Install via pamm v3! For Players The alert manager changes a few things about alerts: The alert filtering that was part of PA Stats is no longer part of PA Stats, instead it is part of this mod. Left click still moves the camera to the position of the event Left click + shift moves the camera and the chronocam to the event Right click + ctrl removes the event Events are not removed by leftclick anymore When you press k your currently selected units will be marked as "interesting". You will see alerts for that specific unit, no matter your alert filter settings. When you shift left clicked on an alert and the chrono cam opened you can press l to "get back". get back will move your camera to the position it had when you did the left click and deactivate the chronocam. So i.e. a scenario is at the start of the game: 1. Build scout 2. select scout, press k 3. scout 4. get alert "scout is dead" 5. shift left click 6. watch the poor scout die 7. press l to get back to your base k and l can be configured in the options. They are bound using mousetrap, so you need to be careful not to conflict with other keys. For Modders PA currently has no own API to register a listener for alert-events. To prevent mods from conflicting this mod provides an API to register listeners. I.e. PA Stats uses it like this: Code: alertsManager.addListener(function(payload) { // handle the payload, that looks just like the watchlist. // note that the plain addListener registers all created and destroyed events. } }); If you only want a filtered subset of events you can use addFilteredListener instead of addListener. Example that only gets events about the events that are visible per default: Code: var settings = alertsManager.makeEmptyFilterSettings(); settings.selectedTypes[alertsManager.WATCH_TYPES.CREATED] = ['Factory']; settings.selectedTypes[alertsManager.WATCH_TYPES.DAMAGED] = ['Commander']; settings.selectedTypes[alertsManager.WATCH_TYPES.DESTROYED] = ['Structure']; // to be unit specific: settings.includedUnits[...watch_type as above...] = [/*Array with spec ids*/]; settings.excludedUnits[...watch_type as above...] = [/*Array with spec ids*/]; alertsManager.addFilteredListener(function(payload) { console.log("a visible event: "); console.log(payload); }, settings); Drawbacks No support for damage alerts. Their behavior is unchanged (only commander). It would be trivial to add (if somebody wants to try, read the mod code, there are comments), but I am worried about "toooooo many". The mod internally has to deal with all events that occur, and damage-alerts look like they will be too many. While you are using the chronocam PA Stats cannot gather data on army/resources values. This has always been the case, but until now the chronocam was rarely used while playing. So while you are watching the events in the past you wont collect data on your resources and army counter. The army composition data is uneffected. I think generally it is a good idea not to watch the past for too long of a time anyway So I hope this does not have big bugs anymore Also:
Wow nice, what a lot of interesting code. For the k and l keys: I would add the keys to the normal action_sets and let the default system do the binding. So then you'll get a popup if there are conflicts with other keys. I use the action_sets['hotbuilds'] But I guess we should start organizing things under an action_set['mods'] and move all keys to there. I'll check if I can change this in your code....
I havent looked into how the default keybinding stuff works out all and I have not really used it either, so I had no idea that would be a good idea to do. Sounds good though. Feel free to fork it on github and push me a few nice changes or just commit directly into the pamod repository.
Yeah I'll do that but not today anymore basically the default system works like this set a default in the default_keybinds default_keybinds.gameplay['Mark Interesting Units'] = 'k'; action_sets.gameplay['Mark Interesting Units'] = functionToRunOnKeypress(); in settings it will add the key under the 'gameplay' title and will check if there is overlap on saving with this. in live_game it binds the keys using mousetrap based on the default_keybinds and action_sets. with apply_keybinds('gameplay');
Bug: You cannot press k on a factory while the factory is building a unit. Somehow something is weird about the selection API of PA: model.selection(); returns the current selection. Usually it has a property called "selectionResult". This lists the IDs of the units in the selection. I use these IDs. However while a factory is building a unit is does not have that property. Only while it is idle (even the idle between building 2 tanks is enough) it has that property. I am not sure what to do about it, apart from asking: "Uber this looks like an API bug that has no consequences for the game itself right now?"
Is there a way to control how far back shift-click moves the chronocam? It seems like it could give us a couple more seconds of context before showing the actual event.
currently it is a hard coded 0,5 seconds. You can change that value somewhere in the live_game.js file around line 30. Just do a -3 instead of -0.5s.
This one broke a bit in 59549, because Uber improved the internal API. Updated for 59549, however it so far does not use the new API. Might change in the future. Note that if you use PA Stats, you HAVE to update this mod, too to get PA Stats to record all your units and stuff again.
Is there some way to add a keybind for the chronocam jump feature? Shift-space seems logical but it doesn't work
This mod conflicts with the Custom Unit Names mod. If you enable both, it will act as if you haven't set any filters and the options in the settings menu won't appear. However, the chronocam features still work, so it's some sort of ui integration bug, I would guess.
Nothing unusual there. I wonder if it is more likely to be a bug with the unit names mod than this one.
I'm really confused about that. I've hidden all my variables and used unique names so I have no clue how or why they're conflicting. Maybe @cola_colin could figure it out?
In the settings the issue is that you are replacing more html than you should: Code: //Enlarge the list $("body").html($("body").html().replace( "<select class=\"div_settings_control_select\" data-bind=\"options: LUnitNames_Rules_options, selectedOptions: LUnitNames_Rules\" size=\"10\"", "<select class=\"div_settings_control_select\" data-bind=\"options: LUnitNames_Rules_options, selectedOptions: LUnitNames_Rules\" size=\"10\" style='width: 100%;'")); That is executed after alertsManager, which deletes the html that was added by the alertsManager. Looking into the broken filtering now... EDIT: Filtering is not broken for me? From the code I don't see any issues as well. @LavaSnake: It might probably a good idea to not use a 500 ms interval that does what you are doing. A cleaner solution would be to intercept the unit definitions when they are given to PA and replace the names within them.
There might be some funny reason with CoherentUI to do the replacement, but normally this would be focused and far more efficient. HTML: $('.div_settings_control_select').css('width', '100%') There is a special case for width as well. HTML: $('.div_settings_control_select').width('100%')