the Delta Commander. Even the official cover as we saw lately depicts the Delta Commander as main character.

    How can you sell a game with its main character every where, and then that unit is not available for all players?

    It sounds really wrong.
    allister likes this.
  9. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Plain impossible?

    Main character?

    Just because a Commander is commonly used on poster art doesn't really mean much other than it's on the poster.

    It's not wrong.

    It's a reward for people who invested a lot of money into the game.

    Look at the backer rewards for the different tiers: https://store.uberent.com/Store/PreOrder?titleId=4

    You get what is listed under your reward tier.

    Want something more? Spend more.

    I spent enough to get the Delta Commander.
    uberpenu, DeadStretch and Quitch like this.
  10. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    So, Uber has to remove the Delta Commander from that poster and stop using it as a selling point for the game on Steam.

    Or, they have to write clearly that those screenshots are showing parts of the game that not every one will have access to.

    People on Steam have no idea that that's a feature that's not included in the game they're buying.
    RMJ likes this.
  11. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    No they don't.

    If that's the case, then you should go call EA (and lots of other publishers) for advertising features that's only included in DLC. They do it all the time. In their trailers and other promotional material, they showcase various premium/dlc/addon/whatever features.

    It's promotional material. When you purchase the game, there's a list of what is included. The Delta Commander is not on that list.
  12. Ringworm

    Ringworm Active Member

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    Also, wasn't the Delta commander the first one that was released in an "almost-finished" fashion?

    Which would necessarily mean that any screenshots created in the early-game development cycle, would most likely use the commander which was in the most complete state.

    I agree that the Delta should only be available to those that qualify, or else what was the point of backers backing?

    Maybe Uber will release a similiar but not identical commander in the future.
  13. Ringworm

    Ringworm Active Member

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    If you really can't live without the Delta, it's still available in the Cosmic Digital edition, and the Cosmic Limited edition.....
  14. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I was KS beta backer- so I'm guessing to low for the Delta?

    Also- when do us Beta backers get the 'progenitor' we were promised?
    keterei likes this.
  15. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    C'mon, the Delta Commander is even the unique unit in the official cover of the game as released the other week. And it is the unique unit in the cover of the game on Steam.


    I hope I misunderstood.

    I sincerely like Uber folks and they proved a great style so far (I even write that in bold). But this issue about what's in the game, and what's not, sounds rather stupid. So I assume I misunderstood.

    But anyway for the record, here what's stated regarding the Early Access on Steam.

    Early Access Includes:

    • Instant Access - Gives you access to the game right now during the beta period -- and after when Planetary Annihilation releases this winter.
    • Theta Commander: Commanders are front and center in PA, and the Theta commander is a unique shell design only available to those who purchase the game in Early Access or pre-purchase the title at a later date. It is a distinguishing symbol of your support.
    • Orchestral Soundtrack: The PA Soundtrack is the game’s score by Howard Mostrom and it's recorded by a live orchestra. It will be yours via digital download when the game is released.
    • Desktop Wallpaper: This is the official full release Planetary Annihilation wallpaper and will come in a variety of resolutions for you to choose. Design to be finalized by release

    There is no mention about the Delta Commander been absent in the final release. And I repeat, the Delta Commander is on the cover of the game. And in several screenshots as well.

    More, on Steam it is stated the Early Access buyers get the Theta Commander, as you can read above. It is legit to assume that the issue of something missing is limited to that unit, and Steam Early Access buyers get to have it anyway.

    Kickstarter as a keyword is present only in two of the comments. It is not mentioned at all in the official text from Uber or Steam. The keyword Delta is entirely missing on the page.

    In the end I couldn't personally care less about a skin for the Commander. But the Delta Commander is the most humanoid of the set. It is the unit with which most of the players will likely identify in game.

    It is the unit that's used to represent the game itself!

    Taking it away after release, doesn't really sound like a big win.
    Last edited: February 20, 2014
  16. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    If you look at the *higher Tiers* for the game the Delta is mentioned. Also for the KS the Progenitor was the perk at beta level. The Alpha commander was the perc at Alpha level and above. Backers at very high level (think £1000+) get their own unique commanders made for them.

    They added in the Theta and Delta as rewards for early backers after the KS campaign so come release you guys get those that new players don't, but you wont get the KS progenitor or Alpha (based on level). I'd image you'd be annoyed if new purchasers of the game were given the Theta commander that you'd paid extra for? I'd also point out that not mentioning something is excluded *isn't* the same thing as saying your going to get it.

    It's a shame that come release I'm going to loose a couple of commanders (Alpha and Delta for me), you'll loose some more. Just remember that new players will have even less. I don't think the system is that unfair tbh.
  17. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    The steam list also doesn't mention that you won't get a foot massage every night.

    Just because it doesn't say you won't get something, doesn't mean you will get it.

    Your counter is that a foot massage isn't on the promo material.

    But let me iterate once again. Just because something is on the promo material doesn't mean the option you get includes it. Easy example – car commercials. In the car commercials they always showcase the most expensive version of that vehicle. You don't get mad when you purchase the base model and it doesn't have the features that were on the ad.

    You paid for the game and got what was listed on what you paid for. No more. No less.
    DeadStretch likes this.
  18. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Not one inch. I do not care about what other people get. That's not my business and I wish them all the best.

    I do care what I get, 'cos that makes a difference for me. What you get, makes no difference to me. Please, sincerely, have it all.

    Plus, Uber is using the Delta Commander to represent the game on Steam. As we can see from the cover.

    So the fact that people who bought the game on Steam with that cover will not get that unit, it is unacceptable from an ethical point of view. Plain and simple.

    But even so, even if I personally do not care if I get the Delta, Gamma, or what so ever Commander, I believe that locking such an iconic units to a tiers system it is an expression of a very poor marketing strategy.

    It just makes people unhappy and causes discontent.

    What I most feel pity for, it is that the most humanoid of the Commander, the one with which we as human could identify the best, will be missing for the most of the players.

    That's really a poor marketing strategy. And perhaps even poor as game design strategy.

    On Steam, honestly, Uber should replace the actual cover and using a more appropriate one representing the Theta Commander. Because that's the tier for Early Access buyers on Steam. Not the Delta, as you guys are telling me.

    Uber should also remove the Delta Commander from any screenshot, because apparently there is not way for Early Access buyers on Steam to get it now.

    As you say it will be available lately, for a mere amount of money. How elegant...
  19. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Sorry, Brian.

    Your example doesn't really fit. I know how much you care about this game, and how much you support Uber. For very good reasons, that for the very most I share as well.

    I also like Planetary Annihilation, and I already believe it's gonna make history in the video game field.

    I also personally do not care much about which Commander I will be able to use in game.

    Nonetheless I made my mind about this issue related to the various Commander's skins, and how they have been locked into tiers.

    It is a big fail.

    I have no other words to say.
  20. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    i get my progenitor and im ok with it .... other then that there is the raptor and spider ... no problems to me at all ..
    shotforce13 likes this.

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