Losing with dignity.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by darac, February 5, 2014.

  1. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Eh. I do that sometimes - but it has to be beyond cheap.

    Like wall micro or something stupid.
  2. freemanj

    freemanj New Member

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    How hard is it to understand that he only said people need to stop bitching when they lose. It always happens. ALWAYS. The fact of the matter is, no one that is playing cares how you lost, and they don't care to read about how you are steamed for losing. This is something that bugs the hell outta me too. People will just sit in the game for half an hour or whatever and start just blabbing about things. I know some people don't get these complainers a lot, but that doesn't mean they don't exist and aren't annoying.
  3. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    Its all about being a good sport. Often poor losers are also poor winners (ie rub it in your face etc)
    stormingkiwi and darac like this.
  4. Slamz

    Slamz Well-Known Member

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    "Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser." - Vince Lombardi

    I don't think "serious" gamers, that is, people who actually pay attention and are really trying to win and improve their gameplay in general, ever like losing. Of course, raging at an opponent for using "cheap tricks" is usually silly because a serious gamer realizes he needs to learn how to either use or beat those tricks.

    Join my team, though, and be so blazingly incompetent that there is no way you could ever beat a single AI even with a 50% income penalty and I will probably rage. Or at least write your name down with a word next to it like "incompetent" so that I know not to play on a team with you again (I really do have a list).
    chronosoul and cwarner7264 like this.
  5. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    There's a Notes mod in PAMM for this, and I love it. I've met a couple players that I never want to play again, so I just left a note about them. You can read and edit notes in game, in the lobby, or on the "social" page.
    keterei likes this.
  6. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Please PM me your list. I want to see this :p
  7. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    aw common, no rage posts like this please.

    this thread belongs in Unrelated.
  8. nimblegorilla

    nimblegorilla New Member

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    I don't mind people getting upset when they lose, but it's really annoying to play against someone that runs off to the other planet when they are losing. A nice 20 minute game now takes closer to an hour if the losing player knows how to turtle up on the other planet.
  9. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    I havent loose yet ,but i dont think i will now whats the feeling off loose here!!
  10. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    That is a good point too. Besides the fact some tactics might irk people, and reguardless of that actually, this game is in beta, so playing it is possible, but one shouldn't expect results from it.

    Basically, there is a disclaimer, that unless previously agreed upon before game, that a game might not be fair, might crash, and might have bugs, might even have servere bugs that forces a player to lose.

    Really, it's not a finished game anyway, anytime while playing, unless agreed upon before the game, feel free to delete commander and start a new game. There are no arbitrary things stopping you.

    I never delete mine, usually I just sit things out until things unfold naturally, even if it irks me, and I agree it is always t2 air or nukes or pelter or constant army spam, but talk to some people, when I talk to them I hear that they didn't know if I were going t2 air so they felt they had to rush t2 air.

    It is wierd, but I find that comment to be completely releasing of responsibility. It really isn't their fault, it isn't how they want to play the game, but to win that is what they felt necesary, given their experience of NOT doing it and someone else doing it so they would win. (btw, I usually go heavy-cheap anti-air and instead rush structure war, so they hate how going t2 air actually is hard-countered)

    It is a fun game, but entirely arbitrary, one should play, not expect balance or to win under fair conditions. One shouldn't count, unless agreed upon rules for a competitive game like a PAStats Ladder game, a game as something that should ever end in a win or loss, it should just end by a reason and not be a portrayl of either player's skill.
  11. nimblegorilla

    nimblegorilla New Member

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    Sounds like you think almost every effective strategy is bothersome?

    If I get beat by t2 air it sucks, but if my scouts spot someone putting up an early t2 air base before it is finished then I know the game is over with me usually the victor. Same thing with nukes, if I spot a nuke I know my opponent is wasting resources building missiles that they will never get to launch. I've only lost once to someone nuking me.

    It's not really accurate to say that tactics are unfair when both sides have access to them.

    When people whine about cheap tactics they are usually just upset that they couldn't use their favorite strategy to win. Like I previously said I really hate people who play the orbital game, but it is really just because I end up trying to rush their planet too soon and lose.
  12. keterei

    keterei Active Member

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    Last edited: February 16, 2014
  13. overwatch141

    overwatch141 Active Member

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    How about people that suicide when they see someone that may attack them?

    Suiciding when there's no hope - fine.
    Suiciding when someone starts attacking you - not fine
  14. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    "I have not failed 700 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 ways will not work." - A Loser
  15. Antiglow

    Antiglow Well-Known Member

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    A great mod for this is notes, I keep notes for who is a poor loser or who has a general bad attitude or who uses way to much language and kick them when they try to join one of my games. it is also good for keeping track of good players so you know who to go after and how they play.
    Last edited: February 9, 2014
  16. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    very helpful attitude you have there
    Last edited: February 9, 2014
  17. lafncow

    lafncow Active Member

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    ...and I've discovered my new signature. :)
  18. Slamz

    Slamz Well-Known Member

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    You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

    I find most people who play THAT poorly can't and won't be helped. I explain that they should expand and claim nearby metal and they don't do it or outright refuse. I explain they should start putting up flak and they never put up flak. I grab a couple of their idle fabricators to build something sensible and they countermand the orders. I tell them I'm under attack and they need to launch their attack and they sit there. Last night someone said "purple is going to attack me" as an excuse for keeping all of his units in his base. Purple was on the other side of a scale 4 planet. When I tried to grab his units to attack white with, who was right next to him and had all of his units going against me, he kept recalling them. He sat there in his tiny base with 3 factories until white eventually turned and wiped him out in one rush. Couldn't even get my bombers there fast enough to save him because he was too stupid to move his commander back.

    I will usually make a few helpful statements. If those are ignored, I categorize them as "too stupid to help".

    I like to help new players but I am not a monkey trainer. Some minimum level of competence needs to be reached before going online.
  19. someonewhoisnobody

    someonewhoisnobody Well-Known Member

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    I immediately lose respect when someone loses and says "Oh well my teammate sucked"
  20. darac

    darac Active Member

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    What if that teammate deleted their commander in your base? (it's happened to me)... :p

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