I was just wondering if that GIANT artillery looking cannon that shoots dox in little pods will be implemented into the game at all? That seems like it could be a fun idea, maybe have it shoot rounds based on energy and each round has a pod with like 5 dox in it to flurry down onto an enemy base. (basically trying to recreate what the trailer had) It could be balanced to where maybe the shrapnel does a little dmg as it falls too, because I would think this would be pretty darn expensive, and you HAVE to have it on an orbiting moon i would say. So if someone is SUPER entrenched but you don't wanna make him sad with a nuke, maybe you could just invite a bunch of your buddies over to wreck the place
Uber is working on the Unit Cannon, but it's a VERY complex thing to code, that's why we got the Teleporters first because those were much easier to code. Mike
I'd recommend doing a search. The Unit Cannon is a commonly talked about topic. Further info on the Unit Cannon
I am sick of all these stalemates. I am hoping that they will fix that soon. I do not care in what way they fix it, unit cannon or whatever. I just want it fixed. I am stuck with playing one planet systems, or systems with one planet and a really small moon. Also on this same topic, anyone know if we will have space artillery? that could be cool.
Any idea why this is so complex? It seems somewhat like any other transport trick. You destroy the unit upon loading (and maybe use a scripted animation to mask it), let the cannon do its animation, create a transitional unit that looks cool while it flies to the target, pops open (like in the KS trailer), and upon popping open instantly re-builds the bot that was destroyed in step 1. No real pathfinding because the unit just falls to the ground and does its thing. I'm sure I'm missing quite a bit there.
I don't know anything exactly, not being much for code nor knowing exactly what Uber is up to, but Neutrino has commented on it on a few different occasions elsewhere. Mike
It being such a popular topic, garat has commented on it often during his play tests as well. Also @Antiglow try using systems with one planet and multiple moons. That is the current work around for the orbital stalemates.
yes I do have systems with one moon or even multi moons of which I have failed to mention. I also do moon's moon type systems. However even with those it is easy to get longer games(not to mention all the bugs in moon's moon), or "he controls the smashable moon so there is no point in playing" type situations etc.. I guess I could do systems with a planet and 2 or more smashable moons.. 'tis a shame we can not a multi planets in a game anymore.
What we need for planetary sieges is an EMP that can stun half of a planet long enough to drop an invasion force. It should be a suicide unit and affect perhaps twice the area of a nuke. It doesn't destroy anything just shuts it down. That would be epic! Imagine this a little speck of a something drops out of orbit onto your heavily fortified little planet and then, Suddenly, a blinding flash of light. All your units, turrets, factories, and economy stops for the next 30 seconds. In the mean time a mob of units fired from a unit cannon H.A.L.O. jumps right into the middle of your base. Panic ensues as you watch helplessly as they start to decimate your carefully crafted and, theoretically, impregnable defenses. Now your units start back up and the fight is on. It is do or die, back against the wall, knock down dragout brutality at it's best. I would love it on either side of the equation.
It could be really cool to have a option on nuke silos to have the missile detonate above the target (Like in the air layer) to produce a huge emp, rather then going in for the traditional atomic detonation. Could be a nice choice, and be really scary to not know whether a player is going for a nuke or emp strike.
I've been up for this kind of idea for a while, it would make nukes a little more interesting, and it stays within both realism and awesome!