I think there needs to be at least some sort of unit cap. Large grey masses turn out to be highly packed bots, tank, and aircraft. The AI seems to go absolutely crazy with making as many units as possible. In longer games the performance really takes a hit and the only logical choice is planetary annihilation. Yes I realize that's the name of the game, but the biggest issue here is the performance. Let me know if any of you think there should be some unit cap be implemented.
We should wait to see if Performance remains to be a bottleneck before resorting to "band-aid" solutions like a unit cap. Mike
I think the unit designs are overly simplistic, and feel like copies of a previous game. Also the logic behind these units do not really make sense to me. Not talking about them being balanced or OP, just feels very little thought went into designing the unit and thinking about what its purpose was supposed to be.
It should be..... Over 9000! But I don't think that a unit cap would be good for this game. Its very nature defies the use of a unit cap.
Thanks for the responses. That's why I posted this. Though it just urks me, after a while the game becomes unplayable. I'll have to see what the next updates brings in term of performance and such. I also noticed that the picture doesn't really give you an idea of how many units are really there but during the play I had seen at least 3-4 units packed into a space equal to a single unit
I think a better solution would be to add tools(read:guns) that are good at taking care of massed units.
in practice we have artillery units, the pelter and and its big brother, the (i forgot the name). we also have a mobile variant, the artillery tank. though it should remain stationary when it attacks, only because moving foreward as an arty anything if someone else is coming right at you is a bad idea.
If you could get remotely close enough with mobile arty. Side note that is what was left after two nukes.
As long as performance is inversely proportional to number of units, yes, I think there should be a unit cap. Other games have done it, and it does work well. I think it should be so structures are not units however. So the cap would be independent of that.
I'd say something in the order of 5 to 10 thousand. But yes, as Knight mentions, performance optimizations are going to help. You only need to look as far as the Starcraft/Warcraft series to see what a detriment unit caps can be. Warcraft III, in particular, was tremendously frustrating given how punitive it was about it.
As someone who has built 10042 Units as an experiment. I can honestly say, that if Optimization is even at 40% we will probably be able to do 40-50k easily in the future(dependant on a number of factors). Even then, if we have a unit cap we will really wreck the game because people will turtle and tech as opposed to expand and build. Why build 900 Does when 400 Slammers will murder them? All it will make people do is spam nukes, and air probably. Not something I want to see. I believe previously Uber did say they will have some basic "unit caps" and then an option for no Cap at all.
if i remember correct dev's talked about at least 1 million units per game...so for 40 players this means we have at least 25k / player. a cap of 1000 units is ridiculus low for a game of the scale we talk here....take 15 planet game that means less than 100 units per planet, and 15 planets is even not the maximum possible....no...i'm totaly against a unit cap....units should only be capped by hardware here
Honestly I don't think a unit cap would help all that much. The game will slow down over time even if unit counts stay small. I'd be fine with a unit cap so long as there is a "no cap" option. I got 6 processors dammit and I want to use them
I want to say that the poll should offer even bigger numbers for a cap. Then again a 1000+ unit cap might as well be a no cap (maybe-ish). Here's an idea, have an option where you manually enter the cap. Then people can play with whatever caps they like if they so desire. For the public competitive ladder default I don't know if there should be a cap or not. I know splitting the ladder into different cap sizes would separate the community of players laddering which is not good. It's difficult to make everyone happy. Definitely a conundrum.
I agree to that, unit cap its needed. But it should be editable by user or server host. Also only cap for units (maybe even per type ie air, land sea etc) , structures should not count into this. So I did not vote for some randomly generated numbers. Edit: Also no matter of optimization AI will fill it all up, its a matter of now or 5min later. Those pesky autobots grow in numbers exponentially, so 100 units in erly game takes time, late game its matter of few minutes more. There could be also soft unit limit for AI, it either sends them all in one massive attack or stops making more.
i think unit cap should be optional you should have the ability to set it to 1000, 10000, 1000000+, and unlimited
i dont think any 1v1 game will have either player with more than 3-4k units each (including buildings), but it very easily goes over 1k