I've started playing around with a mod and the debugger. The problem is that after the first few times F5 refresh stops working and I have to reload PA to see code updates. Has anybody else seen this?
You don't even need to press F5 in the settings, as going into the settings alone already loads another scene.
Discovery: F5 follows general problems with keyboard actions. It seems to result from holodeck focus getting out of sync, because 1: I can mess it up really easily playing with rapid PIP changes 2: toggling the main PIP will usually fix it.
For the moment, in the PIP case, I was able to fix it by model.holodeck.focus() before hiding the preview pip. After didn't work so well; perhaps there is a short-circuit for only one holodeck visible?
Holodeck focus wasn't the whole story. When I pressed a checkbox or button in my mod window the key bindings broke. It seems that the HTML focus went to the input element and all the keyboard input went with it. Normally the focus is on body, but you can't set it directly. My solution was Code: document.activeElement.blur()