Hey im new to the game, just wonder how active it is and if anyone is willing to add me on xbl for some good old crossfire not too great at the game as i keep going against food players (usually supports healing up the tank /gunners while the assassins ninja us...i get the best team mates!) Gamertag- Majin Strach
I sent you a friend request. I'll be on tomorrow some time and i'll get you in a big party and help you out.
You can play with me and my group. If you watch me you can see exactly what not to do in crossfire. I mostly just go for pro tags now but can show you some tricks and strategies with the support if you want. I'll send you a request. As for how active it is, while there are not as many die hard players as there was a couple of years ago, there are usually a few lobbies and I have been seeing more new players lately.
My specialty is Blitz in MNC so if you want to learn about that, I'm definitely the one you want to talk to. Either way, if I can help, I will.
Thank you for the requests!! Im pretty handy with blitz, its just learning the out the way routes and, really just learning how to "create" kills (engineering situations to my advantage...) i am halfway good as a defensive assault (Black dude with bald head!) i generally stop bots and players, at the very least i slow them down and kill the bots!! Having fun w/assassin but in really not getting many kills as i said before, the teams in going against are actually co-ordinating (even if they aren't friends lol) also i saw a few tags from these boards...one was noxiiious. He was good. Very good.
Noxiiious is terrible. Stay with GC2MT or if you want I'll help you out. GT: HeLp2LeS You seem like a nice guy. P.S. Ignore operatingdeck, it's just scratchy looking for attention because his mom took away his iPod Nano so he can't listen to his favorite Bieber songs anymore.
Sorry I didn't play any mnc today to busy with shadowrun and darksouls but I'll make sure to do some tomorrow if I see you on.
Here is the link to the over 200 page guide. Actually, if you could take a look at it, try some of the strategies, and let me know what I can do to make it better (other than shooting myself) or easier to follow, I would appreciate it. Please keep in mind that this is not done yet. I am still going through the source code Uber sent me on multi-player breakouts and just tonight finalized (but only updated Super Sudden Death) the multi-player structure. Also, I have made so many changes that the TOC and appendix links are toast until I rebuild them. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8pd8fdm47db7zdq/Monday Night Combat Ultimate Biltz Guide R1b3.pdf
You are making a generalization. I never did that to you. It wasn't funny then, isn't funny now. Either way THAT GUY never did that to you either. But way to punish him for some elses mistakes. ****.
someone thought it was funny then. I have been reading on this board for a week now and noticed that amost EVERYONe gets punished for someone elses mstakes. But when i say something about it its my fault and i'm a **** whatever that is. You guys and your games. Never willing to look at your own actions. Just keep on thinking everyone else has the problem.
I called you a ****. As in penis. Male genitalia. And I did that not for you saying something about people being jerks to you as you indicated, but for you acting like a victim and then turning yourself into the problem you felt victimized for. You can't say "waaaah, I'm being abused" then turn around and become an abuser and claim the moral high ground. You should change your name to Hypocrit2les.