Uber Entertainment: Test Ninja

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by garat, January 27, 2014.

  1. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    you guys want a redneck , no NEED !!!!
  2. OathAlliance

    OathAlliance Well-Known Member

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    I sent in an email yesterday with my Resume. Any ETA on when I might hear back from you guys?
  3. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I saw this and got excited! A job in my field, in a place where I can get experience.

    Too bad it's on the other side of the country and I won't be qualified for the next 3 years (When I say qualified, I mean earning my degree in CS).


    I'd be willing to do some at home stuff, but that's about it. Sorry Uber :(

  4. iceDrop

    iceDrop Active Member

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    I live in Washington state, and I have the interest in the game part all locked up.

    Unfortunately I don't think you can afford me. It's kinda ironic though that I find myself intensely interest in user interfaces to convey similar types of information in near real time to my type of customer, and oddly almost able to justify my irrational (professionally) interest in this game to my current employer. The amount of time I've stolen from them and invested in this game instead is.... well, deplorable. But also somehow almost justifiable. I'm not entirely certain I can bridge the gap here, but the mere notion that it's even possibly close has me pondering a bit.
  5. Neumeusis

    Neumeusis Active Member

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    By the way, just ONE dedicated person for the qualification of a product like PA...
    I saw entire Qualification Teams (5+ people) getting BROKEN by simplier projects (and this just on one plateform).
    Here, it's Win, Linux, MAC, plus writing strategies, plus testing, plus certainly having a good look on the dedicated sub-forum...
    I whish the lucky/unlucky winner good luck, he will be fighting a giant with a toothpick...
  6. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    That's why they are looking for ninjas and not for normal people.
    DeadStretch likes this.
  7. Illmaren

    Illmaren Active Member

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    moah...and now i must live in germany...-.- xD
  8. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I was thinking they also had to have assassination as an implied job skill...

    I totally should have put that on my resume.
    TheBluefatty likes this.
  9. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    That's Uber all over, though. They're an 'indie' (getting a bit big for that title, admittedly) game company making the sequel successor to one of the most epic RTS games of all time.

    What you end up with is an entire office of extremely proficient toothpick-wielders with a giant-slaying ability that would put the Biblical David to shame.
    Last edited: January 30, 2014
    cola_colin likes this.
  10. Neumeusis

    Neumeusis Active Member

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    I wrote a great long psot about how massive will be the qualification job on this project, then decided that i will not break everyone's hope and moral and removed my wall of text :)
    (but i saved it, curious people, ask for it !).
    So i will just say :
    David won because of Goliath's pride and the element of suprise.
    Even 5 Uber David could not win against 3 Goliaths...
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  11. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    That and the fact that he was quite nifty with his slingshot ;)
    mered4 and Neumeusis like this.
  12. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    My name is David. o_O Not a Ninja nor fit any of the prerequisites, so prob won't apply unless the name will suffice.
    TheBluefatty likes this.
  13. speneth

    speneth Member

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    Funny how I live 10.5 miles away in Sammamish just 20 minutes away from the office! Lol! Wish I could work there.
  14. doom3r

    doom3r New Member

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    Is "Test Ninja" derived from Tester or Software Development Engineer in Testing?
  15. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    I'm easily qualified for this job, but I'll be honest theres 2 huge barriers for me
    1. I'm Canadian and I'd prefer to keep it that way
    2. My work ethic sucks big time and I love Uber too much to subject them to that
    Best of luck to you guys! You deserve the best and you seem to find it.
  16. evilOlive

    evilOlive Member

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    Every time I read this I think how much I'd love this... and then I remember I'm a pain in the *** employee and everyone would hate me in 90 days or less. If I didn't suck so much, and if Uber didn't rock so much, I'd throw my hat in the ring. I live in Seattle, so that's easy enough.
    iron420 likes this.
  17. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    Cheers for honesty! I've always been kinda mediocre lol. Why do more than you have to? This office space quote hits too close to home for me: "That's my only real motivation is not to be hassled; that, and the fear of losing my job. But you know, Bob, that will only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired."
    evilOlive likes this.
  18. evilOlive

    evilOlive Member

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    What I think is really going on with people like you and me who are rather public about things like this, and things like our affection for tetrahydrocannabinol, is that we are probably rather clever people, with more than a few good ideas about how to make just about anything better (I'm totally engineer at heart myself...) who are, and have been, completely underutilized pretty much since gradeschool, where we are all first indoctrinated into the world of employability: "Don't speak out of turn, do as you're told, accept authority from a singular source, accept a heirarchy of power and authority wherein you are always and will always be at the bottom, remember the answers you have been given and give those answers, do those dances, and smile real big for the cameras when the time comes."

    As frustrating as this can be when what you really want to do is make a lot of things a lot better, and probably could if given the chance, eventually we learn that if we want things to be easier, there's one way - which we weren't born with. The ability to not give a sh!t. And that's where other green, earthy, worldly gifts come into play.

    I remember having my first epiphany about this around 3rd grade and realizing "Oh, all I have to do is pretend I'm as dumb as a box of rocks, and that I can only do so much, and set the cruise control." Trouble is, smart people like those at Uber 1) can see right through that and 2) aren't at all like that and 3) won't put up with that from an employee, and rightly so. Would you? Probably not. I wouldn't. When I give a sh!t about something, I'm a freight train. Just try stopping me.

    Alas, I'm old, and it's too late for me to start giving a sh!t about a job now. Instead, I'll go tend my plants. :)
    iron420 likes this.
  19. dfanz0r

    dfanz0r Active Member

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    Hmm would be awesome to apply.

    I can be quite the ninja.
    python.... check
    c++.... half check
    linux, windows, mac... check
    Love PA... check

    However i'm halfway across the country(texas), and am currently in college. Don't really have much of a resume. Good luck to whoever gets the position!

    (back to messing around with opengl/programing in my free time)
    Last edited: February 21, 2014
  20. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    They're still only like 30 people. And they publish themselves, which I think is the only requirement for being technically "indie".
    I'm still annoyed because we're doing test ninja classes in University right now, and our lecturer a guy who worked on QA on Crackdown. And he doesn't half shut up about how he totally broke the DLC with save-deleting bugs.

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